The strongest god in the city

Chapter 275 Temporary Use Right

Chapter 275 Temporary Use Right


As soon as the middle-aged man's words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at the doctor and Ye Beichen viciously with contempt and anger.

How dare you do that!

Hit someone, actually colluded with the doctor, saying it was a myocardial infarction?

Can rich people really do whatever they want?
Ye Beichen was confident, but the doctor panicked.

This is an insult to his personality!
"Sir, you can't talk nonsense! Myocardial infarction and being hit are not the same thing. I have diagnosis reports and operation reports here, even if you examine the patient's body..."

The doctor quickly took a stack of reports, but the middle-aged man stretched out his hand and sent them flying, scattering them all over the ground.

"Fuck you! People are sent to your hospital, how to write the report, you have the final say? Bullying us poor people don't understand, do you? We poor people have no identity, no background, no money, so we deserve to be deceived by you !"

As soon as the words filled with righteous indignation were uttered, they immediately attracted more responses.

These words can be said into the hearts of the people who eat melons.

You have money, you are a bad person!
"Brother, we support you."

"Yes, we will testify for you!"

"A relative in my family is a policeman. We will call the police for you."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was shocked, and quickly said: "Calling the police is not necessary for the time being. We have also been young. For young people, we should give him a chance to reform. Once the police is called, he must at least be detained. We can't easily Ruined a young man's bright future, didn't he?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Ye Beichen threateningly.

It seems to be saying, if you don't obediently pay the money, I will call the police.

In fact, he couldn't be more clear about the real situation.

Myocardial infarction was an old problem of his mother, and he knew it when the doctor mentioned it.

But with such an opportunity in front of him, how could he give up so easily?
Now, he wants to use the pressure of public opinion to make Ye Beichen bow his head.

For rich people, face is of course important. Money doesn't matter, right?

How did he know that Ye Beichen's views on money really didn't matter, but it also depended on how the money was given.

If you are really miserable, he, Ye Beichen, might show kindness and donate several million.But if he had bad intentions and threatened him, it would not be that simple.

There are tens of thousands of ways to play the opponent to death, and Ye Beichen is thinking about how to play to make it more interesting.

While Ye Beichen was thinking, the doctor said again unwillingly: "Sir, everything I said is true. I guarantee with my medical ethics that the old man is really..."

Before he could finish, however, the older woman jumped up and rushed straight at the doctor.

"Shut up! You colluded with rich people, and you still have medical ethics? You don't even have personality! I'll scratch you to death!"

Seeing the woman approaching with all her teeth and claws, the doctor panicked and quickly hid behind an older nurse.

The doctor hides, the woman grabs.

After hiding and catching, the scene immediately became chaotic, and even the old man's hospital bed was crowded into the corner and no one paid any attention.


Ye Beichen sighed, and was about to follow his plan when the system's voice suddenly sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the temporary right to use the holographic virtual live broadcast room, do you want to use it immediately?"

Holographic virtual live broadcast room?what is that?
Ye Beichen was puzzled for a moment, and immediately issued an order - use.

The system suddenly appeared at this time, and even set up a holographic virtual live broadcast room, there must be a purpose for it.

As soon as the command came out, Ye Beichen's eyes lit up, and a virtual light curtain appeared in front of him.And above the virtual light curtain is a reduced version of the scene in front of you.

This is a live broadcast?

Just as doubts arose in Ye Beichen's heart, several reminders suddenly appeared in the lower left corner of the virtual light curtain.

"The output is all by roaring into the live broadcast room."

"Aim at people and enter the live broadcast room."

"Ximen Chuixue enters the live broadcast room."


At first, Ye Beichen could still see the reminders clearly, but as the number of reminders increased by more than a dozen per second, Ye Beichen was dazzled.

Afterwards, Ye Beichen spotted a continuously increasing number in the upper left corner - 3102, which was still increasing rapidly.

Ye Beichen understood that this was the number of viewers in the live broadcast room, that is, popularity.

The next moment, Ye Beichen stared, and a barrage appeared!
"Haohuang started a live broadcast?"

"what's going on?"

"Looks like a hospital."

"Idiots know it's a hospital, didn't they see doctors and nurses?"

"It seems... the patient's family is chasing and beating the doctor?"

"I got it! Haohuang is going to live broadcast to expose the ugly behavior of doctors!"

"It must be so!"

"Call with me, quack!"

"Quack doctor! Quack doctor! Quack doctor!"


It's not like someone deliberately brought the rhythm, but soon, the words "quack" filled the screen of light.

Ye Beichen sighed slightly when he saw the result.

Before he said anything, the fact that the patient's family members chased and beat the doctor convinced the audience that it must be the doctor's fault, which made him a little helpless.

It is undeniable that among doctors, there must be some black apples.But most doctors still have medical ethics.

You keep scolding the doctor, but if you are sick, the first thing you think of is definitely the doctor.And when you can't get up in the hospital bed, the doctor will take care of you.

Just like in front of you, the old man has two children and a daughter-in-law. From entering the hospital to now, he has never looked at the old man.

But what about the doctor?From the time the old man was sent to the hospital, until he was rescued just after he came out...he was stunned.

Worse than Dou E, right?
While Ye Beichen was sighing, the system's voice sounded again: "The holographic virtual live broadcast room, the system automatically connects to the network for live broadcast, ultra-clear Blu-ray quality..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Ye Beichen hurriedly interrupted the system and said, "Stop advertising, and get some dry goods."

System: "...the host can control the live broadcast room as he likes, including the size of the live broadcast screen, long-range, close-up, and close-up, and can add mosaics at any time. The host can control the front and rear of the lens. The front lens takes the host as the protagonist, soft light Take a selfie and illuminate your beauty!"

"Beautiful for you! Advertise again."

Ye Beichen cursed secretly, but his heart was full of surprises about the holographic virtual live broadcast room.

Long shot, close shot, close-up?
Seeing a beautiful woman on the street, wouldn't it be possible to use a close-up to see it more clearly?
No, no, Ye Beichen doesn't have these dirty thoughts, he is a good young man.

In fact, what he thought was that if the holographic virtual live broadcast room could appear a few days ago, then he would not have to show his face during the whole process of tracking down the dealer!
Yes, it is like that.

After figuring out the function of the holographic virtual live broadcast room, Ye Beichen had a wicked smile on his lips.

He originally planned to lose money if he couldn't resist the pressure, and then sue the other party for fraud.With the driving recorder as evidence, the other party has almost no chance of overturning.

But now that he has a holographic virtual live broadcast room, Ye Beichen came up with an even more brilliant way!

 First more.


  The current recommendation ticket is 7596...can it be 8000?
(End of this chapter)

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