The strongest god in the city

Chapter 303 Who is so loud

Chapter 303 Who is so loud (fifth)

"Fatty Chen, what are you doing, why are you so noisy!"

Mr. Zhang's voice came from the phone, but Chen Anlin didn't hear it clearly.

At this moment, he was surrounded by big trailers!
What's the situation?
In a moment of confusion, Chen Anlin hurriedly shouted into the phone: "Mr. Zhang, didn't you say that we won't arrange for people to come over, should we scare them first? Why did you call all the high cranes here!"

"Fuck you, Fatty Chen, you're going to blow up the deaf old man! When did I arrange for people to go there! Damn you!"

Mr. Zhang at the other end also roared angrily.

The plan was decided early in the morning. How could it be possible for Chen Anlin to put on airs to negotiate, and at the same time let someone come over and prepare to break ground?

Nonsense, no!
"But Mr. Zhang, the car has arrived now! Already! Already! Arrived!"

After Chen Anlin said the last four words, he seemed to be dissatisfied, so he repeated them word by word.

"What's the situation, tell me clearly!" Mr. Zhang also shouted.

The exchange between the two really made the woman on the side tired.

"I don't know!" Chen Anlin was about to cry.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that these devices are much more high-end than their company's!

There was silence for a while, and then shouted again: "Hold on, I'll come here now!"

It seemed that the car outside was deliberately against him. The moment he hung up the phone, everyone outside turned off the engine at the same time.

Chen Anlin was stunned, and quickly opened the car door and rushed out.

In the eyes, I can see the top of the head is covered with blackness, and the surrounding area is surrounded by big cars and small cars.

I don't know, I thought they were here to fight in groups!
Chen Anlin panicked, and quickly turned his head to look for Ye Beichen's trace.Finally, Chen Anlin spotted Ye Beichen and Yin Jiaxiong among several men wearing helmets.

Chen Anlin was about to run over, when suddenly his heart moved, thinking about it.

While walking steadily, he shouted loudly: "Yin Jiaxiong, what are you doing! Who are you scaring with such a big commotion? Don't you know we have signed an agreement? Huh?"

However, his roar only attracted the eyes of a few idle bystanders. As for Ye Beichen and the others, they didn't even look this way.

Seeing this, Chen Anlin gritted his teeth, and roared again: "Yin Jiaxiong, are you trying to tear up the agreement? Let me tell you, our [-] Construction Company is not easy to bully!"

Hmm... Still no one paid any attention to him, Ye Beichen and the others were still talking on their own, treating him like air.

Now, Chen Anlin panicked.

He no longer cared about putting on airs, and ran all the way to Ye Beichen's side.

Just the distance of more than ten meters made him sweat profusely.

It's not because of the exercise, but because of being scared.

He couldn't believe that Ye Beichen couldn't hear his voice.The only reason was that Ye Beichen didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Boss, Mr. Yin, you guys... the commotion is too loud, right?"

Chen Anlin spoke again, although he didn't dare to be arrogant, but there was still a hint of complaint in his tone.

"Who are you? Do we need to worry about what we are doing? Get out, get out, don't get in the way here."

Yin Jiaxiong waved his hands like chasing flies, his eyes full of disgust.

As for the others, they didn't even bother to glance at Chen Anlin.

"Boss Yin, why don't you know me? I'm Chen Anlin from Sanwu!" Chen Anlin was anxious.

"Three five? A cigarette seller?"

Yin Jiaxiong asked back, waved his hand again, and said, "Rolling, you came to the construction site to sell cigarettes, and you have no future."

Chen Anlin stared blankly at Chen Anlin who had already joined the conversation, and was so angry that he almost ran away.

He was the business manager of the dignified [-] Construction Company, and Yin Jiaxiong actually said that he was a salesman!
What's more, Yin Jiaxiong is obviously pretending to be confused with his understanding, and he is clearly playing him!

This, I can't bear it!

"Okay! You are ruthless! Yin Jiaxiong, right? You wait! Blatantly tearing up the contract, you wait for our lawyer's letter! See you in court!"


Ye Beichen's "Oh" almost made Chen Anlin burst into tears.

Ye Beichen finally paid attention to him!

Ye Beichen snorted and asked jokingly, "Then how did we tear up the contract?"

Want to quibble?
Chen Anlin was furious, and immediately shouted: "Your construction is entrusted to us by Sanwu Construction, and our agreement has already been signed. But now, you dare to find someone else to come, not tore up the contract or anything!"

"Oh, where did we sign?" Ye Beichen asked with a smile.

"of course……"

When Chen Anlin was about to say that this was the land, he suddenly froze.

Like, what's wrong?

Yes, the construction site they signed is land No. 1007, not here.

"Huh? Why didn't you say it?" Ye Beichen's eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Yes, it is true that we signed other sites, but it is not our fault that you are moving here to build now, it is your fault! Do you understand!"

"Oh, so what?"

Hearing this, Chen Anlin smiled coldly and said, "So, you must pay compensation!"

"Oh, yes, no problem. I don't have time to talk to you now. Go to the Ye Group and talk to our lawyer." Ye Beichen also waved his hand.


Chen Anlin was stunned.

Talk to a lawyer?

What the hell is he talking to a lawyer about!

His purpose is to win the construction of this land, not to ask for compensation!
That little compensation is not enough for them to bite their teeth.

Moreover, with Ye Beichen's attitude, even if he went to talk to the Ye Group's lawyer now, he still couldn't find out why.

In the end, you still have to see the court.

Manpower, material resources, and financial resources are all invested, and finally a little compensation is obtained, which is not worth the candle!
"Get out of here! Do you want to find out about business secrets?"

Yin Jiaxiong's words almost made Chen Anlin vomit blood.

Trade secrets?In your open space, there is a ghostly business secret!
"Well... this boss, what do you think of this, we don't want to increase the price by [-]%, what do you think of [-]%? Just add another [-]%, and..."

"Are you stupid or am I stupid? Or is it because you are stupid that you think everyone else is as stupid as you?"

Yin Jiaxiong asked disdainfully, snorted softly, and spat a mouthful of thick phlegm at Chen Anlin's feet.

Chen Anlin felt sick for a while, but when he thought that Mr. Zhang would come later, if he couldn't solve it perfectly, the ending would be miserable and he had to struggle.

If you don't struggle, how do you know whether the ending is disappointment or despair?

"No more price increases! Boss, Mr. Yin, we will not increase the price! We will build according to the agreed area unit price, and we promise not to add a penny! So, are you satisfied?"

"Not satisfied."

Ye Beichen glanced at him, and said lightly: "Don't say no price increase, even half price, I don't like it. Do you understand? Now, I don't need you!"

Chen Anlin wanted to persuade him again, but a joking voice suddenly sounded.

"Yo, who is so loud, dare to say that I can't be used in Yulan City?"

 Fifth more.

  That... I'm in a bad state today, I have a terrible headache... Maybe that's the end of it.

  I owe one more, let's make it up twice...

  Originally, there were still seven days and six shifts, but another day was added, and there were still eight days and six shifts.

  Feel sorry……

(End of this chapter)

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