The strongest god in the city

Chapter 166 Then You Go Sue Him

Chapter 166 Then You Go Sue Him
Ye Beichen pushed open the bathroom door, and sure enough, he saw a cloud of smoke enveloped the shower room.

Through the dense clouds and smoke, Ye Beichen saw that Xian'er was facing away from him.

He smiled and opened the door of the shower room lightly.
The bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, and a female voice came from behind Ye Beichen: "Mengya, why haven't you taken a good shower, it's been an hour... ah..."

The screams made Ye Beichen's head explode.

Of course, it wasn't the other party's sonic skill or lion's roar skill, but the other party's voice...Xian'er?
Ye Beichen was a little dazed, but Xian'er's voice came from behind, so this is it?
Ye Beichen turned his head and looked at Xian'er embarrassingly.

"That...good morning."

Seeing that the other party was actually Ye Beichen, Xian'er covered her small mouth in surprise, but she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and when she woke up again, her heart felt miserable again.

Mengya didn't privately bring other men to her and Haohuang's house, it was Haohuang.

But why is Haohuang...

At this moment, Xian'er's heart was much more chaotic than Ye Beichen's, but she had to force herself to be calm.

Because Ye Beichen let go of her hand, and Mengya sobbed softly.

Xian'er is clever, and she guessed the reason just by thinking about it.

It wasn't Mengya who seduced Haohuang, but Haohuang took Mengya as her...

Ye Beichen silently let go of the girl in front of him.


After apologizing in a low voice, Ye Beichen smiled wryly, stepped out of the shower room, and walked out the door with his head bowed.

When passing by Xian'er, Ye Beichen sighed softly and said, "I took her as you..."

Hearing this, Xian'er forced a smile on his face, but the smile was forced.

"You go to the living room first, I... I will solve it."

After saying this, Xian'er felt stupid.

But who told her that the man in front of her was her man, her emperor?

Ye Beichen glanced at Xian'er apologetically, nodded silently, got dressed in the bedroom, went to the living room sofa and sat down.

After thinking about it, Ye Beichen finally realized what was wrong just now.

First, the opponent is about five centimeters taller than Xian'er, almost catching up with him.

Second, the opponent's struggle is not a fake.

When he was just now, he had already discovered that many things were wrong.But at that time, he had already thought about it, so why did he have any thoughts about whether he was Xian'er?

"Who would have thought that there are other girls in Xian'er's family!"

Ye Beichen muttered to himself, smiling wryly.

Sitting on the sofa, Ye Beichen's mind quickly became active.

I couldn't help but compare Mengya and Xian'er just now...

In the room, it was a different scene.

Xian'er stood beside the bed, bending over to comfort her.

Sitting by the bed was a girl in her twenties.

A fair face with melon seeds, a pair of big eyes like two clear springs... well, the clear spring is running water, and there are still tears on the long eyelashes.

"Meng Ya, you should say something."

After persuasion for a long time, seeing that Rong Mengya kept silent and only shed tears silently, Xian'er became anxious: "I know it's your first time, but now it's a fait accompli, no matter how sad you are, it won't help!"

Seeing that Rong Mengya still didn't speak, Xian'er gritted her teeth and said, "Then you go and sue him! He is rich, very rich, Hukou TV is his property, he is richer than you imagined! What do you think, Can you win the case? Also, I will give false testimony for him, saying that you seduced him premeditatedly, and if the blackmail fails, then falsely accuse him!"

Hearing this, Rong Mengya finally stopped crying, raised her head, and looked at Xian'er in disbelief.

She never thought that these words would come from her good friend.

This made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

Seeing this, Xian'er's heart softened, she glanced at Rong Mengya reproachfully, and sighed softly: "Calm down and think about it. You have been in Shanghai for three years, and until now, you are still a little famous anchor .No one praises you, do you think you can stand out? You tell me all day long that you want to make money, live in a villa and drive a sports car, and travel and shop abroad every now and then. But you are not willing to succumb to reality, can your dream come true? "

"You...what do you mean by that?"

The meaning revealed in these words made Rong Mengya even more surprised.

It's not just asking her to act like nothing happened, but...

"You guessed right."

Xian'er confirmed Rong Mengya's conjecture, and sighed softly: "Oh...he is too rich, so I don't have the confidence to grasp it. Instead of this, it's's better to be careful. In the future, there will be people around him. Other women, why can't they be my friend?"

"You can tolerate him having other women!"

Rong Mengya widened her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that he will abandon you?"

Hearing this, Xian'er smiled sweetly and said, "I believe him, he won't."

From that time, when she was scolded so badly in Dou Sha, and Ye Beichen came, she did not shy away from it. She was determined, and she would never have the slightest doubt about Ye Beichen.

 First more.

  Thanks to (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ good friend for the 1999 reward, thank you for the porphyrin, no lover for the 999 reward, thank you for the Zhiyuan 688 reward, thank you for my 399 reward, and the two perform a one-man show for 200 rewards, thank you MC Poseidon, TAT, Poison, Wood, Deng Ting, Lost Mind, Nan Ci, Fu Ruo Yuchen 100 rewards, thanks to the perfunctory and rebellious youth for 99 rewards.

  thank you all.

  Finally, thank you for your ideas at the end of the last chapter. I originally planned to write that there is a fairy in the bathroom...

(End of this chapter)

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