Chapter 279
Hearing this voice, Ye Beichen frowned. Is that Yulan Evening News reporter here?
And the three members of this family, when they heard the voice, their eyes lit up first, and then they showed panic.

The three of them have become dogs in the water, and the only ones who can help them are outsiders.

If he came in again, there would be no hope at all.

In desperation, the man's younger sister hurriedly shouted: "Not here, husband, we are not inside!"


In the doctor's office, the atmosphere suddenly became calm.

Outside the door, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking very gentle was holding the doorknob. He didn't know whether to open the door or turn around and leave.

Turning his eyes, he suddenly guessed that this was his wife sending him a dangerous signal!

In the office, there is danger!

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on the gentle man's face.

So what if there is danger?He is Ni Yugen, a well-known reporter from Yulan Evening News.

No, the order is wrong.

The Yulan Evening News is famous. Although Ni Yugen is just a small reporter, but with a big tree on his back, who can be afraid of in this Yulan City, who is one-third of an acre of land?
Having figured out this joint, Ni Yugen smiled coldly, stretched out his hand to open the door, and kicked it.


The office door slammed against the wall with a dull thud.

Ni Yugen walked into the office triumphantly, took a closer look, and immediately became furious.

"Wife, brother and sister-in-law, how did you make it like this!"

Then, he turned his head to look at Ye Beichen, gritted his teeth and asked, "It was you? You beat my family? Who gave you the courage to touch my Ni Yugen's family!"

"Husband! You go out, go home! That kid..."

Before the woman finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ni Yugen with a sneer: "Since I'm here, I don't intend to leave like this! Wife, don't worry, I'm in everything!"

As soon as these words came out, the woman was stunned, and finally lowered her head helplessly.In her heart, there was actually a glimmer of hope.I hope that Ni Yugen can make a strong comeback and fight back.

After all, Ni Yugen is also a reporter, isn't he?
"Ni Yugen? Are you a reporter from the Yulan Evening News?"

Ye Beichen looked at the other party with great interest, and asked lightly.

"That's right! I'm a reporter from Yulan Evening News."

Ni Yugen raised his head proudly, and said disdainfully: "Boy, I don't care what your background is, but you dare to touch my Ni Yugen's family, so be ready to accept my anger."

"Your anger?"

Ye Beichen asked jokingly, and then said, "I don't care what your anger is. But when you come, you blame me indiscriminately. Is this the style of your Yulan Evening News reporter?"

Hearing this, Ni Yugen narrowed his eyes and snorted softly: "I don't need you to teach me how to do things. Tell me, how do you plan to solve this matter? Do you want me to write something for you, eh?"

As he spoke, he pretended to take out the recording pen, twirled his fingers a few times, and looked at Ye Beichen sarcastically.

"Oh? Why don't you ask why these things happened? Or, have you already figured it out?" Ye Beichen asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Ni Yugen stared at Ye Beichen suspiciously for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... You don't think I'm here to figure out the reason and to uphold justice for you, right? Tsk tsk tsk, it's been a long time since I saw such a naive rich man. Hahaha..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled strangely, and said: "However, if you want to reverse, it is not impossible."

As he spoke, he rubbed his hands, and said, "300 million, you give me 300 million, and I'll put all the shit on them for you. Planting the blame, deliberately blackmailing them is to let them sit in prison for a few years. I can do it for you with a pen."

"But the fact is that they framed and deliberately blackmailed." Ye Beichen shouted pretending to be aggrieved.


Ni Yugen shook his head disdainfully: "Does the fact matter? You care so much about the facts, so you might as well call the police. However, for a rich man like you, if you report to the police that you have been scammed for saving lives, tsk tsk, you don't feel ashamed, I will take care of you." shame."

"Why?" Ye Beichen asked subconsciously.

"Why? How can a rich person take the initiative to say that he was defrauded? A mere two or three million yuan is a trivial matter, so there is no such thing as face. You give me 300 million yuan, and I will turn things around for you. If you are more generous , Give me 300 million, and I'll take care of it for you right away. It's easy to shape you into a reincarnated Bodhisattva! The first good of Hui Province, how about this title?"

Listening to Ni Yugen's words, Ye Beichen actually admired him a little.

A young reporter has such a strong business acumen.If he goes into business, he will become a legend in minutes.

However, this business acumen was used in front of him, Ye Beichen, and there was obviously no chance to use it again.

Who knows what the times will be like when the other party comes out of prison ten or twenty years later?
In the barrage, everyone's thoughts were almost the same as Ye Beichen's.

"666 Business Wizards."

"It's a pity that I used the wrong person."

"Silly, don't you know it's live?"

"Haha, I'm curious, what will happen to his leader when he hears what he said?"

"Of course... a promotion and a raise."

There will definitely be no promotion and salary increase. What is waiting for Ni Yugen is...

Accompanied by a series of ringtones from Yue'er, Ni Yugen's cell phone rang, and it was his immediate superior.

He pressed answer in doubt, and the other party only said three words: "You are fine."

Hearing this, Ni Yugen felt excited. Is this going to be promoted?

Just as he was about to thank him and show his loyalty, a busy tone suddenly came from the phone.

"Could it be that I was in a meeting to discuss my promotion, and the leader took advantage of the toilet break to announce my good news?"

What he didn't know was that when he appeared, the senior management of Yulan Evening News held an emergency meeting.

He was dismissed before his leader notified him, and the leader also made a major mistake.

It's too embarrassing for such a character to be broadcast live, it's too embarrassing, someone has to be unlucky, isn't it?

After hanging up the phone, Ni Yugen smiled triumphantly and said, "See? I'm about to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility. If you cooperate with me, it will only benefit you and not harm you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of steady footsteps in the corridor.

Accompanied by footsteps, and the voice of the previous doctor.

"In that office, the door was open."

people come.

Ye Beichen laughed jokingly, and said, "Big reporter, if you can survive this test, I can consider cooperating with you."

"Survive this level?"

Ni Yugen was puzzled, and suddenly saw several policemen rushing in. The leader was Captain Lu whom Ye Beichen had seen a few days ago.

Captain Lu cautiously nodded to Ye Beichen, and with a wave of his hand, four pairs of handcuffs appeared.

"Cuff it and take it back!"

 Three consecutive updates, second update
(End of this chapter)

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