The strongest god in the city

Chapter 207 He Really Dare

Chapter 207 He Really Dare

After hanging up the phone, Ye Beichen glanced at the stunned crowd, chuckled, and said, "Isn't it for sale? Feel free. Just wait for all the shares in your hands to fall into waste paper!"

After speaking, he walked towards the meeting room.

Walking to the door, Ye Beichen seemed to have thought of something, turned around suddenly, and said with a smile: "By the way, I contacted the media by the way when I came, and I planned to take over as the chairman to accept interviews, but now... interviews still have to be done. "

After saying this, Ye Beichen strode out of the conference room without stopping.

He Changlong glanced at everyone, smiled triumphantly, and followed quickly.

In the conference room, there was a dead silence.

Sell ​​shares?Still accepting interviews?

Ye Beichen held 22 points of shares, and with He Changlong's holdings, it was [-] points.

Once sold, the result can be imagined - chaos.

If the acquisition is carried out steadily, Ye Beichen's initial actions will only have a slight impact on the stock price.However, in the later stage of the competition between the two parties, other forces joined in, and the stock price soared, and there was no market for the price.

Similarly, if the stock is sold and cashed out steadily, it will not have much impact on the price.But if there is a massive sell-off, the share price of Changhu Group will be hit hard.

It is because everyone has a blind obedience mentality and a sense of crisis.

Once Ye Beichen sells, the stock price will collapse rapidly, which will definitely cause panic among stockholders, and they can't wait to sell their stocks.

Don't sell it, waiting to be turned into waste paper?
Now, Ye Beichen not only has to sell stocks, but even accepts interviews. He wishes others would not know about it!

After a long silence, He Changfa suddenly stood up, ran to the window quickly, and looked downstairs.

Below a dozen or so floors, he could vaguely see many people gathered around the entrance of the building.

"Second Brother, Ye is really interviewed downstairs! There are quite a few people there!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help wiping away their sweat.

This is for real!

Once the media publicizes it, there is no room for recovery.

Ye Beichen holds several hundred million worth of stocks in his hand, so if he loses it, he will lose at least 5000 million or more!

He Changhu's brows were furrowed, his complexion turned livid.

What a madman!
"Second brother, what should we do?" Seeing this, He Changfa urged anxiously.

Although he only has one share, it is worth more than 1000 million now.If the price collapses, he will lose money!
He Changhu gritted his teeth, and said in a cold voice, "Buy it back! Buy it back for me! No matter how much the surname Ye sells, buy it back for me!"

"Dong He, it's okay to repurchase, but where will the money come from?"

Gao Chengyun, who had been silent all this time, asked lightly, without the slightest expression on his face.

Hearing this, the others nodded, they were also concerned about this issue.

"What do you mean?"

He Changhu frowned and stared at Gao Chengyun.

But Gao Chengyun shrugged indifferently, and said: "You decide to repurchase, and everyone must support it. But hundreds of millions, the group does not have that much money, and it is absolutely impossible to transfer it at will. After all, the group still needs to be stable."

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded unconsciously.

He Changhu took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"This time Ye Beichen sniped, I have used up all the funds in my hand, and bought back five points of shares at a high price. What I mean is that everyone should contribute a little money to stabilize the current situation together. After all, Once the stock price crashes, no one benefits. What do you think?"

Gao Chengyun nodded and said, "I can transfer 3000 million."

"I just made an investment recently, and I don't have much money, maybe 2000 million." Wu Haiquan thought for a while and said.

Seeing He Changhu looking at him, He Changfa gave a wry smile and said, "Second brother, you know mine, how can I have funds? Sigh..."

"He Dong, I'm sorry, I can't come up with the funds." The big head Yuan Cheng said in a muffled voice, and slowly lowered his head.

He Changhu's expression became more and more ugly upon hearing this.

He knew that, except for He Changfa, everyone else was pretending.

Four people pooled 5000 million?joke!
But the money is in other people's pockets, and he can't grab it.

He Changhu sighed weakly, and said, "Since that's the case, let's bet on whether Ye Beichen has the courage to sell it."

Does Ye Beichen have courage?
I don't know if he has the courage, but he has money.

Under the Changhu Group building, it was not Ye Beichen who was being interviewed, but He Changlong who appeared as Ye Beichen's agent.

Ye Beichen didn't want to step up to the front stage yet, and looked too many eyes.

Of course, part of the reason is... He Changlong is shameless and can talk nonsense.

"He Changhu is just messing around. Ye Dong and I own one-third of the group's shares, but he is not even willing to give it to the executive director!"

"Do you know the identity of the executive director? Tell you, one of them is his cousin, a guy who only knows how to play with women! Also the executive director!"

"A few executive directors only know how to make decisions blindly and expand blindly! I made a suggestion to Ye Dong, and they are actually farting!"

"Changhu Group, we can't afford it. Director Ye and I have decided to sell the stock! We will sell all the stocks at [-] points!"

"Money? Sorry, we don't need it, what we need is respect! Since the Changhu Group doesn't respect us, we won't let him earn any money!"

"What? You said we are fighting spirit? You are right! We are fighting spirit! If you have money, you can really do whatever you want, do you understand?"

"The interests of stockholders? Hehe, you are thinking too much. Ye Dong put up an order of five yuan per share and they didn't sell it. They are crazy about money. What benefits do you want!"


Not far away, Ye Beichen couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat when he heard He Changlong's nonsense.

People are shameless, really fearless.

Although he also thought so in his heart, but asked him to face the camera and say what was in his heart, Ye Beichen said - he couldn't do it!

After the interview was over, Ye Beichen and He Changlong went to sign a formal agreement, and eight points of shares were transferred to Ye Beichen at the market price.

So far, He Changlong has no effect.

When Ye Beichen drove to Sheng Ye Fund, the local TV station in Shanghai had already broadcast the news that He Changlong was being interviewed.

"Coincidentally", this piece of news was posted on the Internet and spread like lightning.

It's so easy to do things when you have money.

Ye Beichen didn't even need to contact the navy, as long as he gave an order, the news had already spread.

"Boss Ye, are you selling now? The stock price has dropped by a dime now."

Upon seeing Ye Beichen, Huang Jiuchun asked solemnly.

He was a little flustered by the news that Ye Beichen made a shareholder disagreement and sold stocks, taking advantage of the risk.

If one is not good, it will be a loss.

Ye Beichen didn't feel the slightest pressure, he waved his hand, and said, "Throw it out, five points first, and throw it out at once."

"it is good."

Soon, Ye Beichen saw that Changhu Group's stock price had an avalanche.

Four six, four fifty-eight, four fifty-five...

Those who saw this scene were not only Ye Beichen, but also millions of stockholders, as well as He Changhu and others.

He Changhu looked at the big screen and muttered to himself, "He really dares..."

 This chapter adds more rewards for Qixia's seniors.

  Update ends today.

  Some readers responded that they didn't like this part of the plot.Well, this episode ends tomorrow, and then...hehehe... (The author laughed inexplicably, even he didn't know what he was laughing at, can you believe it?)
(End of this chapter)

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