small farmer

Chapter 960 Rare Experience

Chapter 960 Rare Experience (12)

The first Truffle Festival in Mondsee was undoubtedly a huge success
According to subsequent statistics, on the day of the event alone, 15 tourists participated, and all the homestays and farmhouses in the village were full.

Moreover, the truffle delicacy in the village has also won unanimous praise from tourists, and everyone hopes that Moon Lake will hold such an event next year.

On this day, not only the villagers made a lot of money, but even the whole Qingshan County benefited a lot.

Because the reception capacity of the village is limited, most foreign tourists will go to the county town to stay and spend after tasting Moon Lake truffles.

If calculated on the basis of 100 yuan per person, these 10,000+ tourists can bring more than 1000 million tourism income to Qingshan, and this is only a day's consumption. What if tourists spend two or three days here?That consumes even more!The wealth created for Qingshan is also more.


Although the food festival is over

But the next day there was still an endless stream of tourists going to and from Moon Lake.

Because today is just Sunday, many tourists from other places are still here.

At dawn, Zhang Feng got up.

The classmates and teachers were still sleeping soundly, Zhang Feng smiled slightly and asked them to continue to sleep, because such opportunities for sleeping in were really rare for them.

At seven o'clock, the sky finally brightened up, and the village gradually became lively.

Teacher Li was the first to get up, and was very surprised when he saw Zhang Feng!
"Xiaofeng, you woke up really early!"

"I'm used to it. I sleep well in the village. I wake up at six o'clock every day!" Zhang Feng smiled, hung the towel under the eaves, and said, "Teacher, you got up very early! You don't go to work today. Are you not getting enough sleep?"

"Hehe, why don't you catch up on sleep, I slept very well last night, if I continue to sleep, my head will be flattened!"

Teacher Li feels very good, especially satisfied with the quality of sleep last night. It has been a long time since she woke up naturally after sleeping like last night. After waking up, she felt refreshed and full of energy.

It may be that the air in Moon Lake is good, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery is picturesque, so the mood is good and the quality of sleep is also very good.

Thinking of this, Mr. Li wants to find a small mountain village like this to live in seclusion after retirement, so that he can cultivate himself, and this kind of life should be good.

After Teacher Li got up, the others also woke up one after another.

"Crazy, where are we going to play later?" Monkey asked Zhang Feng while washing his face.

"Go to the back mountain to dig truffles later, let everyone experience it, and the truffles you dig will be your presents this time." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Yay! Long live the madman!"

"Crazy, you are so stupid!"

Everyone immediately cheered and screamed excitedly. This is a truffle, which can sell for thousands of yuan per catty. No one expected Zhang Feng to be so generous.

"Crazy, hurry up, today we are going to wrap all the truffles in the mountains!" Fatty shouted to Zhang Feng impatiently.

"What are you busy with? If you don't bring Big Black and Little Black, how can you find where the truffle is?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes.

Hearing his words, Houzi and Leizi reacted the fastest. They rushed towards Dahei Xiaohei first, and the others quickly followed.

The two brothers, Big Black and Little Black, had never seen such a battle before. Seeing the menacing crowd rushing towards them, the two dogs hurriedly hid by the corner of the door with their tails between their legs.

"Dahei is mine!"

"Get out of the way, Xiao Hei is mine!"

Some people hugged the dog's neck, some people hugged the dog's leg, no matter what they refused to let go, they wished that the big black and the small black would be divided into five horses!

"Have these guys dismantled Big Black and Little Black?" Seeing the appearance of the crowd and the two cowardly dogs, Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

In the end, Zhang Feng stepped forward and handed over the right to use the two dogs to the two teachers, so the crazy students just had to give up, let go of the golden thighs they were hugging, and gave Dahei Xiaohei freedom.

The two dogs were completely frightened and stupid. The moment they were let go, they let go and ran behind the owner, seeking protection from the owner.

"Okay, okay, ignore them, you two will be with the two teachers later..." Zhang Feng smiled and rubbed the dog's head to comfort him.

"Little chubby monkeys, put your baskets on your back, let's go!"

"Let's go! Digging for truffles!"

As soon as Zhang Feng gave an order, everyone went to kill the one in the back mountain.

"Xiao Feng, where are you going?"

"Go digging for truffles in the woods!"

Seeing this group of mighty people, the villagers I met on the road were very curious.Many tourists were also very interested when they learned that they were going to dig truffles in the mountains, and immediately followed.

Fortunately, the villagers also began to enter the mountain, so Zhang Feng distributed all the truffles to the tourists, because his family didn't have many truffles, which might not be enough for the eldest sister's restaurant, and there was no surplus to sell to the tourists.

Therefore, if tourists want to enter the mountain and experience the feeling of digging truffles for themselves, they can only follow other people, otherwise they can only look at it.

"Da Hei Xiao Hei, go and help the two teachers find truffles!"

woof woof woof woof woof

The two dogs nodded obediently, and then went into the forest under the leadership of the two teachers.The students also divided themselves into two groups and followed behind the two teachers.

"Dahei, you mean the truffles are here?"

Dahei nodded with a smile, then wagged his tail and waited for everyone's praise.

"Dahei, you are amazing! Li Hui (monkey) dig here quickly, be careful!" Teacher Li smiled and patted the dog's head, then said to the monkey behind him.

Curious students rushed over to watch. After a while, the monkey dug out a truffle the size of a fist. It was the first time that such a big harvest was achieved, and everyone couldn't help cheering.

"What a big truffle!"

"Wow, monkey, you are really amazing!"

"Monkey, Fatty said he was going to give birth to a monkey for you!" Leizi booed at this moment.

"Get out of here, Leizi, stop here!" Houzi and Xiaopang didn't spare Leizi who was looking for trouble after hearing this.
So the three of them started chasing in the woods, and soon heard Leizi's miserable scream, the birds in the woods were frightened and flew away, those who didn't know thought something tragic happened here!
It was fun to make jokes and make noise, just play and play like this, and within an hour, the panniers everyone brought were filled with truffles.

"Teacher, why did you stop?" Monkey asked curiously when he saw Mr. Li pulling the dog to stop.

"We've dug so much, it's time to end!"

"That's right, what if the digging goes on and the madman goes bankrupt?"

"Maoxian, now that the lunatic is worth tens of billions, even if we move this mountain away, his loss will be nothing more than a drop in the bucket!"

The situation on the other side was similar, and the back basket was almost full, so after meeting up, everyone happily walked down the mountain and returned home.

(End of this chapter)

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