Chapter 281
What should I write in my speech?

At this moment, I just want to say three words: the author is a salted fish!The author is a salted fish!

This is the case.

As a patient with severe procrastination and lazy cancer, the author has nothing to say.

Those in the group should know that I have not slept since I woke up yesterday morning and started coding until now.

However, the result of struggling for more than 20 hours is... Except for the update of the three chapters yesterday, there are only 11 chapters in the archive.

In other words, on the shelves, there are only 11 chapters.

Salted fish?
indeed so!

Obviously promised 20 chapters, but the result now is only 11 chapters!
If you are so dishonest, you should be scolded or you should be scolded. The author is at a loss and accepts it.

But the author fungus doesn't want to be a salted fish all his life, so the author fungus wants to redeem himself.

Let's update chapter 11 first.Then, I continued to code until 12 o'clock tonight, counting how many chapters there are.

Together, if there are less than 20 chapters, then start tomorrow and make up twice.

The original plan was to put 20 chapters on the shelves, and then guarantee a minimum of four chapters every day.

If one chapter is missing today, six chapters will be added tomorrow.

If two chapters are missing today, six chapters will be added tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

And so on, until it is doubled.

But the best result is that I finish coding the remaining nine chapters before 12 o'clock tonight.

I had a lot to say, but now because of an update problem, I don't know what to say.

Finally, just a few words.

This book was released on November 11th, and as of yesterday, it has been continuously updated for 30 days without interruption.Even on New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year, it never stopped, and even in the first few days of the first and second day of the new year, there were more explosions.

116 days, 58 free words, I can only use rewards and recommendation tickets to tell myself that I still have people who support me.

But 116 days is too much for a man who counts on writing to support his family.

Fortunately, I survived, and many of those who published books at the same time as me did not survive...

It's on the shelves, and many readers are leaving.

I have seen other authors put it on the shelf, and when it was put on the shelf, there was a lot of scolding.

The author has a glassy heart and can't stand scolding.So, for the sake of 58 words free, you can stop loving, but please don't hurt.

Those who stay, hope to give a support, your support can ensure that the author will not eat dirt.

Well, that's all the author's pursuit is.

Finally, repeat, don't scold me for charging, but welcome to scold me for not cracking 20 more...

 I cry……

(End of this chapter)

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