small farmer

Chapter 999 Other People's Children

Chapter 999 Other People's Children (22)

"Xiaofeng, next time you call me directly, I'll just send the meat over there for you, so you don't have to come here again!"

Butcher Uncle Yi said with a smile while filling Zhang Feng with meat, for a big customer like him, it is necessary to establish a good relationship.

"Then I will trouble you, Uncle Butcher!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile,
"Haha, thank you, I also want to thank you for taking care of my business!" Butcher Zhang waved his hands happily.

This time Zhang Feng bought 600 catties of pork and [-] catties of beef, which cost thousands of yuan. The profit was at least [-] yuan, which accounted for almost half of his daily income. How could the butcher Zhang be unhappy.

After leaving Uncle Butcher, Zhang Feng drove to the stall of Master Yang Ke.

"Master Yang Ke, kill two sheep for me!"

"Hey, Xiaofeng has a big customer today??" When Yang Ke heard that Zhang Feng wanted to buy two sheep, his face beamed with joy.

"Well, isn't the protected area completed today? The leaders are going to eat at my sister's restaurant!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly.

"That is, your sister's restaurant has now become a feature of our village!" Master Yang Ke nodded with a smile, and then ordered his son to kill two sheep quickly.

The father and son were like a ox with a horse. In less than half an hour, the two sheep were killed, and they were cleaned up. According to Zhang Feng's request, the mutton was cut into pieces.


"Xiaofeng is back! Help me cut up the mutton and stew it..."

At this time, everyone was so busy that their feet didn't touch the ground, and Zhang Feng was no exception. He quickly put on his apron and went to help.

Today's preparation time is very tight. In order to complete the banquet at noon, everyone has tried their best and tried their best.

Mushroom stewed chicken, pissing beef balls, braised eel, grilled lamb chops, stewed lamb... In addition to these main dishes, there are also a variety of exquisite vegetables, which are delicious in color, fragrance, and I believe the leaders will be satisfied.

"Go quickly, don't get in the way here!"

Smelling the scent in the kitchen, Xiao Hei, a cheeky guy, slipped in again while no one was paying attention. Seeing the little guy who made such a fuss, Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry. He waved his hand and sent him away. Let this guy stay here.


Seeing the master's firm gaze, the little guy yelled pitifully, and retreated with a resentful expression on his face, but the foodie didn't go far, lying on the door of the kitchen, staring helplessly at the boiled bones in the kitchen.

"This guy..." Seeing Xiao Hei's appearance, Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

In the end, I had no choice but to send it away with a few bones, otherwise staying here will not only affect everyone's work, but also give tourists an unhygienic feeling.

"Is the Xiaofeng mutton stew ready?"

"All right!"

"That's good, that's good, the guests are coming, everyone hurry up and prepare!" The eldest sister breathed a sigh of relief, and then told the eldest sister.

Others have also prepared their own ingredients, as long as the guests arrive, they can cook and serve immediately.

About a quarter of an hour later, the uncle quickly stepped into the kitchen
"Xiaofeng Xiaoqin is quick, the leaders are here, hurry up and cook!"

"Understood, uncle, we'll serve the food right away!"

Some dishes that had already been prepared were served first, such as stewed chicken with mushrooms, stewed mutton and so on.

After all the dishes are ready and served, everyone can finally breathe a sigh of relief, but they still cannot rest, because there are still other tourists arriving one after another.

Everyone was busy until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Feng returned home after eating.

Meow meow……

Seeing that the owner came back, Xiao Miao quickly jumped out of the cat's nest, her belly was flat, and she looked like she hadn't eaten yet.

"Haha, are you hungry? Wait a while, I'll make it for you!"

Zhang Feng smiled, took Xiao Miao's rice bowl and walked to the next door, and finally made it half a bowl of rice with mutton soup, and of course there were two pieces of mutton.

"Hurry up and eat!"

Meow meow……

The little cat narrowed its eyes, yelled at Zhang Feng, stuck out its little pink tongue, and ate it with relish. It was extremely sweet and licked the bowl clean without a single grain of rice. remain.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiao Miao's eating.

Since being frightened by the tourists yesterday, Xiao Miao has not dared to go out all day, and has been hiding in her den today. She is really a timid cat.

"Crazy brother, crazy brother?"

At this moment, Da Ya and Er Ya came in, seeing the two sisters, Zhang Feng was a little surprised, because they seldom come to play at home.

"Big ya, come in and sit down!"

"Thank you madman!"

The two little girls seemed to have something to do, but they didn't say anything after sitting down for a long time.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly when he saw this, and then asked, "What can you do with me?"

"Crazy brother, can we learn to draw from you?" Da Ya finally plucked up the courage to say it.

"Haha, okay, no problem, why do you suddenly want to learn to draw?" Zhang Feng was also very happy. He liked studious children very much, so he readily agreed.


It turned out that Daya saw someone painting on cobblestones on TV, and the painting was very beautiful. She tried it herself, but unfortunately her level was average, and the paintings she made could not be seen at all, but the little girl really likes this kind of art , so I thought of Zhang Feng and prepared to learn from him.

"That's it, then when are you going to start learning?" Zhang Feng nodded. It's rare for a big girl to have something he likes, so of course he has to support it.

"Crazy brother, can we learn from you after the final exam?" Big Ya asked a little embarrassed.

"No problem. I've been studying hard these few days. Da Ya is about to enter junior high school. Where are you going to take the exam?" Zhang Feng immediately agreed.

"I'm going to take a key class in the No. [-] middle school. I want to be like sister Xiaolin, and I'm going to take a key university in the future!" Da Ya said with her head raised.

"Okay, be ambitious! But keep working hard!" Zhang Feng couldn't help clapping his hands. This girl has good grades. As long as there are no accidents, she will definitely be admitted to the key classes of No. [-] Middle School. As for the key universities, there are no small problems. hope.

"Yeah, I know Brother Crazy, I will definitely work harder!" Da Ya nodded heavily. It has been her dream since she was a child to get into a good university.

Seeing off the two sisters, Zhang Feng was quite emotional. This is a typical child from other people's family. Not only do they have good grades, but they are also very sensible. They help mom and dad with housework whenever they have time every day, and even set up a small stall on weekends. Earning pocket money by himself is not like a little duck, mischievous all day long, which makes Uncle Er Niu very painful.

Back home, Zhang Feng searched the Internet, not to mention finding the kind of painting on cobblestones that Da Ya mentioned.

It turned out that this was the original creation of a mountain village teacher. He designed it according to the shape of the pebbles, and finally drew wonderful pictures and artworks.

Zhang Feng looked at it and thought it was quite interesting, and he was itchy in his heart, so he was going to try it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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