Chapter 272

"Boss Ye, that...Mei Anqi..."

After Xiu Zhiming left, Zhao Ming quickly walked up to Ye Beichen and said in a humble voice.

"Mei Anqi? HR manager?"

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Beichen understood why the other party came.

It was for Mei Anqi to intercede!

Zhu Jiazhen had told him in the past two days that the evidence showed that apart from the former manager and finance, Mei Anqi also benefited a bit, and Mei Anqi herself admitted it.

However, the number is not large, and it can be punished or not punished.

In view of Mei Anqi's good attitude and voluntary admission, Ye Beichen asked Zhu Jiazhen not to pursue it for now.

It seems that the word "for the time being" has alarmed Mei Anqi's backstage, Zhao Ming.

Zhao Ming nodded, and said helplessly, "Yes, An Qi is my cousin's daughter. I never thought that she would dare to take advantage of the store. It's really... Sigh!"

Zhao Ming sighed heavily, and put on a posture of hating iron but not steel.

Ye Beichen looked calm, neither sad nor happy.

"One Yulongji, the annual net profit is only a mere few million. You reach out to grab a little, and he reaches out to grab a little. No wonder, in the financial report of Changhu Group, the increase is pitifully low!"

Hearing this, cold sweat dripped from Zhao Ming's back.

What Ye Beichen did was not only talking about Anqi Mei, but also about many other managers in the store, including him——Zhao Ming.

He didn't know that what Ye Beichen said, he just opened his mouth.

Ye Beichen hadn't read any bullshit financial reports at all, so it was just a matter of beating them.

Zhao Ming opened his mouth, wanting to say something else, Ye Beichen waved his hand, and said, "Let's leave this matter alone, and restrain the subordinates in your jurisdiction. I don't want to hear any more about which store and who, and What's the matter with you, understand?"

"Understood, Mr. Ye, I promise, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future!" Zhao Ming responded quickly and firmly.


Ye Beichen waved his hand.

Seeing this, Zhao Ming didn't say much, bowed to Ye Beichen, nodded to Zhu Jiazhen, turned and left.

When the door of the private room was closed behind him, Zhao Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead, and suddenly found that his back was already wet with sweat.

He could remember very clearly that Ye Beichen's words were not harsh, but relaxed, but he still couldn't stop sweating.

"I'm afraid this is the coercion of the superior."

Zhao Ming looked back at the door of the private room, and said with sincere emotion.

At this time, Mei Anqi, who was guarding not far away, trotted over and asked impatiently, "Mr. Zhao, what did Mr. Ye say?"

"Young Master Ye said it's fine this time, you can work with peace of mind. Remember, you must cooperate with Zhu Jiazhen's work well in the future! Yulongji's personnel manager's salary is enough for you to be chic!"

"Yes yes yes." Mei Anqi replied hastily.

Zhao Ming thought for a while, and added another sentence: "Try to make a good impression in front of Zhu Jiazhen, it will be good for you in the future."

Mei Anqi was puzzled for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she asked quickly: "Mr. Zhao, you mean..."

"Well, Young Master Ye's friend won't stay in a small shop all the time."

In the private room, Zhu Jiazhen didn't know that the two people outside the door were trying to figure out his position.

At this time, the entire private room fell into dead silence again, and everyone no longer remembered that this was the first time today that they looked at Ye Beichen with horrified eyes.

As soon as Ye Beichen came, he paid 5000 million yuan to save Bai Ze and silenced everyone.

For a factory of tens of thousands of square meters, that is even more generous.

But none of these can compare with the scene just now.

Just now, right in front of them, Ye Beichen didn't say anything serious, but the regional manager of Yulongji was scared like a dog and didn't dare to say a word.

"Hehe, what are you doing in a daze?"

Ye Beichen smiled and said.

"Brother Ye, you... are you really the boss of Changhu Group?"

When Yin Jiaxiong asked this, everyone held their breath, waiting for Ye Beichen's answer.

"It's nothing, I just have a controlling stake." Ye Beichen replied lightly.


There were bursts of gasps in the private room immediately.

But have a controlling interest?

What is the concept of controlling rights? It means at least 51% of the shares!And the market value of Changhu Group exceeds one billion, what is 51%?
More than [-] million!

It's so terrifying!
How did this trick work?

The last time they met Ye Beichen was only a few years ago.

In a few years, Ye Beichen not only owned a huge amount of money, but even the listed group was taken over by him.

This is too exaggerated, right?
If they knew that it took Ye Beichen more than half a month to turn himself from a poor dick, they would be horrified.

At this time, everyone finally understood why Zhu Jiazhen, who was honest and not very capable, suddenly became the general manager of Yulongji.

Yulongji has dozens of branches all over the country, what is a general manager?
Everyone envied, envied and hated, but also thought carefully.In case, which store is short of people, will there be opportunities for them?
Zhu Jiazhen can be the general manager, why can't they?
Yin Jiaxiong was excited when he got the answer.

It was true that he wanted to be Ye Beichen's attendant with a shameless face!
With such an awesome boss, will his future be any worse?
What kind of shit system, what kind of shit future father-in-law and mother-in-law, go to hell!
After waving Liu Wenbing to leave, the atmosphere in the private room became warm and weird.

Enthusiastically, almost everyone toasted Ye Beichen very enthusiastically.Even just now, there were some rich second generations who believed that their family's assets were not bad, and they also toasted respectfully.

Don't even look at who is standing in front of them!That's the big boss of the listed group!

Even their fathers are not as good as Ye Beichen, and they may not be able to have a meal with a big man like Ye Beichen like them!

The strange thing was that, except for Ye Beichen and Zhu Jiazhen, everyone looked at other students with hostility.

This kind of hostility is like two men pursuing a girlfriend together, and like two interviewers interviewing for the same position at the same time.

In short, they all regard others as competitors, as imaginary enemies.

However, everything they did was destined to be useless.

Except for Ye Beichen's two classmates who had a good impression, he didn't pay attention to the others.Even if the other party toasted, he just took a sip.

For the class reunion, pretending to be B is one purpose, and another purpose is to win over those classmates who have a good relationship.

Others, he might be willing to borrow fifty cents in the future.Too many, who are you?
Due to everyone's "enthusiasm", the meal lasted from the early eleven o'clock to the end of the evening.

Walking out of Yulongji, Ye Beichen, Bai Ze, and Yin Jiaxiong entered the Rolls-Royce Phantom under the envious eyes of everyone.

The driver is an employee arranged by Yulongji.

"Ye...Young Master Ye, where are you going?" The employee was a little nervous when driving the Rolls-Royce Phantom for the first time.

"Turn around first and take a look at the scenery."

 First more.

  Thank you for the 999 reward for the heartless madness, thank you for the half-life madness just to protect you ~ 999 for the reward, and thank you for the 588 reward for words.

(End of this chapter)

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