The strongest god in the city

Chapter 301 Change Whoever You Like

Chapter 301 Change Whoever You Like (Third)

"Ye Beichen, An Zijian committed suicide."

Ye Beichen left the hospital, dealt with it, and was driving home when he suddenly received a call from Shen Siwei.

"Oh? Suicide? Suicide in fear of crime?" Ye Beichen asked casually.

Shen Siwei hesitated for a moment, and said, "It shouldn't be that he committed suicide in fear of crime. He...he drained his own blood."

"Xiami? Let go of your own blood, is there such an operation?"

"Yes, he was sent to the hospital by us, and he was admitted to the ward. We had someone on duty outside the door. But he bit an artery in his wrist and hid him under the quilt..." When Shen Siwei said this, he still had lingering fears .

Ye Beichen was startled.

Biting off an artery and hiding in the quilt, he really drained his own blood!
But after thinking about it, it's normal.

With An Zijian's extreme temperament, it's not surprising that he did such a thing.

"You should tell him secretly that there is still blood left."

Hearing Ye Beichen's joking words, Shen Siwei asked in confusion, "Why?"

Ye Beichen chuckled: "If he knew that his death was not perfect, he might have to jump up and die again."

"Fuck you! At this time, you are still joking! If you see An Zicheng's appearance, let's see if you can eat!" Shen Siwei blamed angrily.

Ye Beichen smiled slightly, and suddenly thought of the middle-aged man with the unshaven beard who was kidnapped, and asked, "By the way, why did they kidnap that man? I heard what An Zijian said about the witness..."

"I don't know, they won't tell me." Shen Siwei replied sullenly, suddenly remembered something, and quickly said: "Even if they know, we can't tell you, but we have a code of confidentiality."

"Come on, the traffic police still keep the rules secret."

Hearing this, Shen Siwei immediately became unhappy.

"Hmph! I made a great contribution this time, just wait, in a few days, I will be transferred to the criminal police team!"

"Okay, okay, detective Shen, if there's nothing wrong, I'm going to die."

"Hmph, don't drive fast anymore!"

Ye Beichen couldn't help thinking of the previous scene with this angry and angry tone.

To be precise, it was the previous scene, where he misunderstood the possible scene.

Policewoman... Uniform...

"It seems that the next time I go back, I have to let Xian'er do the whole thing."

Last time, Xian'er's various uniforms impressed Ye Beichen deeply.

At that time, he also felt that something was missing, but now he finally remembered.

This is the only thing missing!
The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, Ye Beichen almost couldn't help calling and asked Xian'er to buy a uniform and fly over.

In the end, he suppressed his thoughts.

It seems a little unkind to do so.


Early the next morning, Yin Jiaxiong came to Ye Beichen's house according to Ye Beichen's instructions, and kept his duty as a follower.

Yesterday, Ye Beichen did not take pictures of land No. 1007, only land No. 1032.

However, the previous planning drawings were all made according to the No. 1007 land, and now they have to be changed.

Fortunately, the Bai family fortunately does not have a large warehouse to put all the building materials down.Therefore, although the land No. 1032 is quite small, the tens of millions of basic building materials can still be easily used.

Last night, Ye Beichen had called Bai Ze to wait for new drawings.

As for today, Ye Beichen intends to go to see the land No. 1032 that he bought in person to determine how to plan.

"How about it, have you contacted the construction company?"

After getting in the car, Ye Beichen asked softly.

Yin Jiaxiong nodded, and said: "I have notified them to go to land No. 1032, and they should have arrived. But..."

"But what?"

Seeing Yin Jiaxiong's hesitation, Ye Beichen asked casually.

Yin Jiaxiong smiled wryly, and said, "The mood over there is not very good. The original factory construction of more than 3 square meters has been reduced by more than half, and it may hurt over there."

Ye Beichen shook his head disdainfully.

"Broken pain? We are cooperating with them, not owed to them. For the upfront payment, we can settle according to the contract, and we don't let them work for free."

"Well, that's what I said, but... we'll see later."

Ye Beichen nodded, said no more, and sat in the car with his eyes closed to rest his mind.

More than half an hour later, the Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped steadily in a wasteland.

Not far in front of the car, there was also a BMW and a van parked, and three middle-aged men were leaning on the van to smoke.

Seeing Rolls-Royce appear, they just glanced at it and continued to smoke.

Seeing that there were only these few people, Ye Beichen and Yin Jiaxiong frowned at the same time.

"Brother Ye, I'll go down and ask first."

"No, let's go together."

Ye Beichen said, opened the car door, and walked out.

"Where's your Manager Chen?" Yin Jiaxiong asked several men.

One of them pouted at the BMW and said, "It's in the car."

Yin Jiaxiong snorted softly, extremely upset.

Both he and Ye Beichen arrived, but they were still hiding in the car, what a big show!

If they came on foot, they might say they didn't hear.

Rolls-Royce's engine sound, can't you hear it?

Walking quickly to the side of the BMW, Yin Jiaxiong glanced at the inside of the car and was furious.

There was actually no one in the car, besides Chen Anlin, a fat man, there was actually a woman.

If he just brought a woman, Yin Jiaxiong would not be angry.

When he glanced in, Chen Anlin was playing a kissing game with that woman!
"Bang bang bang!"

Yin Jiaxiong felt upset, so he reached out and patted the car window heavily.

Hearing the sound, Chen Anlin slowly raised his head to take a look, his face turned cold, and then he pressed the car window slowly.

Yes, press the window, not get out of the car to greet you.

He actually planned to talk to Yin Jiaxiong through the car window!

"Hey, isn't this Consultant Yin? Why did it take me so long to arrive? I'm about to fall asleep."

Seeing the other party's half-smiley expression, Yin Jiaxiong almost slapped him.

Holding back his anger, Yin Jiaxiong said coldly: "Chen Anlin, Mr. Ye has already arrived, and you still don't get out of the car? Besides, I have already notified you on the phone, asking you to send someone to measure, draw up drawings, and call those people. What do you want to do?"

"Hey, aren't you afraid that you will release our pigeons again? Let's get a few people to show off, and when we're sure, it won't be too late for us to measure."

Chen Anlin still had that leisurely and leisurely look, and he seemed to have no intention of getting out of the car at all.

"It's confirmed now!"

Yin Jiaxiong's face was darkened to the extreme: "Get out of the car and meet our President Ye first. Then quickly call and inform your people to come over! Don't talk nonsense, we will consider changing partners!"

Hearing that the partner had been changed, Chen Anlin's expression became more serious, um, only one point.

"You don't have to threaten me. Your boss is here, right? You go and tell him that the price will increase by [-]%, otherwise, you can change it to anyone you want."

 The third watch, there are three more.

(End of this chapter)

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