The strongest god in the city

Chapter 213 Hukou Big Move

Chapter 213 Hukou Big Action
After a while, the villa was filled with cheers from Yuxin.

Ye Beichen discovered for the first time that introducing microwave ovens to others actually gave him such a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, the one who was shocked as if she had discovered a new world was a young lady!

The reason for Yuxin's cheer is not only that she no longer has to eat cold food, but more importantly, she has found a new way to cook takeaway.

"Brother, I'll broadcast live later, yes! Cook takeaway live! Hee hee, I'll order a takeaway first."

"go Go."

Seeing Yuxin's eagerness to try, Ye Beichen didn't want to spoil her interest, so let her go.

Besides, with a microwave oven, can it still be fried?
It can only be said that Ye Beichen is still too young.He knew... so little about the dangers to this world!

Ye Beichen didn't know that the danger was approaching step by step, and he was leisurely going upstairs.

Yuxin wanted to broadcast live, and he also planned to watch the live broadcast.

He was too busy these days, so he only had two phone calls with Qian Shaocheng, both of which were to inquire about the progress and funds.

He originally thought that only when the funds were in place would it be easy to poach people.

But Qian Shaocheng's answer made him feel ashamed.

The platform poachs people, and the signing fee is one thing, which can be paid immediately or delayed.

Annual salary is one thing, it can be paid slowly.

As for liquidated damages, that's another matter.One word - procrastinate, procrastinate first, even if we meet in court, it is more cost-effective than paying on the spot.

After all, after a long delay, bank interest is not a small amount.

In other words, the cost of poaching people is not low, but there is not much to pay on the spot, and Hukou TV can fully afford it.

That being the case, what else did Ye Beichen say?

Of course, let go of your hands to poach people!
Now is the time for him to test the results.

He wants to see, in addition to the few game anchors he contacted, which super popular female anchors Qian Shaocheng has dug from Dou Sha.

Turning on the computer and entering the Hukou TV client, Ye Beichen's eyes lit up immediately.

Unexpectedly, it has been revised. The current layout is much better than the previous layout with shit, shit, loess and dregs.

Clicking in again, it seems that even the fluency has improved a lot.

Obviously, Qian Shaocheng also worked hard in this regard.

User experience, that is paramount.

Although...some people watch it for free, but as long as they don't spray shit indiscriminately and have a civilized view, they are also considered customers, and they must also be given the best experience.

What hangs on the homepage is not the live broadcast room, but two columns of promotional photos.

The title of the first column is Beauty Like a Cloud, and there are five promotional photos in total.

However, only one face was revealed.

Ye Beichen recognized it immediately.

It's Hongyun, um... the name makes people think about it, and the appearance and figure make people think about it even more.

Fighting Shark is the most capable anchor, not one of them, how can he lose in appearance and body?
In the photo, Hong Yun with a perfect fairy face is smiling at the camera.That smile, full of charm, seemed to hook people's souls away.

And her upper body is a tight-fitting white T-shirt with a leaky navel, which perfectly outlines her figure.


This is Ye Beichen's evaluation of Hong Yun. Just looking at Hong Yun's photos, Ye Beichen feels a little emotional. If he pulls her over, he might do something.

Reluctantly looking away, Ye Beichen looked at the other four photos.

However, the other four are only below the neck, the head is completely covered, and there is a big question mark on it.

Keep it a secret?
No no no, not only that.

Hukou TV also took advantage of this to launch a guessing activity, and an anchor will appear every two days.And before the debut every two days, every Hukou TV user can participate in a round of guessing.

Judging identity by body shape makes many netizens very excited.

They have no other level, but their observation level is professional!

What's more, the prize money for each round of quiz is 1000 million!All those who guess correctly will share 1000 million equally.

Ye Beichen glanced at them casually, and found that none of them were ping pong balls. Moreover, he vaguely guessed the identity of one of them, and he didn't know if he had hit it.

This wave, four anchors, is 4000 million.

Of course, the rewards are Hukou TV equivalent tokens, which can be used to give presents to anchors.

It is very likely that after the users who guessed correctly got the money, they all gave it to the female anchor who appeared at that time.

Although it is 4000 million, but the twists and turns, Hukou TV may not even use tens of millions.

The female anchor is like this, of course Hukou TV can't treat the male anchor badly.

The first male anchor to appear was Xiao Sima with a smirk on his face. As the first game anchor hired by Ye Beichen, Xiao Sima would naturally be tweeted by the platform's big Twitter.

After reading the promotion, Ye Beichen scrolled down and saw Hong Yun and Xiao Sima's live broadcast room was listed on the home page.

Between Hong Yun and Xiao Sima, Ye Beichen didn't hesitate at all, and directly clicked into Hong Yun's live broadcast room...

Magic City, a legendary wealthy district, inside a villa.

A middle-aged man and woman are sitting on the sofa.

The middle-aged man has a Chinese character face, eyebrows like swords, and tiger eyes.

At this time, he frowned tightly, and his complexion was a little ugly.

Sitting next to her was a middle-aged beautiful woman with downcast eyes and a gloomy expression. Her eye sockets were slightly red, as if she had just cried.

A hale and hearty old man in a suit stood in front of the two with his hands tied, his head slightly lowered, as if he was waiting for orders.

After a long time, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Chen, get someone to catch Yuxin, don't let her mess around like this!"

Hearing this, Uncle Chen didn't say anything yet, the middle-aged beauty broke out first.

She stood up and screamed: "Catch it back? What if you catch it back! Yu Hongwen, do you have a way? Ah? Do you have a way? You have no way at all. What do you do if you catch Yuxin back?" use!"


The middle-aged man named Yu Hongwen opened his mouth, and his aura immediately collapsed.

He sighed and said, "Even if there's no other way, we can't let her live outside, or live with...with a strange man. Xiaoyun, if this gets out, Yuxin will..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly closed his mouth and even closed his eyes tightly.

"Hmph! How can I survive? Isn't it? Yuxin still has to think about what others think of her? Can she survive if others look at her well?"

When the middle-aged beautiful woman said this, her tears were already streaming down, but she still didn't stop: "It's all you! Don't let Yuxin do this, don't let Yuxin do that, it's all right now, Yuxin doesn't even care about her family. No more. Tell me, is it your problem! Tell me!"

"Yes, yes, it's all my problem."

Yu Hongwen quickly admitted his mistake, and said flatteringly, "Then...even if Yuxin is not allowed to come back, but the medicine..."

"Have someone send it over!" The middle-aged beautiful woman replied without the slightest hesitation.

Hearing this, Yu Hongwen sighed again, he knew that his wife had already decided to pay attention.

"Okay, then... Uncle Chen, let someone deliver the medicine to Yuxin. Also, the person who arranged for it will keep an eye on me. I don't want Yuxin to make any mistakes, understand?"

 This chapter adds more rewards for Qixia's seniors.

  grateful:-)@[email protected]Reward, thank you Hey 100 for the reward.

  Today is over, see you tomorrow, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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