The strongest god in the city

Chapter 190 Calculate How Much I Lose

Chapter 190 Calculate How Much I Lose

It may be reasonable for a legal department manager to enjoy director-level treatment, after all, there is no legal director.

But it's unbelievable for a person who looks to be in his early thirties and is a little apprehensive to apply for the finance department manager to suddenly become the chief financial officer?
The man sitting next to Lu Chenlong wanted to ask, did you step on dog shit when you went out?

"I don't agree!"

Just when everyone was still immersed in envy, jealousy and hatred, a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses stood up.

It seems that he is not good at arguing.Therefore, after just saying three words, his face flushed red.

Hearing this, everyone gloated a little, and even Lu Chenlong felt uneasy.

The middle-aged man who stood up was named Deng Guangzhen. He was a relatively well-known certified public accountant in the circle, and he was also famous for his...good temper.

Even Deng Guangzhen with such a good temper protested on the spot, which shows how unconvinced he was.

Ye Beichen frowned when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "Why don't you accept it?"

A simple and calm rhetorical question made Deng Guangzhen hesitate.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face.If Ye Beichen was arrogant, he would have to be ruthless.

But Ye Beichen was so calm that he didn't know what to do.

But he has confidence!

"I have been working in accounting for 24 years. I started from the most basic cashier and stepped up to management positions step by step. I have a solid foundation and solid professional skills. Mr. Ye, if you let someone who Chief Financial Officer, I will never say a word. But he... I don't agree. "


Ye Beichen nodded, looked at Lu Chenlong again, and said gently, "Please introduce yourself."

Ye Beichen had a good impression of Deng Guangzhen, and he also admitted that Deng Guangzhen was capable.

However, the experience points provided by Deng Guangzhen are more than 300 less than those provided by Lu Chenlong. This gap is worth more than a dozen Lin Ruoyuan.

The gap is so large that it more than makes up for experience and seniority.

What Ye Beichen wanted was the team with the strongest potential, not the team with the strongest qualifications.

After being called by Ye Beichen, Lu Chenlong stood up with a neither humble nor overbearing voice.

"Hi Mr. Ye, Mr. Deng, my name is Lu Chenlong. I have been engaged in financial work for eight years. I am currently engaged in financial management in a large private company. I am a senior accountant and a senior actuary, and I am good at actuarial calculation and auditing."

Hearing this, Deng Guangzhen frowned slightly. He didn't expect Lu Chenlong to get two advanced qualification certificates at such a young age.

Ye Beichen saw all this in his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "I'll give you a question, count it as a test question, and all the answers speak for themselves, okay?"

"I'm fine." Lu Chenlong replied immediately.

Deng Guangzhen nodded and said, "I'm fine."

"Okay. I just bought a taxi company, and I plan to invest in ten million to tens of millions of luxury cars. Do the math for me, how much will I lose?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was stunned, and Tang Manling's brows sparkled even more.

Rich people, are they so wicked?

Ten luxury cars, 3000 million must be obtained, right?Ye Beichen actually used it to rent it out!

Moreover, you don't expect to make money, and ask how much you will lose as soon as you open your mouth!

"Yudie, go get a pen and paper and let them write their answers."

Not long after Cen Yudie returned to the conference room, he was sent there again.

After a while, Cen Yudie fetched a pen and paper, and Lu Chenlong and Deng Guangzhen both foreshadowed and counted.

In just one minute, Lu Chenlong stood up and said, "Mr. Ye, my answer is finished."

This time, all the audience looked at Lu Chenlong with sarcasm.

Young people are aggressive, and for the sake of performance, they don't even want the basic city.

Look, the financial director who is about to arrive has flown, right?
Ye Beichen took the answer, glanced at it, and a smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Look at Deng Guangzhen again, he is writing stroke by stroke, occasionally stopping to calculate silently.

Ye Beichen didn't urge him, but just waited quietly.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that Deng Guangzhen put down his pen, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "Boss Ye, I've done the math."

Ye Beichen took the answer and looked at it, sighing slightly in his heart, Deng Guangzhen is also a talent.

On Deng Guangzhen's answer, a large number of numbers were densely written.Ye Beichen's scalp felt numb at the first glance.

Ye Beichen looked at Lu Chenlong's answer again, and finally sat down to make a decision under the watchful eyes of the audience.

"I read both of your answers, chief financial officer, I choose Lu Chenlong."


There was an uproar.

What's happening here?
Could it be that the answer that Lu Chenlong wrote in less than a minute is actually more accurate than the answer that Deng Guangzhen got in ten minutes?

Deng Guangzhen's face turned red immediately, and there was even anger in his eyes.

He felt that he was being played.

Before he could get angry, Ye Beichen spoke first: "Mr. Deng, your answer is very good. You put forward five hypotheses about the price of luxury cars and got five answers. Well, it is indeed very good. But you seem to have forgotten that I have already given you a good answer. If you say it clearly, you will lose money, why do you still have to calculate it?"

Hearing this, Deng Guangzhen was shocked, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

I only heard Ye Beichen continue to say: "Since the title has clearly stated that you will lose money, you have to stop the loss instead of calculating how much you will lose. Expanding from points to points, knowing that there is no need for investment in a project, you still have to spend a lot of manpower The material resources are calculated and reviewed, what is the result? Apart from consuming the company's manpower and material resources, is there anything else?"

Speaking of this, Ye Beichen handed Lu Chenlong's answer to Deng Guangzhen.

With just a few words, Deng Guangzhen glanced at them casually and finished reading.

Sell ​​luxury cars to stop losses, increase and improve taxis, this is the idea provided by Lu Chenlong.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Deng Guangzhen sighed, and said: "Mr. Ye is right, I am too ignorant to be flexible. Mr. Ye has vision, and I, Deng Guangzhen, are convinced."

As he spoke, he bowed to Ye Beichen, and then to Lu Chenlong.

Ye Beichen sighed in his heart. He also wanted to keep the other party, but the other party's ambition was to be the director, and he would never condescend to the position of financial manager.

Moreover, what he wants is an assistant who can provide him with the most accurate advice.

In his company, he can be willful, but not everyone will be willful.

The essence of the company is still to make money.

Deng Guangzhen left, and everyone looked at Ye Beichen with admiration and curiosity.

They were curious as to how Ye Beichen could tell that Lu Chenlong was powerful through simple information.

Ye Beichen's move shocked everyone.

In the subsequent appointment arrangements, no one protested even if something happened again.Although the loser is unwilling, he can only leave obediently.

In less than an hour, Ye Beichen appointed all five directors and eight department managers of the company.

Adding that he is also Cen Yudie, the middle and senior management of this company is basically formed.

"Okay, everyone has been busy all morning. Let's have a dinner at the International Hotel at noon. At the dinner table, I will tell you about the benefits."

Hearing that there are other benefits besides the annual salary, the eyes of more than a dozen people lit up.Even Tang Manling was almost moved by Ye Beichen's Polaris Investment Company.

 This chapter adds more to Lonely Old Friend and Wine Reward.

  After procrastinating for so long, Ye Beichen's company has finally been settled, and a new plot can almost start.What kind of plot do you expect to see next?

(End of this chapter)

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