Chapter 168
"How? Solved?"

Seeing the door open, Xian'er came out, and Ye Beichen rushed to meet her.

Xian'er gave Ye Beichen a reproachful look, and said, "Go in."

Just now, Rong Mengya asked "Will the emperor agree", but Xian'er didn't answer, and walked out directly.

Will Haohuang agree?Hao Huang will not refuse.

"Go in?"

Ye Beichen was a little puzzled, did Xian'er want him to negotiate by himself?

Sighing, Ye Beichen said helplessly: "I didn't know that it wasn't you in the bathroom. Sigh... Forget it, I admit whatever she wants. I should apologize and pay compensation. This matter , I was indeed wrong."

Hearing this, a look of relief appeared in Xian'er's beautiful eyes.

It turned out that Haohuang had no other thoughts.

Even though she thought so, she didn't plan to break it.

Xian'er gave Ye Beichen a reproachful look again, and snorted, "I've done everything, and you still don't want to be responsible? This is Mengya's first time."

"Ah? Negative...responsible?"

Ye Beichen was stunned. His own woman made him responsible for another woman. What kind of operation is this?
"So you really didn't intend to take responsibility!"

A trace of dissatisfaction appeared on Xian'er's face, as if she was blaming Ye Beichen.


Ye Beichen looked at Xian'er with some embarrassment, but his heart became hot.

What does Xian'er mean... let him take in Rong Mengya?And, still collect together?

Isn't this letting him enjoy the blessings of everyone?

There is such a good thing?

Although Ye Beichen couldn't help but fantasize in his heart, but when the situation came to an end, he was still so excited that he didn't know what to say.


Xian'er scolded angrily, looked back at the door, and said softly: "I have already agreed with Mengya, you can go in. If you don't mind, then... just leave it to me to be your younger sister." Bar."

It's actually true!
Xian'er's words couldn't be more clear!

Ye Beichen almost rushed into the room, but he stopped him in time.

He stretched out his hand to hold Xian'er into his arms, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I was too reckless this time. From now on..."

"Do you want another one?"

Xian'er pushed Ye Beichen away, her pursed mouth was big enough to hang a bottle of vinegar on it.

Ye Beichen was embarrassed.

Xian'er snorted, and said, "Go in quickly, comfort me well. And... be gentle."

Ye Beichen nodded, and was about to open the door when he turned his head and asked jokingly, "Why don't you?"

Xian'er glared at him angrily, ignored his question, and went upstairs instead.

Looking at Xian'er's back, Ye Beichen secretly decided that he would never give up on Xian'er in this life - not because of Xian'er's performance today.At least, not quite.


Hearing the sound of being closed, Xian'er's steps upstairs suddenly stopped.

After staying motionless for a long time, she turned her head to look at the closed door, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"You won't let me down, will you?"

In the room, what Ye Beichen saw was still the back.

The difference is that this time it is no longer a smooth back.

Rong Mengya had already put on her light blue pajamas, lying on her side on the bed with her back to him, motionless.

Looking carefully, Rong Mengya's delicate body was still trembling slightly.

Seeing Rong Mengya's reaction, Ye Beichen was even more ashamed.

She was obviously a very pure girl, but he was forced to do it in the bathroom.

sin sin.

"The sin is too great, I can only use my own body to make up for it. Hehe!"

Thinking of this, Ye Beichen went to the bedside and sat down, and said the speech he had prepared.

"Mengya, I'm sorry, I really thought you were Xian'er at the time. If I knew it was someone else, I definitely wouldn't have done that. I was reckless. But since I, Ye Beichen, have done it, there is no reason not to deny it. Whether you fight or not Punishment, it is up to you.”

After saying this, Ye Beichen thought Rong Mengya would react.

What made him helpless was that Rong Mengya remained motionless, but her body trembled even more.

Ye Beichen sighed softly, and said softly again: "Just now, I heard Xian'er say that you are willing to stay with me, isn't it? However, I still have to confirm it again. As long as you nod, Xian'er will have it in the future. You will too."

After saying this, Ye Beichen waited for Rong Mengya's response again.Even if you don't speak, just nod your head lightly to show that it's okay, it's okay.

But the fact is that Rong Mengya still didn't move, but her trembling eased a little.

Perhaps, the trembling of her body represented her mood.

But Ye Beichen was not interested in guessing the other party's mind slowly from this.

He was silent for a moment, then launched another verbal offensive, intending to persuade Rong Mengya verbally.

But the final result was... Ye Beichen was completely defeated.

If it wasn't for seeing Rong Mengya's body trembling, Ye Beichen would have even suspected that she had fallen asleep.

Coaxed to sleep by him?

This is a bit embarrassing.

After 10 minutes, Ye Beichen's last trace of patience was finally wiped out.

Verbal offensive doesn't work.

Ye Beichen stood up slowly, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Persuasion is not enough, is it?

Well, if words are not enough, it can only be action.

Ye Beichen agrees with one sentence, there is nothing that can't be solved by a barbecue... well, it's not this sentence.

Compared with Ye Beichen's inner restlessness, although Rong Mengya's inner drama was also rich, it was much calmer.Even said, there is a little excitement.

"Ah, what Xian'er said is right, Haohuang is so patient."

"Hao Huang's voice is so nice, I really want to sleep listening to Hao Huang's voice."

"Will Haohuang really treat me and Xianer the same?"

"But Xian'er is in better shape and smarter than me, I..."

"Huh? Why didn't you talk?"

"Could it be that Hao Huang is going to give up on me?"

"Am I too reserved? But what can I do!"

"Woooooh...Xian'er, come and save me."

Just as Rong Mengya was thinking wildly, the bed suddenly trembled.A hand suddenly stretched out from behind her, forcing her to change from lying on her side to lying on her back.

Before Rong Mengya could react, a figure suddenly pressed heavily on her.

Ye Beichen's voice rang in her ears: "Since you are disobedient, then I have to change my method to make you obedient."

"don't want……"

Rong Mengya exclaimed, her body stiffened suddenly, but the warmth from her ears made her whole body burn.

She was about to speak, but her mouth was blocked by Ye Beichen's.

 the third
  Thanks to D3ath for the 399 reward, thanks to TAT, 9****[email protected], Lonely V100 for the reward, thanks to Sunig 99 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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