The strongest god in the city

Chapter 192 The Devil Is Too Cheap

Chapter 192 The Devil Is Too Cheap

After the banquet was over, Ye Beichen took Cen Yudie and left before everyone looked at him strangely.

When the two of Ye Beichen left, everyone inevitably looked at each other, but no one said a word.

Discussing the right and wrong of the boss is an act of seeking death. Who knows if it will reach Ye Beichen's ears in a few minutes?
They are reluctant to give up a company with such good benefits.

They are not willing to give up on companies with promising prospects.

Only fools are willing to give up on companies with good benefits and promising prospects.

Ye Beichen didn't care about what his subordinates thought. In his company, could he still be bullied by others?

(Author Jun: Does this sentence sound familiar?)

After leaving the International Hotel, Cen Yudie's mental state became even worse.It seems that the appearance of almost falling asleep just now was all forced out.

Ye Beichen pulled her into the Bugatti Veyron, but Cen Yudie didn't seem to notice that Ye Beichen had changed cars.

As soon as he got in the car, Cen Yudie leaned on the seat and fell asleep.

Ye Beichen drove straight to the Fontaine apartment and stopped the car downstairs.

Turning his head to look, Cen Yudie was already fast asleep, his delicate face was full of tiredness.

She didn't know what she dreamed about, but a sweet smile slowly bloomed on her face.

Ye Beichen watched with a smile on his face.

There is pity and guilt.

Ye Beichen felt guilty when he thought that he had put all the tasks on Cen Yudie and made Cen Yudie so tired.

Indeed, he gave Cen Yudie a week.

But Cen Yudie, as a college student who has just graduated, is still a college student with an annual salary of several million. The pressure is so great, I am afraid that only she understands it.

Stress can be turned into motivation, but having motivation doesn't mean you won't be tired, otherwise, wouldn't it be a perpetual motion machine?

Ye Beichen sighed softly, and reached out to touch Cen Yudie's pink face.

At this moment, he didn't have any evil thoughts.

Well... just this moment.

The next moment, he touched it again, it was smooth and tender, it seemed to be better than Xian'er and Rong Mengya's skin, and he didn't know how to take care of it?
Now that Cen Yudie was compared with Xian'er and Rong Mengya, Ye Beichen couldn't help it.

Ye Beichen stretched out his hand unconsciously, then stopped suddenly, cursing himself for being too evil.

What's the matter!

It's not her own woman!

"It's too evil, it's too evil, it must not be me, there must be a demon controlling my hand. Yes, that's it! Demon, you are too shameless, how can you do such an ugly act! You must not be able to control me Yes! Ah, it seems that I can't resist. Not good, the demon is too strong, I can't control myself..."

As Ye Beichen muttered to himself.

Three centimeters...two centimeter...

Ye Beichen cheered in his heart, and suddenly felt something.

He raised his head slightly and met Cen Yudie's eyes, time seemed to stop at this moment.

In an instant, Ye Beichen was embarrassed, not to mention looking for a crack in the ground to drill, even if he was given a mineral water bottle, he would also drill in.

But the reality is that there is no bottle in the car, and Cen Yudie didn't give him a chance to drill it.


Cen Yudie screamed out, her face flushed red.

"Brother Ye, what are you doing!"

After asking this question, Cen Yudie was so ashamed and indignant that tears welled up in his eyes.

Ye Beichen actually wanted to touch her while she was asleep...

Hearing this, Ye Beichen withdrew his hand embarrassingly, and replied without blushing and heartbeat: "There was a mosquito just now, I was going to crush it to death, who would have thought it landed on you, I just..."

"Do you need two hands to catch mosquitoes? Are you catching mosquitoes? Brother Ye, how could you do this!"

Cen Yudie blushed, cursed in embarrassment, opened the door to get out of the car, and quickly ran into the corridor.

Ye Beichen looked at the disappearing figure of the other party, then looked at his own hands, and cursed secretly: "Demon, you are so cheap! What should we do now?"

For a while, Ye Beichen didn't know what to do.

Go in and apologize?

The explanation just now has been debunked, does he have a better explanation?

Then... go once, twice, three or four times until you are convinced?
This method is worth considering... think about it!
Although Cen Yudie has a delicate appearance, she has an extremely strong personality, it's not that Rong Mengya accepts everything.

If he wants to chase him away, maybe Cen Yudie will kill him with a single shot.

Thinking of this, Ye Beichen sighed: "Alas... I can only let her calm down and think about it. I hope Yudie can figure it out..."

(Author Jun: Are you kidding me? Shouldn’t you be the one reflecting? You are thicker than me!)

Ye Beichen was considering whether to go to the company to make some money. After all, they were all newcomers, so something might go wrong.

But it doesn't matter, Qian Shaocheng called.

"Boss Ye, I'm Qian Shaocheng."

Qian Shaocheng's voice was still steady, but Ye Beichen could hear a hint of anxiety in it.

"Well, what happened?"

"Mr. Ye, you are really good at predicting things, and you know something happened."

Qian Shaocheng's tone was embarrassing, but there was no lack of flattery.

Ye Beichen smiled and said, "You don't need to flatter me, it's too difficult for you. Just tell me, what happened?"

On the other side, Qian Shaocheng sighed softly and told what happened.

The Lin family has another moth.

Not only that, the Chen family also got involved.

Ye Beichen has always been curious. He not only let Lin Ruoyuan pass by empty-handed in Hukou Building, but also lost face. Lin Ruoyuan actually lost his voice.

He slapped Chen Luo in the face—it was a real slap in the face, but Chen Luo took the pig's head home, and there was no news.

This unscientific!

Is it Lin Ruoyuan's distorted human nature, or Chen Luo's moral depravity?

Now, here comes the science.

One of the two live streaming platforms that Ye Beichen had previously chosen — I Watch TV changed hands, and was jointly taken over by the Lin family and the Chen family.

According to Qian Shaocheng's news, the Lin family holds 60.00% of the shares and the Chen family holds 40.00% of the shares.

Transaction price, 18 billion!
Obviously, they still wanted to beat Ye Beichen in terms of transaction price.

Isn’t it 14 billion that Ye Beichen took over Hukou TV?Let's increase the price, 18 billion!
Our live broadcast platform is worth more than yours, why?
Once the media publicizes it, the price alone is also a hot spot.

The first thing they did after they joined hands to take down I Watch TV was to poach the anchor of Hukou TV.

Well, it's all in the magic capital, so it's easy to dig.

But Hukou TV is Ye Beichen's property, and there has been a long-standing grudge, so Ye Beichen couldn't help but be careless.

After listening to Qian Shaocheng's narration, Ye Beichen was silent for a while, and then asked: "Didn't Jiayun say last time that watching TV is a hot potato for me? Why did it suddenly change hands?"


 The update is here, late, 1 sorry.

  Two million rewards popped up suddenly, and I couldn't react for a while.Thank you Shuofeng V Wanshou, thank you (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ good friend Wanshou, local tyrant and mighty!Must be updated!
  Thank you for the 100 rewards for entering the painting.

  The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock, no later.

  Sorry again
(End of this chapter)

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