small farmer

Chapter 976 More than 5 million profits

Chapter 976 More than 50 million profits (22)

Half a year ago, according to everyone's estimates, the annual sales volume of the company's primary hangover pills was only about [-] million pills.

But now only five months have passed, and the sales volume has reached more than 8000 million. Based on the ex-factory price of 80 yuan per capsule, the sales of more than 8000 million capsules is more than 60 billion.

Moreover, the profit margin of primary hangover pills is very high, even reaching about 70.00% of the retail price, which means that the company can earn 70 yuan for every sold hangover pill.

According to this calculation, more than 8000 million hangover pills can bring more than 50 billion net profits to the company. It is really scary to think about it. The hangover pills have only been on the market for more than five months, and each month can bring more than [-] billion yuan to the company. Bringing a billion in net income, it's really a cash cow, no!It is simply a shining Dajin Mountain!
"Then we should continue to expand production capacity. By the way, is the second phase of the factory completed?" Zhang Feng nodded, and then asked Xu Yang.

"Hurry up, this time I called you here for this purpose. The second phase of the factory is about to be completed, and we are going to start a batch of production lines..."

After hearing Xu Yang's plan, Zhang Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect his appetite to be so big that he wanted to double the production scale of the factory at once.

After this expansion, the company will have more than ten production lines, among which the scale of expansion of Jiejiu Pills is larger, from two production lines to six, and the monthly production capacity has reached 6000 million pills. It will be higher. Of course, the company's monthly orders are only about 4000 million, so it is enough to expand to six production lines, and there is even a certain surplus.

"Can sales keep up with the expansion of so many production lines at once?" Zhang Feng was a little worried.

"Haha, don't worry, we won't talk about other products, but as long as the company's hangover pills are released from export restrictions, the sales volume will be doubled immediately, and there is even no need to ask for it!" , Xu Yang is very optimistic.

"Oh, the company is going to expand abroad??" Zhang Feng was also a little surprised. Although the domestic market is huge, it is still small compared to the rest of the world. There will be very huge benefits.

"Well, in fact, foreign distributors are more anxious than us. In the past few months, we have received cooperation applications from distributors in hundreds of countries, but we were all busy developing the domestic market before. It’s not enough, so I put this matter on hold for the time being.”

Hearing Xu Yang's introduction, Zhang Feng nodded with a smile. The company's hangover pills are indeed selling well, because the hangover products on the market can't be compared with the company's hangover pills at all. People are amazed, no wonder foreign dealers are so impatient.

Since it is not available abroad, many foreigners buy it directly online, or let them buy it on their behalf. It is said that in the United States, a hangover pill has been sold for a sky-high price of one hundred dollars, and it is still difficult to buy.

Therefore, the company also wants to send products to foreign markets as soon as possible, and it will be even more enjoyable to earn money from foreigners!
"Well, let's quickly expand production and try to send the hangover pills to foreign markets as soon as possible." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, don't worry, you big boss, as long as your production line is delivered, we can deploy overseas markets immediately!"

Xu Yang is also very happy. Although the current domestic sales are still growing, they will always be saturated, and according to the sales situation of these few, the annual sales of domestic hangover pills are at most two to three hundred million pills. It is estimated that next year saturation will be reached, so it is time to start foreign expansion plans.

After learning about the company's recent situation, Zhang Feng, under the leadership of Xu Yang, visited the second phase of the project that was about to be completed. At this time, the second phase of the factory building has been basically completed, and it is estimated that it will be completed in about a week.

"Madman, I'm waiting for your production line now!" Xu Yang said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Don't worry, the production line will be delivered to you within a week at most!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly.

The production of this thing is in the system, and you can exchange it at any time, but you still need some cover-up methods.


After inspecting the company

Zhang Feng returned home.

The weather in the past two days has been good, the sun is shining brightly, and the temperature at noon can reach more than 20 degrees, which is relatively rare in winter.

"Xiaofeng, the weather is fine today, wash the sheets and quilt covers at home!" After lunch, Wang Guilan shook her head when she saw her son lying on the chair in the yard again.

"Oh, I got it!" Zhang Feng just closed his eyes to enjoy the warm winter sun, and had to get up and start working.

Find all the sheets, quilt covers, and dirty clothes at home, and prepare to wash them.

"It's so sunny today, and the scenery everywhere..." Zhang Feng was washing clothes in the yard while humming a song.

At this moment, a little black squirrel jumped from outside the yard to the yard wall, and then looked around. When it saw the pine nuts drying in the yard, its eyes lit up, and it jumped into the yard with a light jump. up the yard.

Taking advantage of Zhang Feng's inattention, the little guy started to steal the sheep, grabbed the pine nuts on the ground, and started to eat them.

Gradually Zhang Feng realized something was wrong, where did the sound of cracking melon seeds come from? ?

When he turned around and took a look, the little squirrel was startled, quickly grabbed a pine nut, wagged its big fluffy tail, climbed up the fence again, and then looked at Zhang Feng warily.

Seeing the little guy's googly eyes staring at him, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, then ignored him and continued to wash his clothes.

But Dahei Xiaohei did not let go of the thief who ate the pine nuts. He walked towards the squirrel step by step, whining in his mouth, as if he was threatening to warn the little squirrel on the wall.

The little squirrel standing on the wall was really frightened, shrank its head, turned around and jumped off the wall, and disappeared without a trace in two or three strokes.

Seeing that the thief had escaped, Dahei Xiaohei swaggered back to Zhang Feng's side like a victorious general, lying on the ground, enjoying the warm sunshine.

After washing the sheets, hang them in the yard

Afterwards, Zhang Feng was not idle. He checked the dry goods stored at home, and moved some damp fungus and melon seeds to the yard to dry. These things are to be sold to tourists, so there should be no problems.

"You two are watching these things at home, do you know? Especially these dried fish, don't let wild cats eat them!"

woof woof woof woof woof

The two dogs nodded reluctantly,

After instructing the two little guys, Zhang Feng walked leisurely towards the village with his hands behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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