The strongest god in the city

Chapter 266 What are you?

Chapter 266 What are you?
"Mr. Zhu, the kitchen just got a message saying that the dishes are ready. Look, when will the dishes start?"

As soon as Liu Wenbing opened his mouth, the atmosphere in the private room immediately became awkward.

Xiu Zhiming opened his mouth in astonishment, and said, "Director Liu, did you remember it wrong? My surname is not Zhu, I am Xiu Zhiming, Jada's Xiu Zhiming."

"Well, Manager Xiu, hello."

Liu Wenbing nodded at Xiu's name lukewarmly, and looked at Zhu Jiazhen again, with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhu, look."

Um?Why is it Mr. Zhu again?
Before everyone could react, Zhu Jiazhen waved his hand and said flatly, "Wait, Brother Ye hasn't come yet."

"Hey, good, good. I'll tell the kitchen to keep them ready."

Liu Wenbing bowed his head and exited the private room, and there was a deathly silence in the private room.

Mr. Zhu?
Zhu Jiazhen?

Everyone looked at Zhu Jiazhen with unbelievable eyes. They really couldn't accept that Zhu Jiazhen, who was laughed at by them just now, suddenly became Mr. Zhu!
Xiu Zhiming stood where he was, his face flushed red.

Mr. Zhu?
Liu Wenbing, who had to be treated politely in the name of his cultivation, actually called Zhu Jiazhen Mr. Zhu in a doggy way!
Liu Wenbing has only two direct superiors, one is the store manager and the other is the general manager.

The store manager is usually called directly, so Zhu Jiazhen can only be the general manager!
The general manager of Yulongji!
Although Yulongji only serves catering, the people who come and go are either rich or expensive, and the hidden influence is not low.

Not to mention the manager of Yulongji, even Liu Wenbing just now knows more important people than him.

If Zhu Jiazhen is really the general manager of Yulongji, then in terms of status and influence, his name will be blown away.

For a moment, Xiu Zhiming was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to do.

Compared with Xiu Zhi's name, Liu Yilin can take it easy.

"Wow, Jia Zhen, Director Liu actually called you Mr. Zhu. Tell me, have you become the leader of Yulongji?"

Liu Yilin screamed exaggeratedly, her eyes were full of eagerness, and her body involuntarily leaned towards Zhu Jiazhen.

If it wasn't for Yang Qi standing between the two of them, Liu Yilin might have thrown herself into Zhu Jiazhen's arms.

Hearing Liu Yilin's question, almost everyone listened attentively. They wanted to know who Zhu Jiazhen was.

Zhu Jiazhen smiled shyly and said, "It's all the boss's trust."

As soon as these words came out, all the students gasped.

Admitted!He actually admitted it!
Zhu Jiazhen actually became the general manager of Yulongji!
Before that, being humiliated in the name of Xiu, ridiculed by others, and looked on coldly by everyone, but still smiling honestly, isn't it pretending to be B?

This B is installed, amazing!

"Boss Xiu, is your company still short of porters?"

Bai Ze seized the opportunity and asked jokingly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes turned to Xiu's name again, and their eyes were full of gloating.

Hahaha, shame on you, right?
To actually ask the general manager of Yulongji to work as a porter, what is it if he is not insane?
The anger in Xiu Zhiming's eyes was fleeting, and then he smiled mischievously and said, "Bai Ze, what you said, I was also thinking about Jiazhen before. Isn't it what everyone expects that Jiazhen can have a good future? "

"That's not necessarily true." Bai Ze pouted, with disdain in his eyes.


Xiu Zhiming wanted to say something more, but Zhu Jiazhen waved his hand and said, "Okay, we are all classmates, so there is no need to worry about it anymore. Today is a class reunion, and it is rare for everyone to get together, so don't waste the time to connect with each other."

Hearing this, Xiu Zhiming stared at Bai Ze bitterly, and Bai Ze stared back without showing any weakness.

The next moment, Xiu Zhiming found that his small circle expanded again, and almost everyone gathered around him.

For a moment, Xiu Zhiming thought that these people came because of him.

But he had to accept the reality—no one looked at him again, and everyone's focus was on Zhu Jiazhen.And the name he cultivated turned into air.

