The strongest god in the city

Chapter 186 Is it time for you to pretend to be B?

Chapter 186 Is it time for you to pretend to be B? (For the engraving of the seal, the heart is your name, Wan reward plus more)

That night, Ye Beichen slept very soundly.

Hmm... When you can't do what you want, what else can you do besides sleep peacefully?
If you don't go to bed quickly, and the other party comes to tease you, what should you do?

If you can't resist, isn't it exposing your incompetence?
Therefore, Ye Beichen didn't even turn on the computer that night, took a shower and got into bed directly to sleep.

Even when Yuxin slipped into his arms, he just rolled his eyelids.

The next day, Ye Beichen was woken up as usual.But before he could react, the awakener had already left him.

Yuxin's lazy but excited voice reached Ye Beichen's ears.

"Brother, it's dawn and it's time to get up, the delicious food will be delivered right away."

Ye Beichen simply interrupted his plan to open his eyes, feeling helpless in his heart.

Why do you think about delicious food every day?Can't you pursue something else?

But Yuxin pushed him gently, and then said: "Brother, get up, I ordered takeaway last night, and it will be delivered to the door at 07:30. There are only 8 minutes left!"

Well, prepare in advance, and pinch some.

"Go and eat, I'll eat later."

Ye Beichen didn't open his eyes, and said directly. None at 07:30, he planned to sleep for a while.

When Yuxin got this reply, she gave a soft "Oh" and muttered to herself, "Okay then...then I'll eat first, and I'll cook takeaway for you later."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Beichen almost jumped up.

Cook takeout?My family can't stand your toss!
However, just as Ye Beichen stood up from the bed, Yuxin's scream came out.


With a scream, Ye Beichen, who was half awake, was startled awake.

"what happened?"


Yuxin screamed and ran out of the room quickly, leaving only Ye Beichen who woke up and was embarrassed.

The people set up completely collapsed!

Because of this action, after Ye Beichen washed up and went downstairs, Yuxin didn't talk to him very rarely, but she still shared breakfast with Ye Beichen.

Probably, in the world view of foodies, those who can share delicious food are good friends.

After breakfast, Ye Beichen was thinking about how to match Yuxin's words, and asked her about her identity.

But before he could ask a question, the phone rang first.

It was Cen Yudie's number.

"Brother Ye, you... can you come to the company now?"

After picking up the phone, Cen Yudie's weak voice made Ye Beichen frown.

"Yudie, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

Hearing Ye Beichen call "Yudie", Yuxin, who was about to go upstairs, rolled her eyes and came up to her.

Ye Beichen glanced at her, then turned his attention back to the phone.

"No, I'm just a little tired."

Cen Yudie said softly, and asked again: "Brother Ye, is it convenient for you to come to the company now? I have almost found the person you want."

"Oh? So fast?"

Ye Beichen was taken aback.

He gave Cen Yudie a week, but in just a few days, Cen Yudie had almost found the person he wanted.

This efficiency is too powerful!

At this time, Ye Beichen finally understood why Cen Yudie was exhausted.

High-intensity work, no wonder I'm not tired.

Sure enough, the one who moved his mouth at the top and broke his legs at the bottom was talking about him and Cen Yudie.

Ye Beichen's exclamation made Yuxin, who had just come up to her, rub her ears and give him a displeased look.

Ye Beichen didn't take it seriously and continued to listen to Cen Yudie's answer.

"Well, in the past two days, I have been in touch with Sister Tang of the Professional Federation, and I have met with many talents. I have roughly found the management you want. There are two or three people for each position, and you can choose from them."


Ye Beichen was really shocked this time. He didn't expect that Cen Yudie was not only efficient, but also thoughtful.

So, what else is he dissatisfied with, Ye Beichen?

Even if Cen Yudie is not a beauty, she is worthy of the 300 million annual salary and super high treatment.

Of course...the premise has to be a beautiful woman.

Ye Beichen looked at the time and said, "Okay, you wait for me at the company. I'll be there in about half an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Beichen raised his wrist and nodded thoughtfully.

He always felt that he still lacked something, but he never thought of it.

It wasn't until now that he suddenly realized that there was still a watch missing on his wrist.

Poor car, rich watch, he is not poor playing Bugatti Veyron, but the watch has to match, right?
"Brother, do you still want a famous watch?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Ye Beichen looked at Yuxin suspiciously.

He just raised his wrist, how did Yuxin see it?

I saw Yu Xin giggling and saying: "Who would use a mobile phone to check the time? Of course they use a watch. My father and mother never use a mobile phone to check the time, so it's cheap."

Does anyone use a mobile phone to check the time? ? ?
Ye Beichen's mind was full of black question marks.

Although he knew that Yuxin was just telling the truth in her circle, Ye Beichen couldn't help but want to strangle her to death.

This feeling made Ye Beichen decisively cut off the idea of ​​asking Yuxin.

"Okay, okay, you know a lot!"

Ye Beichen glared at Yuxin and said, "Stay at home, I'll go to the company."

"Oh, then... okay." Yuxin hesitated for a moment, then agreed sullenly.

Ye Beichen sighed slightly in his heart, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Yuxin shook her head, and said, "That's right...the pot at home is broken, so I can't live broadcast cooking takeaway."

Ye Beichen: "..."

"Well, good bye."

Ye Beichen said perfunctorily, walked out of the villa, drove the Bugatti Veyron, and quickly drove away from Zijing Yufu.

It's best if you don't have a pot.

The 66th floor of Universal Tower is a scene of excitement.

In the company where there was only one boss and employee, Ye Beichen, the small conference room was already full of people.

According to a rough count, there are about 30 people, and Tang Manling, who is wearing a long red dress, stands out among them.

Compared with Tang Manling, Cen Yudie, who was a little better looking but without makeup, was a bit inconspicuous.

At this time, Cen Yudie was busy in and out, pouring water for a while, and briefly answering questions for a while.

Due to the company's secrecy, Cen Yudie's answers to questions were vague, which caused her to stare blankly.

However, Cen Yudie didn't have any complaints.

She positioned herself as Ye Beichen's ordinary assistant.

"Well...Xiao Cen, this glass of water is a little cold, go and change it for me."

Hearing this decent greeting, Cen Yudie couldn't help but frowned. She remembered that she had just poured the other party's water.

The man who spoke, Cen Yudie knew very well, was a senior official in the human resources department of a certain company, and he was applying for the position of human resources director.If the application is successful, then she will be her immediate boss.

It's not that Cen Yudie is unsophisticated, on the contrary, he is very smart.

She only hesitated for a moment, and then went forward to change a glass of water for the other party.

But I heard the other party say impatiently: "Why are you moving so slowly? Doing things slowly, how does the company work?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yuan, I'll change a glass of water for you right now."

Cen Yudie responded and was about to pour water when he heard a stern voice from behind.

"What are you pouring! Don't you have long hands? If you like to do it, get out! In Lao Tzu's company, it's your turn to pretend to be B?"

 In order of rewards, let's come one by one.This chapter is a seal cutting heart is your name Wan reward plus update.And there's more.

(End of this chapter)

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