The strongest god in the city

Chapter 269 By the way, who are you?

Chapter 269 By the way, who are you?

Blood gushed out, and Xiu Zhiming stuck out his tongue in pain, but no one cared about him, not even Xiu Zhiming himself.

Everyone in the audience focused their eyes on Ye Beichen, looking at Ye Beichen like they were looking at a monster.

Five five five five... half a million?

Are you sure they didn't get it wrong?
Are you sure it's not acting?

Under everyone's attention, Bai Ze trembled with excitement, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

If this is acting, then Bai Ze's acting skills are too good, right?
Looking at Ye Beichen again, his indifferent appearance added a layer of mystery.

"Dad, did you read that right? Brother Ye..."

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Bai Ze hurriedly asked again.

After asking this, he seemed to think of something, and pressed the speakerphone.

Immediately, a middle-aged man's equally excited voice came from the other end of the phone: "That's right! You're really right! I counted several times with your sister, seven zeros! 5000 million! Ozawa, your Ye... ...Brother Ye, how did you transfer 5000 million?"

Really 5000 million!
After receiving Bai Changfa's confirmation, the audience gasped again and stared blankly at Ye Beichen.

Ye Beichen turned over!

Can take out 5000 million at will, what is it if it is not turning over?
Some classmates who had a little friendship with Ye Beichen in the past are going to regret it now.

They regretted that when Ye Beichen first entered the door, they should have taken the opportunity to make some friends, and should not have stood on the sidelines.

Now that Ye Beichen's situation has been exposed, is there any point in trying to make friends?

Yes, of course there is, it is a little bit if you can pull it a little bit.

In case, Ye Beichen is in a good mood, throwing away a good thing will be enough for them to enjoy for a lifetime.

Didn't you see that Bai Ze's family owed a total of 3000 million yuan in debt, and Ye Beichen's 5000 million yuan in debt?

Many students were calm on the surface, but the hotness in their eyes had already betrayed their hearts.

"Dad, brother Ye..."

Just as Bai Ze was about to explain, Ye Beichen waved his hand and said in a low voice, "Let me explain."

Ye Beichen took the phone and said with a smile, "Hello, Uncle Bai, I'm Bai Ze's classmate, Ye Beichen."

"Ah, it's Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, hello, hello." Bai Changfa greeted quickly, with a bit of respect in his enthusiasm.

He has been overwhelmed by the treatment for the past few months, he can't eat well, sleep well, and has been worrying.

But Ye Beichen's 5000 million debts, which almost crushed him, were suddenly resolved.

How does this make Bai Changfa unenthusiastic and disrespectful?

"Hehe, Uncle Bai, Bai Ze and I are good friends, you don't have to be polite to me."

Ye Beichen smiled, and said: "I want to discuss with you. My Ye Group has collected all the building materials from you. In addition, you can do the calculation for me. A factory of about 5000 square meters, including factory buildings and offices About how much building materials are needed for buildings and dormitories. If [-] million is not enough, you can ask Bai Ze to notify me at any time."

"Hiss, a factory of [-] square meters? Mr. Ye, you..."

"Well, a week later, my Ye Group will build a new factory, I hope you can worry about it, Uncle Bai." Ye Beichen said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Ye, I'll contact several major manufacturers now and ask them to stock up quickly. It's about materials, and I may need to get the factory's design drawings."


Ye Beichen thought about it for a while, and said, "About the seventh, I'll ask Bai Ze to take it there for you."

Although the auction only started on the [-]th, and everything has changed before, Ye Beichen is bound to win.

Could the position that Ye Beichen was looking for fall into someone else's hands?

Therefore, he has already made up his mind that when the group structure is completed, he will ask his mother to order surveys, produce design drawings, contact the construction company, and be ready to start construction at any time.

The construction of factories and clinical trials must be carried out at the same time without any slack.

With the J13 shaping agent in hand, he couldn't wait to complete the first step of his plan - to seize the weight-loss drug market and severely suppress Tianyu Group.

After hanging up the phone, when Ye Beichen handed the phone to Bai Ze, Bai Ze still had tears in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Ye Beichen really turned over!
While he was happy for Ye Beichen, he didn't expect that Ye Beichen would help him without hesitation after turning over!

For a factory of tens of thousands of square meters, how many buildings should there be?If all the building materials are supplied by his family, the profit will be a terrible figure!

His Bai family is about to stand up!
"Brother Ye, I will tell my dad to let him maintain basic profits..."

"Need not."

Ye Beichen waved his hand and said, "You still have to make money, otherwise, what are you doing for nothing? But... this time, you must make sure to check it well. If something goes wrong, I'll take your skin off."

Ye Beichen's scolding and laughing warmed Bai Ze's heart and made his eyes even redder.

"Okay, big man, earn a little money, so excited."

Ye Beichen reached out and patted his shoulder, and raised his glass: "Come, have three glasses."

"Accompany you to the end!"

When Ye Beichen and Bai Ze toasted three times in a row, everyone else's eyes were extremely hot.

Although they don't know what the concept is for the profits of building materials in tens of thousands of square meters of factories, they are definitely something they will never even think about earning in their lifetime.

Those who know a little bit are the name of Xiu.

After a rough calculation in his mind, he had to admit that that number was something he would never even think of earning in his life.

But at this moment, these were not important anymore, Xiu Zhiming endured the pain from his tongue, and started thinking about something else.

The company that Xiu Zhiming works for is, to be precise, a construction company.And he, because of nepotism, got a fat job as the deputy manager of the purchasing department.

Needless to say, the benefits gained from it.

But if he took over Ye Beichen's business for the company, the position of manager of the purchasing department would definitely be in his pocket, and the cash reward would also be in the millions!
He couldn't help being moved.

Thinking of this, Xiu Zhiming picked up his wine glass and stood up.

"Young Master Ye, it was my fault before. We are all classmates, and Young Master Ye probably wouldn't take some kind jokes to heart, right?"

"Well, I didn't take it to heart."

Ye Beichen smiled and shook his head.

Xiu Zhiming was overjoyed, raised his wine glass and was about to speak, but Ye Beichen frowned, and asked suspiciously: "By the way, who are you...? We know each other?"


Xiu Zhiming raised his glass blankly, his face flushed.

This is Hong Guoguo's mockery!
No, for the sake of rectification, for the millions of bonuses, he must be patient!
"Haha... Ye Shaotai knows how to drive... huh?"

Just as Xiu Zhiming opened his mouth, Ye Beichen turned his head away and chatted with Zhu Jiazhen.

The two chatted and laughed, and regarded his name as air!
Xiu Zhiming was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and said in his heart: "I must take revenge!"

At this moment, Liu Wenbing hurried to the private room, leaned into Zhu Jiazhen's ear and said, "Mr. Zhu, Zhao Ming, the regional general manager, is here. Come to the private room immediately."

Regional general manager?Isn't that Zhu Jiazhen's immediate boss?
Thinking of the other party's identity, Xiu Zhiming had a crazy idea in his mind.

 The update is here, and there are two more.

  Thank you for not forgetting the original heart 588 reward.

(End of this chapter)

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