small farmer

Chapter 978 Leukemia Treatment Technology

Chapter 978 Leukemia Treatment Technology (22)

"It's expensive, but you get what you pay for! Don't you think it's worth spending 100 yuan?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, that's true!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head and continued: "Your hangover pills are like a monopoly. Who will let you be the only one in the market?"

Zhang Feng also laughed. His hangover pills are really like this. There is only one copy of Scorpion Shit. It is said that many related companies have sold it back for research, but none of them can be cracked, and it is impossible to imitate it.

So everyone can only watch Tianyang Technology making a lot of money in the market. Although everyone is drooling, they still can't find a way.

If you want to buy a patent, Tianyang will not sell it. If you want to buy a share, Tianyang is not short of money, no matter what, so everyone can only silently accept this fact.

Chatted with Uncle Er Niu for a while
Zhang Feng returned home, went to his room, sat in front of the window, and looked at the high mountains in the distance, but his heart was not at peace.

Uncle Er Niu's suggestion just touched him a lot. At this time, Zhang Feng felt that he should use the system to do something, such as exchanging some medical technology for terminal illness, which would be very good.

"Eggy, help me find out about the treatment technology for leukemia!" Zhang Feng made up his mind and prepared to exchange the technology for leukemia treatment, hoping to contribute some of his own strength to the majority of sick friends.

"Good master!" As soon as Dandan finished speaking, search results appeared in Zhang Feng's mind.

Gene repair technology - 100 million points

Blood-changing potion technology - 88 points

Bone marrow enhancement medicine technology - 78 points



Hematopoietic stem cell repair technology - 1 points

Zhang Feng was dumbfounded looking at the rows of black technologies. He did not expect that there are so many treatment technologies for leukemia, which is considered terminally ill on earth.

"Eggy, it's understandable that the gene repair potion is so expensive, why is the transfusion potion so expensive?" Zhang Feng looked at it, and the second place was actually the transfusion potion, which was a bit unexpected to Zhang Feng. different place.

"Hee hee master, you don't know. The main function of the blood-changing potion is not to treat leukemia. It is actually a kind of cultivation potion that can improve the strength of warriors. Treating leukemia is just a side effect of it." Eggy explained to Zhang Feng arrogantly.

Hearing Eggy's explanation, Zhang Feng immediately understood that the bone marrow strengthening potion behind it was the same, probably used by warriors for cultivation, no wonder the exchange price is so expensive.

Turning the pages non-stop, Zhang Feng finally found a technology that suits him at the end of the last page, that is, hematopoietic stem cell repair technology.

This kind of technology has been eliminated in the universe for hundreds of millions of years, and it is still in the garbage dump and no one wants it, because this kind of technology is too low. Now humans in the universe have been injected with genetic medicine since they were young, and they are free from all diseases. Where is such a thing needed, it has been eliminated many years ago, and now it can only be found in such a system database.

"This cosmic black technology is amazing!" Zhang Feng shook his head sighing, and then told Dandan: "Dandan help me exchange this technology."

"Good master, please wait a moment." The next moment, a silver-white USB flash drive appeared in the storage space of the system.

Needless to say, there must be technical materials for treating leukemia, as well as a full set of production technology. Of course, the production line needs to be purchased separately by him.

But even so, Zhang Feng is still very happy. After all, this is a technology for treating leukemia. As long as it is exchanged, it will benefit many people.

Of course, Zhang Feng is not the Holy Mother, and his own interests still need to be satisfied. For example, those countries that show their teeth and claws, play bans and bans at every turn, if the blockade against China is not lifted, Zhang Feng will definitely not take a pill. Sell ​​it to them, if you want to play, then everyone will play, hurt each other, and see who has played well.

"Eggy, find out the exchange table for the production line!"

"Okay, master, please wait a moment!"

In less than two seconds, an exchange price table appeared in his mind.

Large-scale production line (annual output of [-] million grains) - exchange price of [-] points

Medium-sized production line (annual output of 1000 million grains) - exchange price of [-] points

Small-scale production line (annual output of 300 million grains) - [-] credits for exchange price

Looking at the production lines of several specifications, Zhang Feng thought for a while, and finally chose a large production line.
You may ask, won’t the output be too much?
But Zhang Feng wants to say that such output may not be enough!
Because according to the information on the Internet, there are 10-4 people suffering from leukemia for every 10 people in the world, and among them, there are 500 million people in China alone.

However, the treatment drug that Zhang Feng exchanged is not a elixir, and it is impossible to completely recover after taking just one capsule. The course of treatment is [-] capsules, and advanced patients even need [-] capsules to completely repair hematopoietic stem cells.

So just to treat patients in Huaxia, at least 6000 to [-] million repair capsules are needed. If they are exported to foreign countries, they even need to continue to exchange production lines. Of course, they can also work in three shifts every day, so that they can produce [-] million capsules a year. Repair capsules can basically meet the needs of patients all over the world.

"Master, do you want to exchange it?" Dandan asked curiously when Zhang Feng was in deep thought.

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Of course I want to exchange it! Exchange it for a large production line for me."

"Good host!"

A few seconds later, a whole production line appeared in the storage space of the system, and Zhang Feng could pick it up at any time.

At this moment, the mother's voice sounded in the yard
"Xiaofeng has a customer who wants to buy two catties of fungus, you can get some from upstairs."

"Got it mom!"

Zhang Feng reacted, closed the system page, went to the storage room on the second floor, carried a bag of wild fungus, and walked downstairs.

The reason why the family stores dry goods on the floor is because the air on the second floor is dry, which is conducive to the preservation of goods, even for three to five months.

"Boss, the fungus in your house is really wild?" Zhang Feng just walked out when he heard a tourist asking his mother.

"Of course, all the fungus in my house are wild. If you don't believe me, go to the yard and have a look. The fungus you picked a few days ago are still drying on the ground!"

The tourists were very interested when they heard it, and followed them into the yard. When everyone saw the fungus on the ground, they finally believed it, because these fungus were of different sizes, and some even had bark on them. They knew they were wild at first glance. Not the kind that grows on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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