The strongest god in the city

Chapter 222 Something Happened!

Chapter 222 Something Happened! (For the appearance that has not changed, the heart is sad and the reward is added)
Ye Beichen thought carefully, hoping that Yuxin would change her mind and open the door to welcome him in.

However, the footsteps only stopped for a moment when they reached the door, and then returned immediately.

This is here to pick up Xuanmai!
Yuxin: What is a change of heart?Can I eat it?
Suppressing the fire, Ye Beichen returned to the room, almost couldn't help asking for help with both hands.

It's so late at night, it's not easy to find Xian'er and Rong Mengya, right?
After a while, Ye Beichen came to a conclusion - he had to work harder.

What are you doing?
you guess……

Not to mention Ye Beichen's distress, at this time, Chen Xuanzhang had already returned to Yu's villa.

"Uncle Chen, did you become like this?"

Seeing Chen Xuanzhang's miserable appearance, both Yu Hongwen and his wife were shocked.

Chen Xuanzhang blushed, and replied awkwardly: "That... I fell, accidentally. Haha... I just fell."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yu Hongwen to ask any more questions, Chen Xuanzhang hurriedly said, "Young master, I have already delivered the medicine for the eldest lady, and the eldest lady did not refuse."

Hearing this, Yu Hongwen and his wife were relieved.

It's fine if you don't refuse, they are really worried that Yuxin refuses to take the medicine.

Yu Hongwen nodded and said, "Uncle Chen, please go down first."

"Hey, good."

Chen Xuanzhang responded, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly stopped.

"That...young master, I was actually hit on the face by Ye Beichen."

Hearing this, Yu Hongwen fixed his eyes and frowned tightly.

"Uncle Chen, are you reading that right? Ye Beichen..."

Yu Hongwen was very clear about Chen Xuanzhang's skills.Not to mention one Ye Beichen, even ten Ye Beichen may not necessarily be Chen Xuanzhang's opponent, let alone beat Chen Xuanzhang so miserably.

Chen Xuanzhang smiled wryly and said, "Young Master, I don't believe it either, but it's really Ye Beichen. Under his command, I don't even have the room to resist, let alone fight back. old face... ..."

As Chen Xuanzhang said, he stretched out his hand to touch his face, and grinned again.

After listening to Chen Xuanzhang's narration, Yu Hongwen and his wife looked at each other with shock.

It was really Ye Beichen!

"Uncle Chen, haven't we investigated Ye Beichen's details?"

Uncle Chen shook his head, and said, "We've turned upside down about his family background. Even when he was a child when he didn't wet the bed and when he fell in love at a young age, we have investigated everything. But Qian... there is not even a single clue."

In fact, the moment Yuxin ran away from home, a small team had already followed her.

After Yuxin entered Ye Beichen's villa, they began to investigate Ye Beichen's information.

However, everything that could be investigated was found out, but it was not found out where Ye Beichen's money came from.

It seems to have fallen from the sky, like a haunted ghost!

It did fall from the sky, but it was not haunted, but the credit of the system.


Yu Hongwen sighed softly, and said: "We are leaving the magic capital tomorrow, please tell the following to pay attention at all times. If Ye Beichen colludes with foreign countries..."

Speaking of this, his tone was already very cold.

Uncle Chen didn't say much, but nodded silently.

It is not terrible to have money coming from abroad, what is terrible is that it comes from some unfriendly forces abroad.

They didn't want to care about Ye Beichen's life or death, but they didn't want to see Ye Beichen hurt Yuxin or even the whole Yu family.

If they were worried that it really happened, no one would believe that their Yu family had nothing to do with Ye Beichen.

The daughter is already living in his house, you say it's okay?Who would believe it!

Ye Beichen didn't know that not only was he being investigated to the bottom, but even his villa was under surveillance.

As usual, he fell asleep until... he was woken up by the phone.

He picked up the phone in a daze, and a familiar voice came over.

"Brother, come back quickly! Something happened at home!"

It's my cousin Wu Qinxue.

Ye Beichen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, instantly fell asleep and became extremely awake.

What!Something happened at home!
"What's going on? Xiaoxue, tell me quickly!"

Ye Beichen asked anxiously, his heart was pounding, and the sweat on his forehead couldn't help but flow down.

Wu Qinxue said quickly: "It's Tianyu Group! Tianyu Group came to the door and said that Uncle still has a sum of money that they haven't returned to them. Now it's due and they have to collect the money, otherwise they will sue Auntie in court."

"Tianyu Group? Shameless!"

Ye Beichen gritted his teeth and spat out a few words, then asked in a deep voice, "How much do they say they still owe?"

"They came with the bill. I peeked at it, and it was... 300 million." When Wu Qinxue said this number, her breathing was a little short.

300 million, for the previous Ye family, it was not a big sum.But now, let alone 300 million, it is 30, and it takes the whole family to make it together.

"300 million? Very good!"

Ye Beichen spat out a few words coldly, and then said quickly: "Xiaoxue, tell my mother that I'm going to borrow it now...forget it, just tell her that the money will arrive in the account immediately, and ask her to return it to Tianyu Group. I Return to Yulan City today!"

"Ah? What? Brother, where did you get 300 million. Don't worry, I... My parents said to mortgage the house first, and then go to collect some..."

"No need, Xiaoxue. Tell mom and the others that I will transfer the money, so don't worry. Everything will be discussed when I return to Yulan City."

After finishing speaking, Ye Beichen hung up the phone with angry fire in his eyes.

"Tianyu Group, Tianyu Group, I wasn't in such a hurry to find you, but you actually came to your door. If that's the case, then I'll go back and have fun with you!"

Ye Beichen's hatred for Tianyu Group has always been deeply buried in his heart.

Once provoked at this moment, it can no longer be extinguished.

He has already made up his mind, he will go back to Hui Province and Yulan City today, and he will put an end to the hatred with Tianyu Group.

As for how to explain the money matter to his family, Ye Beichen also made up his mind at that moment.

Now that the matter is imminent, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. According to what he planned before, let's show it in advance.

While thinking about it, Ye Beichen transferred 1000 million to his mother through his mobile phone.

After that, he quickly called Xian'er and told him to go back to his hometown so that Xian'er and Mengya could take care of him.

Putting on his clothes, he came to the living room on the first floor. Seeing Yuxin fascinated by the delicious food in front of him, he sighed softly and said, "Yuxin, I'm going back to my hometown for a few days. about going back first?"

"Go back to my hometown? No, I'm going to stay here and wait for my brother to come back here." Yu Xin pouted and replied stubbornly.

Hearing this, Ye Beichen had no choice but to nod his head, and left all the tens of thousands of cash on his body to Yuxin before driving out.

When he came to the company, Ye Beichen dealt with the shares of Changhu Group, held an emergency meeting, and completed the appointment of Gao Chengyun as the chairman. He was almost exhausted.

But Ye Beichen didn't stop. After the matter was settled, he had the energy to face Hui Province's hatred.

There is a wrong and a debt, I, Ye Beichen, have come back to take revenge!

 This chapter adds more rewards for the face that has not changed and the heart that is sad.

  The update ends today and will continue tomorrow.

  Finally, ask for recommendation tickets, rewards, comments, and all kinds of requests.
(End of this chapter)

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