The strongest god in the city

Chapter 235 Go for 1 swipes

Chapter 235 Go for 100 swipes

"what's the situation?"

"What happened?"

"Can the local tyrant make another move?"

"A slap in the face?"

The writers in the group who were still gloating and watching came out one by one.

After leaving a sentence, they opened the monthly ticket list one after another.

After looking at it, they all took a breath of cold air.

The local tyrants are here!

Once the local tyrant made a move, it was really terrifying!
It's just... why is this the case?

Looking at the monthly ticket list, Cao Junfei was so excited that he was about to jump up.

Both books made the list!
Not only new books, but also old books that have been completed for several years, and they are also at the forefront of the monthly ticket list!

The two books were in the top ten at the same time. Seeing that there are only a few hours left in September, his position is definitely secured.

[-] book coins to send a monthly pass, which skyrocketed to tens of thousands for several months, but it was the result of millions of dollars!

Only fools will compete for the list with millions.

Moreover, even if they have money, even if they are hotheaded, they really spend money.What if the local tyrant waved his hand and it was tens of thousands of dollars?
Cao Junfei was so excited that he jumped up and down in the room for a long time before his mood gradually calmed down.

But when he calmed down a little bit, he was also a little confused.

Isn't this local tyrant a little silly?

On the monthly ticket list, "The Stunning Female President of Cultivating Immortals and Crazy Young" occupies the second place, more than 1 votes more than the third.

And it is also Cao Junfei's book that firmly occupies the first place.

That's right, it's "The Immortal"!
You said, this is an old book that has been written for several years. What's the point of spending a few million dollars to get it to the top of the monthly ticket list, and even beat the new book?
If you really want to send money to Cao Junfei, you just throw all your brains on the new book, looking down on the heroes of the world, how refreshing!
"I don't understand, I don't understand. The thinking of local tyrants is too difficult to understand. However, local tyrants are local tyrants. Even if they throw money at me, their posture is so handsome."

Cao Junfei looked like a good-looking man who got a bargain. If Ye Beichen saw it, he would definitely slap him away.

At this time, Cao Junfei looked at the group again, smiled, and immediately sent a message.

"Brother @李广兰, there are still three and a half hours left, come on. I have two books, and if you have more than one monthly pass, I will count you as the winner."

As soon as these words came out, a group of salted fish who could only shout "666" immediately appeared in the group.

On the other side of the computer, the thin-skinned and tender-looking Li Kuanglan looked at the computer screen, his nails digging into his flesh.

"Why is this happening! Why! I finally pretended to be B, and I was slapped in the face after 10 minutes! I... my baby is suffering! 55555..."

Seeing that Li Kuanglan hadn't spoken for a long time, Cao Junfei smiled slightly and typed out another sentence.

"The first and second monthly tickets have been settled. I will continue to code. If you want to push the chapters, send me the title of the book, and I will push the chapters for you one by one."

As soon as this sentence was sent out, Cao Junfei's penguin kept flickering.

Cao Junfei clicked on it casually, glanced at it a few times, and couldn't help but sneer.

Master Lu Dong's Zhang Tui must be given, and the writers who usually have a good relationship with him must also be given Zhang Tui.

As for the writers who have nothing to do with each other, it depends on his mood.

And the one who just followed Li Kuanglan to mock Cao Junfei, hehehe, you still want Zhang Tui?
Eat shit!

That's right, Cao Junfei openly said that Zhang Tui is disgusting to these guys!
After all this, Cao Junfei was refreshed, and opened the coding software again, his hand speed was much faster...

On the other end, Ye Beichen glanced at the monthly ticket list and nodded in satisfaction.

No.2 was given to Cao Junfei by Ye Beichen as a gift, as a way to help his new book gain popularity.What he took a fancy to was "The Immortal", which ranked first in the monthly ticket.

It was Ye Beichen's plan to adapt the Banished Immortal into a movie.And his current operation is just normal and too abnormal excitement.

It's normal that "The Immortal" does have popularity and exposure, but it's not normal... Which one is so popular that it costs a few million?Isn't it a prodigal?

It has always been adapted, and the most common way is to buy a hot IP to stir up a wave, the hero and heroine Xiao Xianrou to stir up a wave, to shoot some unspoken rules to reveal a wave of speculation... If the speculation continues like this, the popularity will continue to rise.

When the movie is released, no matter how bad it is, it can still make a lot of money.

"Well... it's about time for someone to go to Chuangshi to buy the copyright? But the popularity seems to be a little bit worse. Forget it, call tomorrow and ask them to buy it. When the time comes, let Lao Wu do it screenwriter!"

"I have to buy another film company. There is no need to worry about the theater chain. When it has some influence, just buy a theater chain."

Since you plan to build a business empire, how can you only do live broadcasts and not get in touch with the mainstream entertainment industry?
There are many beauties in the entertainment industry.

Entertainment, catering, pharmaceuticals, etc., etc., his business empire will be extremely large.

Muttering to himself, Ye Beichen suddenly thought, if "The Immortal" is adapted into a movie, who should be the heroine.

"How about Xian'er? seems a bit off. Besides, Xian'er doesn't seem to want to appear in public now. quite suitable, she has a bit of classical temperament, you can ask her about it." Thoughts. Hmm... or... find another beauty?"

Ye Beichen was talking to himself, thinking about all the beauties in the entertainment industry.After thinking about it, he gradually entered the water.

As for the leading you need a leading actor?
Okay, just pull a little fresh meat with flow and fry it.

While falling asleep in a daze, Ye Beichen suddenly felt his nose itchy.

I sniffed my nose, and just felt much more comfortable, when the itchy feeling came again.

what's the situation!
Ye Beichen felt upset, opened his eyes and saw his cousin Wu Qinxue looking at him with a smile on her face.

In Wu Qinxue's hand, she was still holding a lock of hair.

Just now, it was Wu Qinxue who was scratching his nose with her hair!

"Cousin, are you awake?"

Ye Beichen glared at her angrily: "Don't you think I won't wake up? All right, I'll go back to sleep."

Ye Beichen turned over and was about to sleep, but was quickly stopped by Wu Qinxue.

"No, cousin, don't sleep, I need your help."

"Do you want to use the trumpet in Xuanwu again? I will give you the card number and password, and you can make a 100 million swipe yourself. If it doesn't work, you can talk to Lao Ma and buy Xuanwu. No matter what, just don't disturb my sleep .”

As Ye Beichen said, he lifted the quilt and covered himself completely.

What he said made Wu Qinxue a little confused.

Charge 100 million to brush the horn?

If it doesn't work, just buy Xuanwu?
When did cousin become so crazy!

"No, cousin, I don't play dazzling dance anymore, it's only played by elementary school students."

Ye Beichen in bed couldn't help but rolled his eyes, elementary school students playing?More than half a month ago, you were still fascinated by playing!

Seeing that Ye Beichen was unmoved, Wu Qinxue by the bed pursed her lips and said coquettishly, "Cousin, why don't you get up, get up and accompany me to meet my classmates. If you want to accompany me, Yuan Fang will have to ask again later." Bragged in front of me."


Ye Beichen's heart moved, and he quickly lifted the quilt.

Pretend to be B in front of his cousin Ye Beichen, wouldn't it give him a chance to pretend to be B?
Invisible Pretend B task, let's test the water first!
 The second update, today's update ends.

  I pray that I can come to recommend it tomorrow, and I don't have to save updating...

  Thank you for the 100 rewards from Li Kuanglan, the little trash, 100 rewards from アイウ and Feng Yang, and 99 rewards from Love Cloud, Never Met Me, and Jun Ruo Bu Li.

(End of this chapter)

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