small farmer

Chapter 996 Scared to Cry

Chapter 996 Scared to Cry (23)

"Ah, I caught it!"

"The cat really caught a fish!"

The tourists screamed loudly, their faces flushed with excitement, and they were so excited that they almost suffocated when they saw the small fish that Xiaomiao fell ashore.

Kitten Fishing!

This story, which can only be seen in fairy tales, did not expect to actually appear in front of everyone today! !

"Damn it, is this still a cat? I guess it's already grown up?"

"The Nine-Life Cat Demon, this one on the cliff is the Nine-Life Cat Demon!" The two-dimensional poisoned guy couldn't help screaming.

"Hahaha, I've recorded everything! I've recorded everything!" At this moment, the tourist who recorded the video with his mobile phone laughed excitedly. His crazy appearance was no different from that of Fan Jinzhongju.

"If it's recorded, it's recorded, what a joke, it's as if we didn't capture it!" Seeing how excited this guy was, the tourists next to him couldn't help but complain secretly.

Nowadays, mobile phones are so common that almost everyone has one, and they can take pictures wherever they go. Therefore, most of the tourists just took pictures of Xiaomiao catching fish ashore.

Just like the buddies just now, everyone was so excited to take such a cherished video. Many Douyin or Kuaishou players immediately posted the video online.

After a while, Xiaomiao’s fishing video became popular, and it received hundreds of thousands of hits in less than half an hour, and was quickly recommended by the editor on the homepage.

At the same time, other video sites, portals, and even various forums showed videos of kittens fishing.

"Fuck, is this a cat?? I'm afraid I have already cultivated to the stage of crossing the catastrophe?"

"This is absolutely perfect!"

"Scientists, hurry up and catch it and study it!"

"Upstairs SB! Why don't you arrest your whole family for research??"


Just when everyone is exclaiming on the Internet

Zhang Feng finally pulled out all the weeds in the rapeseed field. The rapeseed that has grown for more than two months has grown lush and lush. It is estimated that in about half a month, it will bloom. In February, March and February next year, it will be able to harvest Harvested, dried and squeezed into barrels of rapeseed oil.

"Haha, brother! Look at your little meow is popular on the Internet!" Zhang Yigang sat on the ridge to rest, swiped the Kuaishou, and saw the video of the little meow, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"What's the matter? How did Xiao Miao become popular??" Zhang Feng was a little confused, so he didn't know that Xiao Miao had become an Internet celebrity today.

"Brother, look at your little cat who has learned to fish!" The cousin shook the phone in his hand.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Feng was also very surprised, walked over quickly, took Zhang Yi's phone and looked at it.

This is a short video of more than ten seconds. I saw a chubby and super cute cat sitting by the river, holding the fishing rod tightly with its two front paws, and was fishing decently. Waves, the fish took the bait.

The cat's eyes suddenly lit up, with a humane smile on its face, and then it dragged the fishing rod to the shore vigorously, and the little guys also rushed over to help, so with their cooperation, a small fish the size of a palm came out became their spoils.

Fuck! !This is really my own little cat. I don't know when he actually learned to fish? ?
Zhang Feng was also very surprised by this, he didn't expect this little guy to be so smart.

"Brother, when did your little cat learn to fish?" Zhang Yi asked curiously.

"I don't know either!" Zhang Feng also looked confused.

Hearing his words, Zhang Yi was taken aback for a while, but he didn't expect that even his elder brother didn't know about it, so it was strange.

"Look over there, is Xiao Miao still fishing there?" Zhang Feng has good eyesight, and he saw the scene by the river at a glance.

"Hey, it seems to be true!"

The two brothers looked at each other, then stood up abruptly, and ran to the place where Xiaomiao was fishing together.

On the other side, Xiao Miao and the little kids are in trouble. Because of their great fame, the little guys have been surrounded by tourists by the river. On the ground, let the tourists click and pose for pictures.

"Let's all give way... let's make way..."

Seeing Zhang Feng's arrival, Maoya burst into tears, pulled Zhang Feng's sleeve and said, "! Crazy brother, why are you here?"

"Okay, okay, Brother Crazy, isn't this here? Let's stop crying, okay?" Seeing the little girl crying, Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry, knowing that the girl was probably frightened by these enthusiastic tourists .

The other little guys also looked confused, surrounded by tourists, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, the two brothers Zhang Feng came at last and successfully 'rescued' them from the crowd. As for Xiao Miao, he hugged his master's shoulders tightly, and fled away in a flash after breaking through, disappearing in a blink of an eye. Tourists who wanted to follow had to stop.

When she saw her son approaching with the teary-eyed little girl in her arms, Wang Guilan asked curiously.

"Mao Ya, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, they were scared by the tourists..."

Then Zhang Feng recounted what happened just now, and showed his mother several times the video of the little meow fishing on the Internet. Only then did Wang Guilan understand, it turned out to be like this!
"Where's our little cat??" Wang Guilan looked around Zhang Feng, but couldn't find her own little cat, so she hurriedly asked.

"That little guy is smart. Once he rushed out of the encirclement, he disappeared in a flash. He still doesn't know where he is hiding in the corner!" Speaking of the clever cat star, Zhang Feng also showed a smile on his face.

"That's good, that's good!"

Knowing that her cat had escaped, Wang Guilan finally breathed a sigh of relief, because Xiao Miao was the baby of the family and accompanied her by the stall every day. If something happened to Xiao Miao, she would definitely be a little sad.

Then Wang Guilan smiled and waved to Mao Ya

"Come here, Mao Ya, I'll give you little fish to eat!"

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded, finally showing a smile on her face.

"Is it delicious?" Wang Guilan asked with a smile.

"It's delicious! I like eating it the most!" Mao Ya smiled happily, eating the crispy fish in her hand happily,

Seeing that Mao Ya was fine, Zhang Feng, mother and son both smiled.

At this moment, Xiaoshitou and Erdan also followed, seeing Maoya eating delicious food, they walked faster.

"Hee hee, Mao Ya, what are you eating?" The two little guys were running and laughing.

"These little guys!" Wang Guilan smiled, not knowing what the little guys were thinking, she shook her head and gave each of them a handful of crispy fish.

When the little ones got the delicious crispy fish, they jumped up and down happily, and they couldn't be happier.

 There is another update estimated at around nine o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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