small farmer

Chapter 967 3 Investment

Chapter 967 3000 Investment (22)

At night, the big horns in the village sounded again.

"Notice, notice, please go to the village committee for a meeting immediately..."

"Notice, notice, please go to the village committee for a meeting immediately..."

Zhang Feng had just finished eating, and was chatting and farting with Uncle Erniu and the others in the small square at the entrance of the village, when he heard the news that there was going to be a meeting.

"Let's go!! Go and see what the village chief is doing today?"

"Could it be that winter subsidies will be given to everyone in winter??" A villager said jokingly.

"Maoyan, now our village still uses jelly as a subsidy? Do you think all those who help the poor are blind?"

"Haha, that is, does our village still need subsidies?"

The other villagers chatted easily, talking and laughing all the way to the village committee meeting room.

"Xiao Feng, what do you think will happen today?" Uncle Er Niu also asked Zhang Feng curiously.

"I didn't know, uncle didn't tell me!" Zhang Feng also shook his head in doubt.

"Aren't you an inquirer from our village? You don't even know about this?" Uncle Er Niu asked with a smile.

"Get out, I think you're the one with a big mouth!" Zhang Feng glared at this guy.

"Is my mouth as big as yours? How about we compare?"

Seeing Uncle Er Niu's big mouth approaching, Zhang Feng pushed it away in disgust: "Keep away from me! I don't want to be gay!"

"You boy, don't be sentimental. I am very correct. My wife and children are hot on the bed. Can I fall in love with you, an old bachelor?" Uncle Er Niu also said with contempt.

In this way, the two bad friends walked towards the village committee while arguing.


"Okay, everyone, be quiet. I called you here today to inform you that the plan of the snack street in our village has passed the approval of the superiors. But, there are some changes in this matter."

'What change? '

Hearing what the uncle said, everyone couldn't help but want to ask.

Seeing that everyone was listening carefully, the uncle nodded and continued to introduce.

"Originally we planned to build a few antique streets in the village to be used as a vegetable market and a snack street, but the above gave a revised opinion, that is, the vegetable market should be on the open space across the road, so that it will not affect our village. Tourism image!"

"Hey, this seems to work!"

"Yes, the vegetable market is dirty and messy, and it really shouldn't be put together with the snack street."

"That's right, that's right, the higher-ups finally came up with a good idea."

Hearing the nods of approval from everyone here, I think the plan of putting the vegetable market outside the village is very good, so that it will not affect the image of the village. Otherwise, the sewage in the village is flowing, and tourists will like it when they see it? ?Don't talk about tourists, even the villagers sometimes can't see it!
"Well, I think everyone agrees with this plan, right?" Uncle smiled and nodded when he saw everyone's reaction.


"How can you disagree!"

The villagers answered loudly one by one.

"Hehe, that's good, let me tell you another good news, the wasteland outside the village has been decided to sell to us, 8 yuan per mu, and if you count more than two mu of land, it's only about [-] yuan. "

Hearing the words of the village chief, everyone was overjoyed. They didn't expect that the higher-ups had already done the work of the next village. If we let everyone negotiate by themselves, they didn't know that it would take a lot of effort, and it might not be possible to get it done.

"Although this price is a bit expensive, I have already agreed to it. I believe everyone knows that our village has not only become a cornucopia, but even the land close to our village has become a sought-after commodity. If it weren't for the tight management in recent years, I don’t know how many houses have been built on the land along this road!”

Hearing what the uncle said, everyone couldn't help but nodded. The country has indeed been super strict in the management of rural homesteads these years. Except for the renovation of old houses, new homesteads are rarely approved.

If there was such a good opportunity ten years ago, it is estimated that there must be illegal buildings everywhere around Moon Lake, relying on mountains to eat mountains and water, and relying on such close tourism resources, everyone would definitely not let it go.

For example, take a random piece of land and charge it as a parking lot.

Or open a hotel on the side of the road, a black shop or something, which specializes in slaughtering fat sheep from other places.

Don't you see that most of the scenic spots all over the country are like this?Especially in those provinces with large tourism, the problems are even more prominent, such as the ancient city of Yunnan Province, Tianya City in the South China Sea, Snow Village in the extreme north, etc., are all areas famous for killing tourists.

Of course, now that the self-media is developed, many news about slaughtering customers are easy to be followed by everyone. This situation is becoming less and less, but it is not completely absent.

Therefore, Moon Lake can't kill chickens and eggs like them. It needs to make a good reputation, keep more guests, and make everyone reluctant to part with them after they come.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the vegetable market. Since the plan has been revised, our village has discussed it. We think that the vegetable market should be built as a simple steel structure factory building. It doesn't need to be built into an antique building according to the previous plan, because It is outside the village and will not affect the overall layout of our village."

"Do you have any questions?? If there is no problem, our new vegetable market will be built like this??"

After repeated inquiries from my uncle, I saw that everyone had no opinion, so everyone happily decided that the new vegetable farm was built outside the village, using a simple steel structure factory building.

"Then below is the snack street and commercial street in our village. According to the plan, two side-by-side streets will be built. Everyone knows the location of the construction. It is the original small market in our village. According to estimates, the total investment this time is About 3000 million, after the completion of these two streets, there will be 35 snack shops and [-] other shops."

"Everyone knows how to deal with snack bars and shops in commercial streets. First, the needs of the villagers are met, and the rest will be rented out to outsiders.

Everyone must think about whether they want to rent a shop when they go back this time. If they miss this opportunity, they can’t blame the village for not giving this opportunity. Of course, each household only has the priority lease right of a dirty shop. No, after all, this is related to the interests of the whole village. "

Seeing that everyone was thinking, the village chief smiled and continued: "Everyone knows that this construction and development must be inseparable from money, so the village committee decided to give priority to everyone's investment, but each household can only invest up to 50 Wan, of course, if the village is not willing to invest, it will be reluctant."

"But here I want to remind everyone that this investment will definitely not lose money, and it may also make a lot of money, so everyone should not give up such a good opportunity. Money stored in the bank will not give birth, it is better to invest it , In a few years at most, our investment will be returned, and the rest will be profit."

Of course everyone understood what the uncle said, so after the meeting, everyone went home immediately and discussed with their families whether to hand over 50 yuan to the village committee tomorrow. Everyone's investment enthusiasm was unprecedentedly strong and beyond imagination.

 Thank you very much for the rewards of book friends 'Hope the years go by' and 'Book friends 20171022101222771', thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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