The strongest god in the city

Chapter 254 Are you afraid that you have lost your mind?

Chapter 254 Are you afraid that you have lost your mind?
"Young man, you are the one who took my box? This is 100 yuan, give me the box!"

Ye Beichen hadn't remembered who Captain Lu was, but Wang Wanwan noticed Ye Beichen first.

He took a step forward, took out 100 yuan from his wallet, and squinted at Ye Beichen.

This step was right in front of Captain Lu, so that the other party couldn't see Ye Beichen's face at all.

"Wang Wanwan, do you know who you are talking to!"

Yang Dahai is well versed in the way of dog legs, and immediately opened Wang Wanwan's hand, smiled coldly, and said, "Mr. Ye is someone you can't afford!"


Noticing Yang Dahai, Wang Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled playfully: "Hey, isn't this Yang Dahai?"

"Yes, I am Yang Dahai."

Yang Dahai was quite proud of being recognized.

But the next moment, Wang Wanwan's words made Yang Dahai look gloomy.

Just listen to Wang Wanwan laughing and saying: "I know you, you are full of words to offend people, and you don't know when you are sold. 4000 million, haha, who would be stupid enough to accept your medicinal materials? I heard that you plan to find Tianyu Group help? Don’t even think about it, Tianyu Group will help you a piece of trash? Hahaha..."

"You, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? What I said is very clear. You have to experience it yourself. Experience it carefully. Although there is no chance to turn around in this life, maybe the next life...well, there is no chance. Hahahaha..."

Wang Wanwan laughed wildly, making Yang Dahai's face extremely gloomy.

It turned out that it wasn't some related household who found Yunfan Pharmaceutical, which made his business fail.This matter was originally a trap!

The purpose of the other party is to lure him to invest a lot of money under the guise of producing new medicines.When he invested in the money, the sales were cut off immediately.Not only that, according to Wang Wanwan's intention, it is likely that no one in the entire Hui Province would dare to take his medicinal materials.

Who did he offend?
Thinking of this question, Yang Dahai broke into a cold sweat.

With such a strong network of relationships, it is by no means a simple person.

Yang Dahai was afraid, but Ye Beichen was not.

Big man, he's seen a lot.

Ye Beichen stretched out his hand to push Yang Dahai away, and said with a chuckle, "Wang Wanwan, right? Coincidentally, the idiot you mentioned just now is me. I have already taken over all the medicinal materials from Yang Dahai, including the output from the medicinal field afterward." .how, do you have an opinion?"

"You are going to take Yang Dahai's medicinal materials! How dare you take Yang Dahai's medicinal materials!"

Wang Wanwan exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief: "Aren't you afraid... Aren't you afraid of being implicated?"

Hearing this, Yang Dahai panicked, and hurriedly shouted: "Who is Mr. Ye! Involved? Someone I can offend, can he compare with Mr. Ye's status? Ridiculous!"

At this moment, Yang Dahai had already made up his mind to follow Ye Beichen's footsteps closely in the future, and he must not be half-hearted.

Because apart from Ye Beichen's thigh, there is no thigh for him to hug!

"Hehe, too young."

Wang Wanwan shook his head disdainfully, handed over the 100 yuan in his hand again, and said lightly: "Take the money and go, young man, this 100 yuan may be your meal money for the rest of your life."

Ye Beichen didn't pick it up, but asked with a smile, "Wang Wanwan, are you rich?"

Hearing this question, Wang Wanwan laughed loudly: "Haha, although I, Wang Wanwan, is not ranked well in Hui Province, I still have tens of millions of net worth. Why? Boy, do you want to find out about me? "

"think too much."

Ye Beichen chuckled, took out a bank card from his wallet, and said flatly, "This card has [-] million in it. I don't want to be disturbed about my meal. Get out of here immediately."

"Mr. Ye..."

"Brother Ye, you..."

Everyone was stunned, Yang Dahai and Zhu Jiazhen stepped forward to persuade them at the same time, but Ye Beichen stopped them with a wave.

You can't play like this even if you have money!
Wang Wanwan also looked stagnant, and then squinted his eyes and asked, "Is there really a billion? Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Only more, not less, I lied to you as a puppy."

Hearing this, Wang Wanwan stared at Ye Beichen again. Ye Beichen's composure made Wang Wanwan feel that he was not lying.

"Okay, I'll go!"

As Wang Wanwan said, he reached out his hand excitedly to grab Ye Beichen's card, but missed it, and couldn't help asking angrily, "What do you mean? Give me the card, and I'm leaving now."

"Give it to you? Why should I give it to you?" Ye Beichen asked suspiciously.

Wang Wanwan was stunned, and thought: "Could it be that you have lost your memory?"

He felt that it was necessary for him to remind Ye Beichen.

"As you said just now, the card has [-] million yuan. If you don't want to be disturbed for your meal, let me go."


Ye Beichen shrugged his shoulders and said innocently: "Yes, I just want to prove that I am richer than you. You are no fart in front of me, so you can get out. Damn, you don't think I want to Give you one hundred million? Are you crazy?"

Quiet, very quiet.

There were seven people in the corridor, including the waiter.Except for Ye Beichen, everyone was dumbfounded.

Is this also possible?


The first one to laugh out loud was the waiter.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Dahai and Zhu Jiazhen roared with laughter.


"Hahahaha...Wang Wanwan, are you really out of your mind? The medicine can't be stopped. Hahaha..."

Wang Wanwan's chubby face immediately turned into a liver-colored color, and he never thought that Ye Beichen was playing tricks on him.

No, he suspected that Ye Beichen might be playing tricks on him.For example - Kari has no money at all.

But compared to Cary's lack of money, this kind of humiliation is simply a critical blow!

Just when Wang Wanwan couldn't get off the stage and was about to leave, a dark sneer suddenly came from behind him, which made him happy.

It's Captain Lu.

I saw a pair of callused hands pressing on Wang Wanwan's shoulders, gently pushing him away, Captain Lu's unhurried voice came.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there are hidden rich people in our small Lucheng District. One hundred million? You are not afraid of the wind..."

When the voice came to this point, Captain Lu had already seen Ye Beichen's appearance clearly, and the voice stopped, as if it was stuck in the neck, and he could no longer utter a word.

At this time, Ye Beichen suddenly thought of where he had met the other party.

Yesterday, when he was walked out of the police station, he almost passed by the other party.

Ye Beichen just glanced at it.

Such characters are not worthy of his attention.

Wang Wanwan didn't see Captain Lu's expression, so he hurriedly said: "That's right, pay back [-] million! Captain Lu, I suspect that the source of this person's funds is unknown..."

"Shut up! Go!"

Captain Lu quickly stopped Wang Wanwan's words, turned around and left without saying a word.

At this moment, he only hoped that Ye Beichen didn't recognize him, nor remembered his appearance.

Just kidding, this is Hao Huang, a Hao Huang whose net worth may exceed one billion!

With Hao Huanggang, even his immediate boss's immediate boss, he didn't dare to mess around!
 First more.

  Thank you for the 198 reward of Liuli Dream, and thank you Liu Jie for the 100 reward.

  The results of the PK will come out tomorrow, please ask for support.The author doesn't want to be notified by the editor tomorrow that it will be released the day after tomorrow! !The author Bacteria is going to the third round! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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