The strongest god in the city

Chapter 286 The Opportunity to Show Comes

Chapter 286 The Opportunity to Show Comes (Subscribe)
"Young man, if you like it, go after it. When I was young, I felt that I had no money, so I only dared to look at the woman I liked silently. Watching her fall in love, watching her get married, watching her have children... When I have I just realized that it’s all bullshit! If you have money, so what, the woman you like won’t be with you anymore, and time won’t go back!”

It was none other than the man who brought Ye Beichen in.

It seems that because of the matter of Yin Jiaxiong and Xiaowan, his memories were brought back, and there was still sadness in his eyes at this time.

This is a man with a story.

(Author Bacteria: It's as if no one has a story!)


As soon as Ye Beichen opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the man waving his hand: "My surname is Zhao, Zhao Yuanxin, you can call me Lao Zhao."

"Then I'll call you Brother Zhao, my surname is Ye."

Ye Beichen smiled, and simply stopped bringing up the topic just now, and asked instead: "Brother Zhao, did you also fancy a piece of land when you came this time?"

"Yeah, I fancy a piece."

Zhao Yuanxin nodded, and took out a piece of printed paper from the invitation letter, on which were the eight land parcels for this auction.

"Look, this land No. 1018 is located in the north of the urban area, and it is not close to the northern city. block, but the water has risen to record highs!"

Zhao Yuanxin said more and more vigorously: "Now the land price over there is only 5800 a square. Once the auction is completed, the construction period will be at least 8000 by then. The profit in the middle is enough to squeeze out the real estate developers in the whole province. I heard that there are even outside developers coming to snatch it up!"

Although Ye Beichen was in real estate sales before, he knew little about the profits.

In fact, he didn't need to understand, Zhao Yuanxin's words revealed two words in and out of the words - huge profits!
Ye Beichen has always been interested in real estate.But helplessly, there are too many things at hand, and it will not be possible to enter for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, you might as well inquire more about it.

"Brother Zhao, are you planning to participate in the bidding for this piece of land this time?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanxin's face froze, and he smiled wryly: "It was originally planned, but unfortunately, I couldn't participate in the competition because I was full of fights. I can only see if I can win this small piece. Hey! It's all because of that Old Li, went out to gamble, lost everything, and came here to withdraw the shares. Hundreds of millions of funds were withdrawn by him. Otherwise, how could I not even have a chance to fight!"

Lao Li?It should be Zhao Yuanxin's partner.

No wonder Zhao Yuanxin looked sluggish.Whoever saw a big piece of cake that belonged to him fell into someone else's hands, but he didn't even have a chance to take a bite, should be furious.

Ye Beichen smiled sympathetically, and looked up at the printed paper.

Eight plots of land, six commercial and residential plots, and two industrial plots.

The piece that Ye Beichen was interested in was 3 square meters according to the introduction, and the base price was 1.2 million.

As for the other piece of land, the location is worse, and it is more than half the size, only 4000 square meters, with a base price of [-] million.

While Ye Beichen was looking at the printed paper, a soft cough on the auction stage caught his attention.

Is this the auction going to start?

Looking up, the person standing on the auction stage is actually Xiao Wan's father, Li Xin.

It turned out that this guy was hosting the auction.

After Li Xin coughed lightly, he said a welcome speech and a scene, and then said: "The first bidder is Lot 1001. Please send the bidding proposal to me for the companies participating in Lot 1001. It will be reviewed by a group of experts. Only those who pass the review can participate in the auction.”

Hey, there is actually a review first.

Ye Beichen followed Li Xin's gaze, and sure enough, he saw a table full of bricks sitting upright, as if they were waiting for everyone's admiration.

After Li Xin finished speaking, about 20 people handed in the bidding plan.

Putting away the planning book, the scene was very quiet for a while.

"Brother Zhao, are you just so cold?"

Ye Beichen was a little speechless. If you accept the plan, can't you accept it in advance and review it in advance?

efficiency!Do you know what is efficiency?
Then Zhao Yuanxin smiled helplessly, and said: "The official, it's the piss. Do you still expect the official to arrange a few beauties to warm up the scene? It's enough to be worthy of the audience without letting the leader speak."

Leader speaking?

Ye Beichen was in a cold sweat.

The scene was silent for ten minutes, and during these ten minutes, Ye Beichen had been asking Zhao Yuanxin about real estate.

Zhao Yuanxin was honest, except for some industry secrets, he kept almost nothing.

Yin Jiaxiong on the side was also listening carefully. He knew that Ye Beichen's inquiry was not only for interest, but also for something else.

"Cough cough."

It was Li Xin who coughed lightly again, and everyone cheered up immediately and looked at the auction platform.

Then I heard Li Xin continue to say: "The companies that participated in the bidding of the No. 1003 plot, please submit the bidding plans. In addition, among the companies that submitted the proposals just now, the proposals of Haojing Group and Yifan Group failed to pass the review, and they cannot Participate in the auction."

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Ye Beichen took a glance, but he really couldn't find the representatives of the two companies.

At this time, Zhao Yuanxin stood up, took out a plan from his briefcase and walked to the front desk.

Looking at the back of the other party, Ye Beichen's heart moved, and he said, "Later, you hand over the proposal, and you call the price."

Yin Jiaxiong was taken aback for a moment, then woke up suddenly, and his eyes were suddenly red.

This is Ye Beichen giving him a chance to perform in front of Li Xin!

Think about it, the young man who was looked down upon before not only appeared again to hand in the proposal, but also participated in the big bidding of tens of millions and hundreds of millions. Can Li Xin not be shocked?

Can he not be moved by the boss who thinks of him so much?
"Okay, don't be a mother-in-law, I'm just too lazy to waste my saliva, who made you a follower?"

"Go to hell."

Yin Jiaxiong laughed and scolded.What did Ye Beichen think, how could he be wrong?
After a while, Zhao Yuanxin came back, and the first auction finally started after nearly 10 minutes of tossing.

"The specific information of plot No. 1001 is attached to the invitation letter, so I won't introduce much. The base price is 5000 million, and the price increase is not less than 200 million. Please raise your placard and bid."

"Table seven, fifty-two million."

"Table 400, [-] million."

"No.15 table, 600 million."

"Table 31, 800 million."


As long as you raise your placard and don't speak, the price will be increased by 200 million by default.

And Li Xin really has a sharp eye and a quick mouth. As long as someone raises a card, he can quickly report the table number and increase the price.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen couldn't help but have an evil thought in his heart - later, let Yin Jiaxiong hold up the cards a few more times, and give Li Xin a good treatment.

Let you look down on people!

(End of this chapter)

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