small farmer

Chapter 969

Chapter 969

The forest is in a valley

The woods were silent, except for one or two small birds chirping occasionally, making the forest even more serene.

Crackling! ! !

As the three of them climbed up the tree, there was a sound of cracking pine nuts in the woods. Under the beating of bamboo poles, the pine cone kept falling down.

This mountain forest is almost full of pine trees, and there are many pine cones on the tops of the pine trees. The three of them beat one after another. When they were tired, they collected the pine cones under the trees and put the pine cones into the bag.

Just as Zhang Feng got down from the tree and took a sip of water, he heard Uncle Er Niu exclaim "Ouch!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng hurriedly looked at Uncle Er Niu who was climbing a tree, worried that he would fall from the tree.

"Fuck, my pants..." Uncle Er Niu covered his crotch with a bitter expression on his face,

"Haha, Uncle Erniu, your crotch is torn? Did you hurt the chick?" At this moment, Zhang Yi on another tree gloated and asked.

"Get out, don't you kid gloat over there, you should worry about yourself first." Uncle Er Niu gave Zhang Yi a bitter look.


Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and quickly took a picture of Uncle Er Niu's embarrassed appearance, and then jokingly said, "Uncle Er Niu, what are you doing holding your crotch? Why do you want to go to Wudang Mountain to join the Wudang Clan?"

"Go away, warn you kid not to send my photo, what if someone sees my big baby and commits suicide in shame?"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu no longer covered his lower body, and exposed it generously. Fangzheng has no outsiders here, and he still has underwear inside, so he is not afraid of being seen by others.

"Haha, who would be envious of your stuff!" Zhang Feng smiled nonchalantly, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all, and he immediately sent the photo of Uncle Erniu's crotch torn to the village's WeChat group.

So the villagers were immediately happy, and replied one by one below.

"Hey, it's still red. This year is Uncle Er Niu's birth year?"

"Maoyan's natal year, he is 28 today, okay? I guess I bought them when he was 24, and I have been wearing them until now!"

"I'll go, how poor is Uncle Er Niu, how can he wear a pair of underwear for four years??" followed by a horrified expression.

"Uncle Er Niu, why don't we each donate [-] cents to buy you a new pair?" Da Fang, who spoke, covered his mouth and snickered.

Uncle Er Niu took out his mobile phone, and when he saw everyone's messages, he suddenly became furious, and immediately went crazy in the group:

"Fuck! You guys have nothing to do after eating all day? What are you doing discussing my underwear? Where is the group leader?? Come out, quickly silence these guys, and drag pictures into the small black room for three moon."

"Hey, the group leader is my uncle, what's the matter? You still want me to silence myself??" Seeing Uncle Er Niu's words, Zhang Feng was immediately happy. reply.

"Fuck! You're actually the group leader, I'm going to fight you!" Uncle Er Niu suddenly burst into a rage, gnashing his teeth and rushed towards Zhang Feng.

So the two rolled and fought on the ground covered with pine needles, and suddenly there were bursts of miserable cries in the forest.

Zhang Yi became a melon-eating crowd on the tree, and then sat directly on the branch of the tree, happily watching the two guys fighting on the ground. It would be even better if he had a handful of melon seeds at this time.

"Fuck, Uncle Er Niu, do this trick again, be careful that I will blow your dick!" Zhang Feng threatened while covering his private parts after being attacked by Uncle Er Niu's obscenities.

"Hey, yours is really small, why is it still the same as when I was a child, still a caterpillar?" Er Niu Shu, who succeeded in sneak attack, said with a wretched smile.

"Your ones are caterpillars, and your whole family's are caterpillars!" Zhang Feng snapped back angrily.

The two were out of breath after fighting for a long time, so they sat on the ground and stared at each other.

"Brother, Uncle Erniu, how long are you two going to play, hurry up and get to work, let's find something to go home when we're done!" At this moment, Zhang Yi climbed down from the tree.

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, the two patted their buttocks and sat up.

Zhang Feng thought for a while, and felt that what his cousin said made sense. If this person in the deep mountains and old forests didn't go back sooner, he would be a little uneasy, so he said to the two:

"You two are so slow, why don't you leave the work of cracking pine nuts to me, and you two are responsible for picking them up on the ground??"

"Can you do it alone?" Uncle Er Niu asked suspiciously.

"Fart, can a man say no? Look at me!" Zhang Feng leaned the bamboo pole against the tree, and jumped onto the big tree after a few jumps.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi and Uncle Er Niu were terrified, snoring animals!There is still such an ability, it is just like the lightness kung fu in martial arts novels, it is several meters high in one leap, it is really terrifying.

"Fuck! Madman, are you a human or a ghost?"

"Get out, I'm a human being?" Hearing Uncle Er Niu's words, Zhang Feng's face was blackened.

"I see, you kid must have encountered some kind of adventure and obtained the secret book of martial arts, right?" Uncle Er Niu suddenly realized.

Zhang Feng sighed, covered his face, and didn't want to talk to this guy, feeling that his IQ was lowered.

"Fuck, what's that expression on your face? If you don't make it clear, I will stab you down with a bamboo pole?" Uncle Er Niu saw Zhang Feng's contemptuous eyes and immediately blew his hair.

"Come on, Uncle Erniu, if there were martial arts cheats, would the world still be so peaceful?" Zhang Feng was very speechless.

"Then why are you so good?" Uncle Er Niu continued to ask.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi had some guesses, because he was only practicing gymnastics. Although he was still not as light as his elder brother, his physical fitness had indeed improved a lot.

"Have you heard of parkour?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Parkour? Parkour can also do it to your level??"

Uncle Er Niu has heard of parkour, and it was very popular before, but parkour doesn't seem to be so coquettish, right?After a few jumps, he climbed up a tree more than ten meters high.

"Of course, ordinary people can't do what I do, and only my good physical fitness can make such difficult movements!" Well, whether Uncle Er Niu believes it or not, anyway, he believes it himself.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu was still a little skeptical, but he didn't ask any more. You can't really think that he has obtained the secret book of martial arts, right?Such an explanation is even more ridiculous.

After chatting with Uncle Er Niu for a while, Zhang Feng started to work.

Holding a bamboo pole, he slapped the pine cones on the tree. Due to Zhang Feng's strength, he could knock down one with one pole. He would not stop until there were only a few pine cones left on each tree.

Because the rest are just for the little squirrels, let's make an exception, surround three and miss one, everything can't be perfect!This is the eternal lesson left by the mountain people.

(End of this chapter)

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