small farmer

Chapter 994 Single by Strength

Chapter 994 Single by Strength (22)

"Sister Yiyi, you are here too!"

After school, the little girl came to the door, and was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Yiyi, and then the two chatted on the sidelines, completely leaving Zhang Feng aside.

Seeing the little girl ignoring him, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile wryly. He knew that the aunt was angry with him, and blamed himself for not bringing her food these days.
At first, Zhang Yue also thought that if you don’t give it away, you won’t give it away, and if you don’t see it, you won’t be greedy, but today she saw that her elder brother sent a lot of delicious food on WeChat, so she couldn’t bear it, so she immediately called her elder brother. Zhang Feng was eating, but didn't receive her call, which made the little girl not angry.

No, now seeing Zhang Feng coming, he pretended not to see it.

"Xiaoyue, this is the black fish your brother made for you!"

"Hmph!" The little girl snorted coldly at Zhang Feng with her mouth tilted, and then thanked Yiyi with a smile: "Thank you sister Yiyi!"

Seeing this vindictive brother and sister, Yiyi couldn't help laughing.

But Zhang Feng also felt that he was wronged. He personally cooked the fish soup and sent it over, but he was still not treated by the little girl. He was also very disappointed about this!

"There are still your favorite snacks here. The weather is cold recently, remember to wear more clothes. After the holiday next week, I will take you to the provincial capital to sell some clothes." Yiyi smiled and handed the prepared snacks to Xiaoyue.

"Hee hee, thank you sister Yiyi!"

The little girl happily took snacks and black fish soup, said goodbye to the two, and bounced back to school.


Back in the village, parked the car in the parking lot, Zhang Feng and Yiyi held hands and walked slowly towards the village.

"Crazy, I'm going to the provincial capital with my grandparents on New Year's Day." Yiyi said hesitantly.

"What a coincidence, I have to go to the provincial capital on New Year's Day!" Zhang Feng said with bright eyes.

"Ah, really??" Yiyi hugged Zhang Feng, overwhelmed with surprise.

"Of course, when the time comes, let's go together and meet our parents by the way!"

"Yeah!" Yiyi didn't refute, but showed a happy smile instead.

Just when the two were hugging each other, Uncle Er Niu came out, and couldn't help joking when he saw it:
"Hey, you two are spreading dog food here again, what if you poison my rhubarb to death?"

"It's best to poison you to death!" Zhang Feng let go of Yiyi's hand, and gave this blind guy a look.

"Your mouth really stinks!" Uncle Er Niu curled his lips and asked Zhang Feng again: "By the way, I heard that you caught a big black fish today? How big is it?"

"It's not small. It's more than one meter long and weighs just over thirty catties!" Speaking of the big black fish caught today, Zhang Feng was also very happy. Such a big fish is very rare.

Tut tut!Uncle Er Niu immediately envied him, thinking that the madman was really lucky to meet good things every time.


When I got home, my mother had already started to clean up the stall. Zhang Feng was very different when he saw it. It was only five o'clock now. Didn't the stalls be closed when it was dark in the past?

"Why did Mom collect it so early today?"

"Your sister's business is very good today, I'm going to help out!" Wang Guilan explained while tidying up.

"Oh!" Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Mom, I'll help you!"

"Okay, pack up quickly and let's go together!"


Due to today's black fish effect, the business of the eldest sister's restaurant is also very hot in the evening. It's not time for dinner, and the restaurant is full of tourists.

The tourists who have just arrived are very curious, why are there so many people here: "Why is the business here so good, brother?"

"Brother, don't you know what you are doing here?" The tourist sitting next to him asked with a smile.

"Hey, I saw that there were a lot of people, so I figured the one here should be good, so I followed in!" The handsome guy who asked the question just now smiled shyly.

"Brother, you have a good eye. My brother told you that the food here is definitely better than that of a five-star hotel!" The older tourist nodded and gave a thumbs up to the dishes here.


"Of course, otherwise, why would there be so many people..."

Due to the spontaneous publicity of tourists, Shanshui Farm's restaurant has become synonymous with Moon Lake cuisine at this time. Almost every tourist who comes to Moon Lake must come here to taste it. Although the price here is not cheap, everyone After eating, they are full of praise and feel that the value for money is excellent.

Therefore, Shanshui Farm Restaurant has more and more repeat customers, its reputation and reputation are getting better and better, and its business is also booming.


Everyone was busy until nine o'clock in the evening before finishing work. When they got home, Zhang Feng made a glass of honey water for his mother.

"Mom, I made you a glass of honey water!"

"Hehe, good! Good! Good! You drink too!" Wang Guilan drank the honey water made by her son, feeling extremely sweet,
Because Zhang Feng's honey is contaminated with auxin, drink a cup before going to bed to ensure that you can sleep until dawn at night, and wake up the next day feeling refreshed and full of energy.

After drinking the honey water, Zhang Feng returned to his room and began to check WeChat to see what interesting things happened today.

"Ah, it's over, I'm going on a blind date today..." I saw Xiaopang wailing in the group, and the following were everyone's gloating replies.

When Zhang Feng finished watching, he couldn't help laughing with a puff, his waist was bent, and he felt that Xiaopang was really awesome, and he killed everyone in an instant with his single strength.

It turned out that Xiaopang went on a blind date today, and in front of the beauty, he ate a lot, and half of the roast suckling pig was wiped out by him alone.

The girl who watched was stunned and panicked. Fortunately, the beauty is very self-restraining, and she left after he finished eating. Unfortunately, the beauty just turned around and blacked Xiaopang. It is estimated that other girls feel that Xiaopang cannot afford it. That kind of people.

"Fuck, fat, how hungry are you? Haven't you eaten for hundreds of years?" The monkey couldn't help complaining.

"Single based on your strength, fat man, you are so arrogant!" Leizi couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Fatty, from now on I won't take cold medicine, so I will take you."


"Oh, fat man, it seems that you are going to be desperate for life!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but reply like this in the end.

"Fuck, brother, I'm sad, can you stop making up the knife!"

When Xiaopang saw everyone's messages, they were all gloating, and he was so angry that he wiped out two more breads.

"Oh, to be honest, Xiaopang, why did you eat so much today?" The monkey sighed and asked seriously.

"I... I can't help it, that roast suckling pig is really delicious!" Xiaopang hesitated for a while, but still explained it to everyone.

"I'll go, I think you're really a pig, a roast suckling pig made you show your original shape? Is it important to have a date with a girl no matter how delicious it is?" Leizi couldn't help complaining.

Fatty: ……………

(End of this chapter)

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