The strongest god in the city

Chapter 305 Let's beat the disabled first

Chapter 305 Let's beat the disabled first (second update)

At this time, Ye Beichen was still thinking about starting work, and Yin Jiaxiong was a little confused.

Shouldn't we deal with the situation at hand first?

Seeing Ye Beichen frown slightly, Yin Jiaxiong remembered that he was at work now, and quickly responded, then walked aside to call Bai Ze.

He kept an eye out and asked Bai Ze to bring more people over, just in case.

Yin Jiaxiong went to make a phone call, Ye Beichen didn't look at Zhang Yunwu and Chen Anlin anymore, instead he took down the blueprint and looked at it seriously.

This scene made Zhang Yunwu's complexion even worse.

Ye Beichen looked at the drawings, and they were waiting at the side, wouldn't they be the same as Ye Beichen's men?

"Hmph! Get back in the car! I'll just wait in the car, waiting for you to ask me to build it for you!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yunwu smiled complacently: "However, even if you beg me, don't think about it. This land is destined to become a wasteland."

He thought that Ye Beichen would be moved by his threat.

However, Ye Beichen didn't seem to hear it, his eyes were fixed on the drawing without lifting his eyelids.


Zhang Yunwu snorted coldly, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Chen Anlin still holding the 100 yuan, and immediately became furious.

Without thinking about it, he raised his foot and kicked Chen Anlin: "You are crazy about money, aren't you! Throw it away!"

The farce didn't arouse Ye Beichen's attention. He was comparing the two blueprints to see which one was more suitable.

Originally, the staff dormitories were included in the plan given in the drawings given three to five times ago.

But that was on land 1007, a land of nearly 1007 square meters.

And the current land is only half the size of land No. 1007.With such an area, the staff dormitory becomes a burden.

Comparing left and right, Ye Beichen was still unable to make a final decision.

At this moment, when Yin Jiaxiong came back from the phone call, Ye Beichen asked, "Jiaxiong, what do you think?"

Hearing Ye Beichen's question, Yin Jiaxiong thought carefully before saying, "Brother Ye, I have collected information on several large pharmaceutical groups before, and found that they do not have only one factory..."


Ye Beichen frowned, and immediately understood.

He patted himself on the forehead, and laughed at himself: "My brain is really rusty. The Ye Group is in Yulan City, but there is no need to put all the pharmaceutical factories in Yulan City!"

Indeed, according to Ye Beichen's plan, the J13 plasticizer is going to be popular all over the country and even the world.How could it be possible to achieve huge development in a corner of Yulan City?
Not to mention other things, just in terms of transportation, from Yulan City to the whole country, the transportation fee will be much higher.

The best way is to choose a few strongholds, establish branch factories, and radiate the surrounding area!

"Okay, let's choose this blueprint with staff dormitories and build it. Jiaxiong, it's yours."

Ye Beichen praised him sincerely.

Yin Jiaxiong scratched his head: "Brother Ye, I only talked about the situation of other manufacturers, and I haven't said anything else yet."

This flattery is without a trace.

The planning of the pharmaceutical factory was satisfactorily resolved, and even the future development route had an idea. Ye Beichen felt relieved.

Seeing Zhang Yunwu and others hiding in the car not far away, Ye Beichen smiled and took out his phone...

Here, after Ye Beichen finally established the plan, the workers sent by Zhao Yuanxin began to arrange work according to the plan.As soon as the basic building materials arrive, the ground will be broken.

They asked Ye Beichen what he meant, whether he needed to choose an auspicious day, but Ye Beichen stopped him with a word.

"The day I choose is an auspicious day. The moment the construction starts is an auspicious time!"

After Ye Beichen said that, what else could they say?

Workers are stationed here and there, waiting for building materials to arrive, and... what might happen next.

On the other side, Zhang Yunwu and Chen Anlin were a little anxious seeing the enthusiastic scene of the workers.

If they really let the other party go on like this, do they still have a chance?
"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?" Chen Anlin asked with some anxiety.

At this moment, he was very worried, for fear that Zhang Yunwu would blame him for the crime.

But Zhang Yunwu had told him that he must be careful not to anger Ye Beichen.

But now, Ye Beichen was not only irritated, but also so angry that he split up. It's hard to guarantee that Zhang Yunwu wouldn't say that he didn't grasp it well.

"How to do?"

Zhang Yunwu glared at him, and said: "What else can I do? People are here, and the boss will smash whatever they see, until they dare not start work! I don't believe it when I start work and smash once, he won't obediently beg for mercy!"

Chen Anlin broke into a cold sweat secretly, this is really simple and rude.

That is to say, Zhang Yunwu's background is not bad, so he dared to do this.If it was him, Chen Anlin, he would have found hundreds of people to sit quietly.

If a general developer sees that kind of scene, why don't they quit obediently?
"Look it up for me, which construction company is here, this guy surnamed Ye, unexpectedly found him here without making a sound. If I had known this, I would have talked to him myself! Bad luck!"

Zhang Yunwu was cursing, feeling extremely upset.

His ultimate goal is to cooperate with Ye Beichen.It was only because Ye Beichen changed places again, didn't use the building materials they supplied, and accidentally revealed the reality of "no strength", that he opened his mouth like a lion.

Unexpectedly, this opening of the mouth actually bit a hard bone.

"Even if it is a hard bone, I will crush it and swallow it for you! Is Zhang Yunwu's face so easy to hit?"

As Zhang Yunwu gritted his teeth, he suddenly heard the sound of cars.He looked back, and saw a row of vans not far away.

"Mr. Zhang, our people are here!"

Chen Anlin, who was about to inquire about the news, immediately exclaimed joyfully upon seeing this.

Zhang Yunwu grinned ferociously and said, "Go ahead and tell them to pick up valuables and smash them, and whoever dares to stop them will beat me to the ground!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang!" The van quickly drove towards him and stopped in front of him.

Seven or eight men jumped out of the van, all young people.

Chen Anlin got the order, opened the door and jumped out of the car, beckoning vigorously.

A yellow-haired man stepped forward, took the cigarette thrown by Chen Anlin with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, we will do whatever you say!"

The situation here has already alarmed Ye Beichen.

Yin Jiaxiong hurriedly blocked Ye Beichen behind him, and said anxiously, "Brother Ye, get back in the car quickly, I'll deal with them."

"Can you handle it?"

Ye Beichen smiled sarcastically, and waved behind him.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a hard hat ran over quickly: "Young Master Ye, Mr. Zhao said that everything is under your orders."


Ye Beichen nodded, looked at the menacing man, and said calmly: "Call everyone, beat them disabled first, don't let anyone go, as long as they don't die. I'll take care of the rest."

 The second watch, and the third watch.

  Thanks to Blame588 for the reward, and thanks to the ignorant shell 100 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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