"Jia Zhen, we used to be at the same table, do you remember?"

"Mr. Zhu, I asked you to copy your homework before."

"Jia Zhen, it's the first time you wrote a love letter to Yang Qi, but I handed it to you." A girl smiled obsequiously.

As soon as these words came out, some shrewd students hurriedly brought the topic to Yang Qi.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a few years, Yang Qi looks better and better."

"Yes, yes, it's a perfect match to be with Jia Zhen."

"Perfect match, the kind made in heaven."

"President Zhu, Yang Qi, remember to notify you when you are getting married."

Yang Qi blushed and lowered his head, while Zhu Jiazhen smiled foolishly, his eyes swept away from each of his classmates, and all he got were flattering responses.

"Zhou Yang, how have you been these two years?"

Zhu Jiazhen's eyes fell on a lean man, and he asked with a chuckle.

Being questioned by Zhu Jiazhen, Zhou Yang, who was already apprehensive, was even more taken aback.

He quickly apologized and said with a smile: "It's rare that Mr. Zhu still thinks about me, three lives are lucky three lives are lucky."

"You should stop dragging the text, do you have that level?"

As soon as Zhu Jiazhen's unceremonious words came out, the originally cheerful atmosphere immediately stagnated.

Zhou Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he said with a sneer, "What Mr. Zhu said is that I don't have any level."

"Not only are you not good enough, you're also shit!"

Zhu Jiazhen stared and shouted coldly.

Everyone couldn't help but be dazed, is this the bar?

Being humiliated unceremoniously by Zhu Jiazhen, Zhou Yang's eyes turned red, and he asked coldly: "Zhu Jiazhen, how did I, Zhou Yang, offend you? You deserve to humiliate me in public!"

"Where did you offend me?"

Zhu Jiazhen chuckled, and said: "When I was in school, you teased me again and again, but I didn't take it seriously. I didn't care about you sowing discord in front of Yang Qi. But when I came here just now, what were you talking about? You were talking about Ye Brother's bad words!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Jiazhen stood up awkwardly, pointed at Zhou Yang and cursed: "You shit! Can you talk and humiliate Brother Ye behind his back? What is your identity? You don't have a B number in your heart?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang hadn't reacted yet, and Xiu Zhiming blushed first.

When Zhu Jiazhen came, he probably heard Zhou Yang talking about Ye Beichen.

But before Zhu Jiazhen came, he had already ridiculed Ye Beichen in the name of Xiu.


Zhu Jiazhen sneered coldly, which startled Zhou Yang.


Zhou Yang opened his mouth, and said aggrievedly, "I didn't say anything, did I? I mean that Ye Beichen's family company collapsed, and now he has no face to come to the class reunion..."

"No face? Do you have face? Hehe! If Brother Ye has no face, you don't even have a butt! Apologize!" Zhu Jiazhen looked at Zhou Yang forcefully.

"Okay, Jia Zhen, didn't Ye Beichen come? We're all classmates, let me just say a few words..."

Xiu Zhi wanted to smooth things over, but was stared back coldly by Zhu Jiazhen.

"Zhou Yang, I care about you very much. If you don't apologize, you will bear the consequences."


Zhou Yang gritted his teeth, and finally said dejectedly: "I apologize. I shouldn't speak ill of Ye Beichen behind his back, I'm sorry."

At this time, Ye Beichen, who happened to be downstairs in Yulongji, suddenly got a system prompt: "Congratulations to the host for completing the third invisible installation B, the task is completed, and the reward is J13 weight loss medicine prescription."

 I'm sorry, I attended a classmate's wedding today. I drank some wine and felt a little dizzy. I'm in a bad state. It's late.

  This is the first update, there are two more, no less.

  Thank you for the half-life madness just to protect you~ 1097 rewards, thank you for the 399 rewards for Le Xiao, thank you for waving youth, our past 200 rewards, thank you for sitting up and moving yourself for 198 rewards, thank you for the low-key 100 rewards, and thank you for Home He Shang , zsy, 99 tips.

  Finally, let me say one thing, it will not be on the shelves tomorrow, but it will be on the shelves next Tuesday, it is set

(End of this chapter)

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