The strongest god in the city

Chapter 188 Oh, Okay, Next 1

Chapter 188 Oh, Okay, Next

Yuan Chenghai is in a good mood today, especially after coming to Polaris Investment Company, his mood is even better.

Looking up, there are only two juniors competing with him for the human resources director, and their qualifications are far from comparable to his.

Looking at the eyes of those two people, Yuan Chenghai knew that the two were timid to fight.

Compete with him, Yuan Chenghai, for the director of human resources?Hehe, isn't it too tender?

Thinking of what Tang Manling said when communicating with him, the investment assets of Polaris far surpassed the company he was in before, and the level of wealth of the boss was not comparable to that of his previous stingy boss.

Focusing on these two points, even if the business done by Polaris Investment Company cannot be put on the table, he intends to stay in the position of human resources director.

Yes, to stay, not to compete.

Who do you compete with for a sure thing?with himself?

At this time, Yuan Chenghai had already placed himself in the position of human resources director.

With such thoughts in mind, Yuan Chenghai looked at Cen Yudie again, already treating her as a subordinate in his heart.

Yuan Chenghai is well versed in the truth of the way of imperial servants, both grace and power.

As long as it is done well, Cen Yudie, who is impeccable in appearance, will eventually have to obediently climb into his bed.

It's not the first time he has done it for female subordinates, and he has been familiar with it for a long time.

Unexpectedly, when he just opened his mouth, he was ridiculed.

Looking up, he was still an unbelievably young man, how could he bear it?
"I, Yuan Chenghai, are talking, and it's your turn to interrupt? Xiaocen, write down his name, wait for the boss to come later, and tell him to go away. Just say that I, Yuan Chenghai, said it!"

Yuan Chenghai glanced disdainfully at the person who spoke just now—Ye Beichen, and did not forget to direct Cen Yudie to do things.

How dare the clerk talk to him like that?He, Yuan Chenghai, wants to let him know that the majesty of the human resources director cannot be offended!

However, when he said it, not only did Cen Yudie not move, but Ye Beichen still had a faint smile on his face.

This smile made Yuan Chenghai extremely upset.

"Laugh? Are you the only one who dares to laugh?"

Yuan Chenghai stared, pointed in the direction of the door and shouted: "Get out! Get out now! No matter which department you are in, I will notify you now that you are fired! Simply put - get out!"

"Let me go? Hehe, which green onion are you?" Ye Beichen chuckled, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Seeing this, Yuan Chenghai became even more furious.

"What are you doing? Who told you to smoke in the company? Are there any rules! Believe it or not..."

"Do not believe."

Ye Beichen spit out eye circles and said, "Yudie, add a rule to the company system that the boss smokes at will."

Hearing this, Cen Yudie's face immediately became bitter.

You said that your boss can smoke if he wants to, and no one dares to stop you, but is it too spoof to add it to the company system?

At this moment, Yuan Chenghai snorted coldly, and said, "You can order Xiao Cen at will? She is from the company, not..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped talking, and looked at Ye Beichen with suspicious eyes.

Boss smoking at will?

He seemed to remember that when Ye Beichen came in just now, he said "my company".

Is it...

"Mr. Ye."

Cen Yudie lowered his head, and obediently walked to Ye Beichen's side, as if he had done something bad, and didn't dare to raise his head.

From Cen Yudie's point of view, it was a big mistake that she had communicated with Tang Manling for a long time, yet she still singled out someone who dared to offend Ye Beichen.

This "Mr. Ye" gave Yuan Chenghai the final blow.

Originally, he was still sitting firmly on the leather chair, but when he heard this call, his legs seemed to be spring-loaded, and he jumped up.

At this moment, his expression should be as embarrassing as it is.

" are Mr. Ye?"

"Who are you?" Ye Beichen glanced at him and asked calmly.

Seeing Ye Beichen's calm expression, Yuan Chenghai's heart sank, and he squeezed out a smile, and said, "Mr. Ye, I'm Yuan Chenghai. I've been working in human resources for 28 years. I'm here to apply..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Beichen took over the conversation.

"Application? Oh, okay, next."


Yuan Chenghai's complexion froze, and he hurriedly said: "Boss Ye, I have been working in human resources for 28 years, and I just resigned from the position of human resources director of Qinghai Group. Whether it is work experience or ability, it meets the requirements of your company."

Speaking of this, Yuan Chenghai paused for a moment. Seeing that Ye Beichen didn't stop him, he was overjoyed and hurriedly continued the introduction. 28 years of work experience, how good, how to say.

This blah blah, bluntly speaking made him spit all over the place, and his self-confidence seemed to return to him.

Seeing this scene, a man and a woman who were also applying for the position of human resources director looked at each other and sighed.

Sure enough, qualifications are still required.

If you have enough qualifications, even if you have a little friction with the boss, the boss will not do anything to you, and you should take it seriously.

In comparison, the two of them are quite different.

Ye Beichen seemed to be listening intently to the other party's speech, but in fact, he was paying attention to other people's performance from the corner of his eye.

Many expressions were captured by his eyes.

It wasn't until Yuan Chenghai put out two bold words to end his "speech" that Ye Beichen glanced at him and said lightly, "Well, yes, I didn't pass, next one."

As soon as these words came out, dozens of people in the audience were in an uproar, and they all looked at Ye Beichen in disbelief.

Such a rich resume, such a wonderful "speech", unexpectedly failed?

Yuan Chenghai, who was still full of confidence, was so angry that he wanted to jump.

"What! Didn't pass? Are you kidding me?"

Ye Beichen smiled coldly and said, "Amusing you? You think I'm free? Where are you going? Don't waste my time here!"

As he said that, Ye Beichen waved his hand in disgust, as if chasing away flies.

Yuan Chenghai's complexion changed suddenly, and then he suddenly calmed down. He had to make the last effort.

He straightened his face, and said in a deep voice: "Boss Ye, this is not how the company works. The most suitable people must be placed in the most suitable positions to produce the greatest benefits. As a senior human resources worker , I am the most suitable human resources director of Polaris Investment Company. Otherwise, it will hinder the development of the company!"

In the last sentence, Yuan Chenghai can be described as stern.

However, Ye Beichen's indifferent expression never changed.

"Oh well."

Ye Beichen nodded, and suddenly shouted: "Get out! Get out of me! What kind of bastard, you are here to teach me how to start a company? My territory, I have the final say. What you said... Oh, yes, you just What was it? I can't remember."


Yuan Chenghai looked at Ye Beichen bitterly, gritted his teeth suddenly, and walked quickly to the meeting room.

Looking at the back of the other party, Ye Beichen smiled coldly and said, "Yudie, follow up, don't let him destroy our company's items."

When Yuan Chenghai, who had just walked to the door, heard this, his feet slipped and he almost fell.

Who did Ye Beichen think Yuan Chenghai was?
 Two consecutive updates
(End of this chapter)

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