The strongest god in the city

Chapter 164 I thought you were pretending to be B!

Chapter 164 I thought you were pretending to be B!
"End my boring life?"

Le Qiwen chuckled, and asked mockingly: "What? Do you really want to buy our company? Stop joking, okay?"

"Oh? Just kidding? Why do you think so?" Ye Beichen asked lightly with a smile on his face.

"Why? Chick..."

Le Qiwen sneered, and said happily, "Why? Zijing Yufu's housing prices are not low, and that's only in Feng'an District. If you were really rich, would you still buy a house in Feng'an District?"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Ye Beichen, and said with a smile, "I think you also have a mortgage, right? Eighty square meters? Or seventy? I'll count you one hundred square meters. How much is it worth? Enough to buy our company ten A quarter?"

"Six hundred square meters, a villa."

Hearing Ye Beichen spit out a few words softly, Le Qiwen's body froze suddenly, almost crushing the brakes to death.

When he slowed down, he widened his eyes and shouted: "Six hundred square meters! Villa! Can you exaggerate more, big brother? I won't call you buddy anymore, can I call you big brother? You bragging B level, With a radius of a hundred miles, no cow dares to approach!

Thinking about urinating three feet against the wind back then, and now urinating against the wind to wet your shoes, I don’t know if Le Qiwen has heard of this stalk.

Ye Beichen responded lightly, and squinted.

Good guy!The meter ran twenty kilometers away, which shows how much resentment Le Qiwen has in his heart.

Come on, the harder you do it, the more interesting it will be for us to play, right?
Ten minutes later, when the meter had jumped to thirty kilometers, Ye Beichen glanced at the phone, but the call hadn't come yet.

But after thinking about it, Ye Beichen felt relieved.

It has only been 15 minutes since he called.Maybe the person Qian Shaocheng arranged hadn't arrived at Xingchen Rental Company yet.

Even though he had told Qian Shaocheng to be quick, it was not something that could be resolved in just one or two sentences.

"Turn around twice."

At this moment, most of the anger brought by "Uncle Chen" has dissipated because of Le Qiwen's disruption.

Ye Beichen wasn't in a hurry anymore, he was being bullied, and if he didn't give up, would it be his style?


Le Qiwen looked at Ye Beichen suspiciously, unable to react.


Ye Beichen looked ahead, pointed to a building and said, "Just walk around that building twice."

Le Qiwen became more and more confused. Is this young man really stupid?Or is it stupid?Or is it stupid?

In the end, he got the result - what a fool!

This kind of money is not earned for nothing.

This wandering took another 10 minutes, and the mileage on the meter jumped to forty kilometers insanely!

Ye Beichen squinted at the mileage on the meter soaring, as if he had been beaten to death, don't worry about it.

At this time, Ye Beichen finally received a call from Qian Shaocheng.

"Boss Ye, it's me, Qian Shaocheng."

"Well, what should I say? Have you negotiated Xingchen rental?" Ye Beichen asked lightly.

Hearing this, Le Qiwen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Dude, didn't you say it's better not to pretend to be B?Why did you put it on again?

Your B function is automatically turned on, does it not have to be turned off?

Disdainful in my heart, I put my left hand under my buttocks and pressed hard, until the mileage reached 45 before stopping with satisfaction.

On the other end of the phone, Qian Shaocheng was answering Ye Beichen's question: "Yes, Mr. Ye. I brought a negotiating team of ten people over, and we have already negotiated. There are two main ways for you to decide."

"You said."

Ye Beichen was extremely satisfied with Qian Shaocheng's attitude.He personally brought the negotiating team to go, does he still have any opinions?

"The first method is a wholly-owned acquisition of 3000 million yuan, and Xingchen Rental will become a wholly-owned company under your name. The second method is that you invest 500 million yuan to acquire 90.00% of the shares, and the original boss will remain as the general manager. You look……"


Ye Beichen frowned and thought for a moment, then asked again: "Do you have any relevant talents?"

"This...really not." Qian Shaocheng replied honestly.

"That's fine."

Ye Beichen immediately made a decision: "800 million, a wholly-owned acquisition, and another five points of dry stock for him to retain. My own business, I don't like other people's meddling. Is there any problem?"

"no problem!"

Qian Shaocheng responded with an agitated tone.

Don't like other people meddling?But he was given five points of management shares for less money.Doesn't this mean that Qian Shaocheng is one of his own?
What could be more satisfying than being approved by your boss?
"Okay, I'll transfer the money to you first. You will initially sign the contract with them, and I will sign a formal contract when I am free someday."

"That's... good." Qian Shaocheng hesitated for a moment, then replied again.

"By the way, after you sign the contract, ask the inspectors to wait for me at the gate of Marina View City."

"it is good."

Qian Shaocheng's position was very upright, he knew what not to ask, so he didn't ask casually.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Beichen realized that Le Qiwen had a sneer on his face.

"Brother, you are not authentic."

"No way, what's wrong with me?" Ye Beichen was also laughing, but it was especially sarcastic.

"Tell me about you, say that there is something wrong with my meter, we can discuss it. What are you pretending to be B?"

Le Qiwen put away his sneer, with a gloomy expression on his face: "I also bought Xingchen Rental, and paid back more than 2000 million, which looks pretty good! Let me tell you, if you don't pretend to be B with me, I won't get out of the car." Charged dozens of yuan. Play B with me? Okay, we have professional ethics, and we will send you to your destination, no matter how much you pay, you can’t miss a penny! Otherwise... Haha!"

"Yo? You still have a work ethic?"

Ye Beichen was surprised. The meter ran more than 100 kilometers for a distance of [-] to [-] kilometers. Is this also called professional ethics?
When did professional ethics become so worthless?
Compared with Le Qiwen, those detour drivers are really conscientious people.At least, people really use up gas!

Ye Beichen chuckled, and said, "Is your work ethic 'to get a good model, and to work in a labor camp'?"

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

Le Qiwen sneered, and said, "Didn't you ask someone to wait at the gate of Binhai View City? All right, let's drive slowly and give them time to arrive. Isn't it okay? Xingchen Company will arrive at Binhai View City in 10 minutes. enough."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen shrugged and said, "I have no objection."

Afterwards, the distance and meter mileage increased lifelessly, as if punishing Ye Beichen, who pretended to be B.

But did Ye Beichen pretend?He really didn't pretend!
It was his sudden idea to buy a taxi company.But when he thought about it just now, it was really funny.For example... how many luxury cars are added to the taxi company?
"After turning this corner, we will arrive at Marina View City. Get your money ready."

Le Qiwen reminded with a sneer while driving.

His smile didn't last for a few seconds. After he turned a corner to look at the gate of Binjing City, his pupils shrank immediately, and his face changed tragically.

"The inspection team has arrived? And the transportation management office? Then... isn't that our President Gao? I..."

Stuttering, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Beichen: "You...what did you do?"

Ye Beichen looked at him suspiciously, and said, "What did I do, haven't you been listening?"

"I thought you were pretending to be B!"

Le Qiwen cried.

Hearing this, Ye Beichen smiled disdainfully: "Pretending to be aggressive? With your status, is it worth my pretending to be B?"

 Here comes the update.Thanks to the local tyrants for the rewards, the local tyrants are mighty!There are ten more on the first day of junior high school!

  Thank you to all book friends for your rewards, thank you.

  By the way, please ask for a recommendation ticket^-^
(End of this chapter)

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