The strongest god in the city

Chapter 310 Even Kneeling to Finish Drinking

Chapter 310 Even Kneeling to Finish Drinking (Second Change)

"Uh... well, as a criminal police officer, girls are not very..."

Before Ye Beichen could finish his sentence, Shen Siwei slapped the table with his palm, shaking the table three times.

"Girls are not suitable? Why! I am not as good as you guys!"

While speaking, she stood up and reached out to pat her chest.

It seems to prove that I am physically strong...

Well, Ye Beichen couldn't help but licked his dry lips, and said, "It's a man who can't compare to you..."

"that is!"

Shen Siwei responded in agreement.

"Which of the men in the criminal police team can surpass me in the big competition? Captain Lu, I can beat you to the ground with a single punch. And Xiao Li, who graduated from the same class as me. Back then, I thought After chasing me, I was punched down, and now I see my legs trembling! Even he can enter the criminal police team, so why should I only be assigned to the traffic police team!"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen was speechless.

At this moment, the only thing he wanted to say was to sympathize with his colleagues in the traffic police team.

With such a female man who can beat a man to the ground at every turn, one can imagine the suffering of the men in the traffic police team.

At the same time, he also understood the mood of the criminal police team very well.

Who wants to be beaten down at every turn!

"That... or a drink."

Ye Beichen hesitated for a moment, and then blurted out a word.

As soon as he said this, he almost slapped himself in anger.

what to drink!
He just wanted to change the subject!

Hearing Ye Beichen's words, Shen Si wrinkled his nose slightly, nodded and said, "Yes! Ye Beichen, you're right! Drink! Don't want me, I don't care too much! Come on, do it!"


Ye Beichen squeezed out the word between his teeth.

Looking at a cup full of Moutai, Ye Beichen wanted to cry but had no tears.

The wine I want, I have to drink it even on my knees.

After drinking a glass of wine, Ye Beichen already felt that his eyes were full of gold stars, and the sky was spinning.Fortunately, his mind is still clear.

At this time, he had made up his mind that he couldn't drink like this anymore!
This person has already drank two and a half catties of liquor, if he drinks any more, he will die.

At this time, Shen Siwei suddenly pointed at Ye Beichen and laughed: "Hahaha, Ye Beichen, why are you still swaying in your chair? You look like a child."


Ye Beichen was a little dazed, he was clearly sitting on the chair and didn't move.

Looking up, Ye Beichen realized that it wasn't him who was swaying, but Shen Siwei himself.

Drank too much?
Wasn't it fine just now?
Liquor has stamina, but it doesn't come just as it is said, does it?

Ye Beichen was astonished, but also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He finally drank too much, otherwise, he and Shen Siwei, someone would definitely fall here.And the person who fell was most likely Ye Beichen.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Ye Beichen staring at him in a daze, Shen Siwei couldn't help but give him a blank look, and quickly waved his hand and said, "Sit down fast. I'm dizzy from being shaken by you like this."

Ye Beichen rolled his eyes when he heard this.

You are shaking like this, of course you are dizzy.

"Stop shaking, you bad guy!"

The sudden coquettishness caught Ye Beichen a little off guard.

Looking up, Shen Siwei looked drunk and hazy, matched with the serious police uniform, the strong contrast gave Ye Beichen a great visual impact.

"Ye Beichen, don't shake it anymore, I'll get angry if you shake it again."

Seeing Shen Si pouted slightly, showing a rare little girl's attitude, Ye Beichen had the urge to make her continue to be angry.

But when he thought of Shen Siwei's female character, if he got angry, he might cut off his children and grandchildren or something, Ye Beichen immediately stopped shaking...

To be exact, Ye Beichen started to accompany Ye Shensiwei's frequency, swaying his body gently.

Seeing this, Shen Siwei nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, you shook me like that, I'm dizzy."

I don't believe you are not dizzy now!
Ye Beichen cursed in his heart, but found that his head was even more dizzy.

"Haha, Ye Beichen, why do you think you haven't changed at all? When you were in school, you were a bad fart and fought with people all day. I thought at the time, if you dare to mess with me, I'll kick you."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen felt chills in his heart.He raised Erlang's legs subconsciously, adding a layer of defense to himself.

"But you are so strange. You fight all day long, and your grades are so good. I tried to surpass you several times, but every time I took the exam, I was a little worse than you. It's just over 100 points. Why can't I surpass you?"

Shen Siwei spoke again, her voice seemed to be a little softer than before, and the shaking was much smaller than before.

As for the logic of speaking...what else do you need logic for?
Ye Beichen just discovered this, and was about to adjust the range in time, when Shen Siwei stared at him: "Why are you shaking again!"

Helpless, Ye Beichen had no choice but to slow down, but felt aggrieved in his heart.

I have seen people who are forced to invite people to eat, and people who have been forced to drink, but I have never seen people who are forced to dangle while drinking at the dinner table.

Just shake it, you have to have the same frequency to be satisfied.

"So nice."

Shen Siwei praised Ye Beichen with his eyes blindfolded, and his tone suddenly dropped a little, as if he was talking to himself: "Why can't I get into the criminal police team? Why don't they want me? I'm not as good as them what..."

Ye Beichen listened to Shen Siwei's muttering to himself, and didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only listen silently.

Listening, his eyes slowly closed.

With a "bang", his forehead hit the table heavily, waking him up immediately.

In the ear, there is still the murmur of deep thought.

But this voice is much smaller than before.

"I just want criminal policeman...solve cases...catch bad guys...big bad guys..."

The sound is getting smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller.

In the end, Ye Beichen could only see her lips moving slightly, but could not hear a sound at all.

"Siwei, you drank too much." Ye Beichen reminded softly.

Shen Siwei didn't respond at all.


Ye Beichen sighed, glanced at the delicious food on the table without even touching a chopstick, and shook his head helplessly.

Shen Siwei became like this, Ye Beichen had no choice but to find a way to send her home.

Stepping forward, he picked up Shen Siwei, pushed the door open and walked out.

Outside the door, a waiter is guarding.

Seeing Ye Beichen hugging the policewoman, the waiter was stunned for a moment, and said to himself, "Boss Ye is really awesome, he took care of the policewoman in one meal!"

With a thought in his heart, he made up his mind: "Mr. Ye, our Yulongji has a private guest room, which is exclusively for the highest-level guests to rest. I don't know if you..."

"Have a guest room? Take me there quickly."

Ye Beichen already felt powerless at this moment, and when he heard that there was a guest room, he hurriedly said.

He planned to send Shen Siwei into the guest room, and he hurried to another room to sleep.His state, let alone driving out, whether he can get out of Yulongji has become a problem.

When they came to the guest room on the top floor, the waiter opened the room for Ye Beichen, and closed the door for them intimately.

"Phew, it's quite heavy."

Ye Beichen struggled to hug Shen Siwei to the bed, said something in a low voice, and was about to get up to leave, when suddenly he felt the world spinning...

 Second more.

  Thanks to Leng Yeling Yu 588 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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