The strongest god in the city

Chapter 170 Is It Necessary To Show Off So Much?

Chapter 170 Is It Necessary To Show Off So Much?

At the dinner table, Ye Beichen enjoyed it.

Xian'er has a sweet face, and from time to time, she will bring food to Ye Beichen and Rong Mengya, and occasionally chat a few words.

Compared with Xian'er, Rong Mengya's performance is a bit so.

Rong Mengya kept her head down to pick up the rice. If Xian'er hadn't picked up the food for her, she probably planned to eat only a bowl of white rice.

As for Xian'er's accusation, Rong Mengya only hummed lightly, and had no other reaction.

What do you think Rong Mengya can do?
She is also very broken!

Originally, being persuaded by Xian'er, overwhelmed by Ye Beichen's financial resources, and very satisfied with Ye Beichen's appearance and personality, she had already accepted the fact in her heart.

Even if she and Ye Beichen were hanging out on the bed before, she didn't think it was difficult to face.

But now, the three of them are sitting at the same table, facing each other, Rong Mengya will not be too awkward.

Taking a panoramic view of everything, Ye Beichen frowned, but saw Xian'er cast a reassuring look.

Xian'er secretly pointed to herself, which meant that she would solve it.

Ye Beichen nodded, and stopped struggling.He was relieved to leave the matter to Xian'er.

If it still can't be handled well, then Ye Beichen can only use super skills again.

After the meal, Ye Beichen said that he was going out, Xian'er stepped forward and hugged Ye Beichen's arm.

Rong Mengya stood there, at a loss.

Ye Beichen glanced at her and asked jokingly, "Are you coming here obediently, or shall I pull you into the bedroom and we can talk?"

Hearing this, Rong Mengya couldn't help shaking.

It's a horrible thing to do.

She quickly stepped forward, it might as well be a little uncomfortable, frowning.

Seeing this, Xian'er gave Ye Beichen a look: "Why are you being so cruel to Mengya? Come on, Mengya, let's go together and ignore him."

Xian'er took Rong Mengya's hand, and was surprised to find that Rong Mengya's hand was not only cold, but also trembling.

This made Xian'er wonder, what did Hao Huang do to Meng Ya?
Xian'er squeezed Rong Mengya's little hand with some distress, and said softly: "It's okay, Mengya, with me here, he doesn't dare to bully you. Let's go shopping."


Rong Mengya hummed, was led by Xian'er, and followed slowly.

Ye Beichen smiled indifferently, and also chased after him.

"This building is not bad, no one lives there, and I don't know if it's sold. Mengya, do you like this building?"

Walking out of the gate and passing the small villa next door, Ye Beichen pointed and asked.

It is adjacent to Xian'er's villa, and they can take care of each other.

Unexpectedly, Rong Mengya shook her head and said: "I...I don't want a villa anymore, I will live with Xian'er."

Ye Beichen glanced at Rong Mengya in surprise, not understanding that her mentality had changed in such a short period of time.

According to the reaction at the dinner table just now, Rong Mengya should live alone.

At this time, Xian'er winked mischievously at Ye Beichen, and Ye Beichen realized that the two of them must have whispered something just now, which made Rong Mengya make up her mind.

Actually, what Xian'er said is - you live with me, if he wants to bully you again, I will drag him into my room...

Bullying, of course, is a different kind of bullying.Rong Mengya was afraid, but Xian'er liked being with Ye Beichen very much, so it happened to be the best of both worlds.

That being the case, Ye Beichen didn't get involved anymore.

He thought for a while, and said, "I'd better buy one first. Buy one, as my first gift to you. Even if you can't afford it, it's fine to keep it."


Feeling Ye Beichen's thoughtfulness, Rong Mengya rarely said a few words.

Afterwards, several people came to the sales department together and found Xiao Zhang who received Ye Beichen and Xian'er last time.

Xiao Zhang looked a little depressed, and he seemed unable to lift his spirits when he saw Ye Beichen.

Ye Beichen thought about it, probably because Qin Li, whom he had a crush on, was about to realize his dream.

When Qin Li realizes her dream, she will only go further and further away with Xiao Zhang, and it will be hard to reach in the end.

Ye Beichen also has no choice, can't everyone help him realize his dream?

He is Shenhao, not Zhou Xbo.

Even Zhou Xbo can't help people realize their dreams every time.

Don't you see, after the dream is reflected in the reality, the result is--unrealistic.

After finding Xiao Zhang, Ye Beichen asked bluntly, "Has Villa No. 17 been sold?"

"NO. 17?"

Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment, nodded quickly, and said, "Villa NO.17 is still listed for sale. Mr. Ye, do you... want to buy another one?"

"Well, let's buy another one."

When Ye Beichen walked into the sales department, all eyes were on him and the three immortals.

After all, Ye Beichen not only bought a villa yesterday, but also signed Qin Li along the way.

How can such a powerful person not be noticed?

For Ye Beichen, they only look for Xiao Zhang, and besides jealousy, they have nothing but jealousy.

Hearing that Ye Beichen actually wanted to buy another villa, everyone was surprised, and Qi Qi turned their attention to Rong Mengya.

Is this a villa for a woman?
I'm going, is it necessary to show off like this?Can't we change the district?
"Well, I... I'll go through the formalities for you, do you want to pay the full amount or..."

Ye Beichen waved his hand, interrupted Zhang's words, and said, "Swipe the card for the full amount, and go through the formalities."

When Xiao Zhang heard the words, he responded and hurriedly prepared the materials.

Even buying two villas, the performance bonus and commission brought to him by Ye Beichen this month alone are enough for him to make money.

A few minutes later, Xiao Zhang prepared all the materials and handed them over to Ye Beichen for review.

Ye Beichen didn't even look at it, and handed it to Rong Mengya directly.

"See if it's all right, let's sign your name."

really!It really is a villa with a woman!
Still so aboveboard!
What a role model for a man!
Rong Mengya read the documents carefully, and after reading for more than ten minutes, she solemnly signed her name.

Ye Beichen took out his black card, swiped it, and immediately gained a lot of experience points.

"Jealousy from Zhu Yan, experience +16."

"From Li Si's jealousy, experience value +15."

"Jealousy from Wang Ergou, experience value +16."


"Envy from Xiao Zhang, experience value +36."


Ye Beichen raised his brows and let out a little gasp.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhang hurriedly asked politely: "Mr. Ye, is there any problem?"

"No, you can continue with the formalities."

Ye Beichen waved his hand and focused his gaze on the virtual screen.

What surprised him was naturally not the name Wang Ergou, but the experience points brought by Xiao Zhang.

If he remembers correctly, Xiao Zhang gave him 28 experience points last time.

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the record, and it turned out to be 28 experience points.

Didn't it mean that the experience value is relatively fixed?How come the experience value brought by Xiao Zhang has increased by 8 points in just one day?
"System, what's the situation?"

"It is recommended that the host use the Eye of Delusion to check Xiao Zhang's potential value. In general, if you do not touch a certain aspect, the relevant potential value will not be revealed."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen immediately cast his eyes on Xiao Zhang.

Young man, fight a little harder, maybe, you will be stronger than the person you have a crush on.

 The fifth update, once again I wish you all a happy new year and good health.

  Thanks to 130****0913 book friends for 100 rewards.

  At eight o'clock tonight, there will be a New Year's event in the group, come on everyone
  That...can I ask for a tip?

(End of this chapter)

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