Chapter 277

"Money, it's not the problem. The problem is..."

"The problem have no money? You have no money!"

The middle-aged man jumped up from the chair, staring at Ye Beichen.The other two middle-aged women were shocked.

Ye Beichen has no money? ? ?
This is too much of a joke, right?


"Honey, he's tricking us! Don't you forget, he drives a Rolls-Royce, a Rolls-Royce worth millions! How could he have no money!"

"Cough cough."

Ye Beichen coughed lightly, and said, "Correct me, my car is the latest Rolls-Royce Phantom, top-of-the-line, 1000 two million. Also, I am not short of money."

"Haohuang installed B!"

"I'll go, pretend to be B to show off my wealth!"

"That's right, how could Haohuang have no money!"


Hearing that Ye Beichen's car was worth 1000 to [-] million yuan, the eyes of the three of them widened.

Sure enough, poverty limits their imagination!
"You're so rich, 200 million is a no-brainer, right?" The middle-aged man asked cheerfully.

"Brother, he is so rich, 200 million is it..."

Before the woman finished speaking, she was stared back by the middle-aged man.

If you have money, don't mess around too much.

200 million, to buy four small apartments in Yulan City, and the rent alone is enough for them to live for a lifetime.

What's more, once the housing price rises sharply, they can sell it casually, and they can get even more money!

These are all based on the premise of getting 200 million.

But in case, they opened their mouths too much and the conversation fell apart, but they got nothing.

"200 million? It's really a trivial matter."

Ye Beichen spoke softly, making the three people's eyes light up at the same time, and they looked at Ye Beichen impatiently.


"When will you pay?"

"Yes, give me the money, and you can leave."

The three said it almost in unison.

Ye Beichen chuckled and said, "Why? Don't you plan to let me go if I don't pay? Illegal detention?"

"You don't pay?"

The middle-aged man's face darkened, and he sneered, "If you dare not pay, I will ruin your reputation!"

"Oh? How did you ruin my reputation? Don't you know what happened to your mother? It was obvious that she had a myocardial infarction and fell in front of my car. I kindly sent him to the hospital. I paid for the medical expenses in advance. You still have to I lose money?"

"Hehe, is it useful for you to say these things?"

The middle-aged man smiled coldly: "I tell you, I will bite you today. If you don't lose money, you will be ruined."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man changed into a "speaking earnestly" tone: "Tell me about you, you rich people have so much money, and you can't spend it no matter how much you spend. How can you share it with us poor people?" Sample?"

"That's right! A big boss like you is worth at least hundreds of millions, right? There are 2000 million people in Yulan City, and each one has 1000 million. Don't you have 8000 million left?" The older middle-aged woman hurriedly "persuaded".

Hearing this, Ye Beichen sighed in his heart, he is another person who has been poisoned by the Internet.

Normal people would find it amusing to read jokes on the Internet.Instead of normal people, they will take Internet jokes as real things and practice them in life.

This is the woman in front of me.

"that is!"

Another middle-aged woman also hurriedly said: "What's wrong with you spending money to avoid disasters? You are so rich, you should spend your time and energy on making more money. As for 200 just pretended to go to the toilet without paper, Wipe it with banknotes."

Didn't bring paper to the toilet, wiped it with money?
I didn't bring paper with me when I went to the toilet, so I wiped it with banknotes!
These words echoed in Ye Beichen's mind, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

200 million banknotes to wipe his butt, is Ye Beichen's butt that big?
"Young man, I advise you not to be obsessed with your obsession. Pay and settle, and everyone will save trouble."

"Then what if I don't agree?" Ye Beichen asked casually.

"Don't agree?"

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Little sister, call your husband and ask him to come over! Boy, let me tell you, my brother-in-law is a reporter for the Yulan Evening News. As soon as he comes, I will let you appear in the newspaper tomorrow!"

"Oh, whatever."

Ye Beichen shrugged and said indifferently.

He also wanted to see if the reporters of the famous Yulan Evening News in his hometown were as they thought!
"Hmph! Obsessed with obsession! Little sister, call!"

Following the cold drink of the middle-aged man, the woman quickly took out her mobile phone, dialed her husband's number in front of Ye Beichen, and spoke as if no one was there.

"Husband, come here quickly! That kid doesn't want to pay... No, he is very rich, we only want him to pay 200 million yuan! Well, come here quickly, get the money, let's buy a house, and mom will send it to a nursing home. The one we saw last time is really cheap... Yes, let’s do it like this, after sending it, we will move and change the number! Oh, don’t talk about it, come quickly, get 200 million first and then talk about it!”

Looking at the impatient look of the woman, and at the natural look of another couple, Ye Beichen felt that his three views had been refreshed.

Send mother to a cheap nursing home?After sending it, you still move directly to change the number?
He... is powerless to complain!

Not to mention Ye Beichen, even the Hukou TV viewers watching the live broadcast, almost couldn't react for a long time while holding their phones.

There are such wonderful children in the world!
When they reacted, they frantically brushed up the barrage again.

Ye Beichen glanced casually, and no one was standing opposite him anymore.

At this time, everyone supported him overwhelmingly, and everyone scolded the old man's son, daughter-in-law, daughter, and son-in-law.

One is not less, all are the best!

"Pity the old man..."

"How can there be such children!"

"Why do you keep so many white-eyed wolves!"

", I want to hack them to death!"

"Recommend the whole network of human flesh!"

"Hematemesis +1!"

"That... that man... is my colleague."

A barrage appeared, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

A smile finally appeared on Ye Beichen's face.

Isn't this what he was waiting for?

Following the appearance of that barrage, there was the second related message, the third message, and the fourth... One was more detailed than the other.

In less than 3 minutes, the three people's information, including the identity of the Yulan Evening News reporter who has not yet appeared, were all told to the public.

Not only the names and work units of the four people, but also the unit address, contact number, leader's name, and phone number all appeared on the barrage.

Even the relevant information about the school and teachers of their children are presented without reservation.

The most exciting part is finally about to begin!

Seeing that Ye Beichen actually smiled at this time, the middle-aged man gave Ye Beichen a vicious look, and said in his heart, "Laugh, let you laugh, there will always be a time when you cry!"

Just as he thought of this, the phone rang suddenly.

He took out his cell phone and looked anxiously.

"Leader, I'm really sorry, my mother was hit by a bastard with a car, I... Ga..."

Speaking of this, he seemed to be stuck in the neck, his voice stopped abruptly, and his face turned extremely pale in an instant.

At the same time, two mobile phone ringtones rang at the same time...

 Third more.

  A new week, all kinds of requests once.

  Tomorrow, there will be no demands

(End of this chapter)

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