The strongest god in the city

Chapter 318 Making a Hurry

Chapter 318 Making a Hurry (Part [-])
Ye Beichen, who was in the study, looked at the words on the computer screen, "Yulan Sun Shao sent a rocket to the anchor so-and-so", Ye Beichen almost laughed out loud.

Ye Beichen didn't expect that Sun Kunpeng would help him like this.

Yes, just helping him.

He thought that after he appeared in Tang Daguo's live broadcast room, Sun Kunpeng would change his strategy.

But Sun Kunpeng didn't.

He repeatedly appeared among the hundreds of fat anchors participating in the live broadcast, sending out ten rockets and asking the anchors to eat ten bowls of rice.

Yes, the condition is that simple, and it's in the hands of those anchors.

After asking the above opinions, the staff of the filming team agreed one after another - let go and eat!

Qian Shaocheng was also speechless, what kind of game is Ye Beichen playing?The anchor is not allowed to go on a diet secretly!Even if you can't lose weight, it's better than gaining more than a dozen catties, right?

The hundred fat anchors who were notified were almost cheering.

There was cheering, jumping—they couldn't jump.

But this is not important, what is important is that they have cheering hearts!
Weighing more than 300 catties, if you walk two steps, you will be hungry. Who wants to eat those tasteless vegetables and fruits?

If someone sponsors them, can they let go and eat?

Many anchors picked up their phones one after another and dialed the delivery number.

Almost at the same moment, a hundred restaurants scattered all over the country were extremely busy because of a phone call.

"Cousin, is this all right?"

It was Wu Qinxue who asked the question. She and Miao Miao huddled behind Ye Beichen and asked worriedly.

On the side, Wang Cuiqin also frowned tightly, also worried in her heart.

When they first conducted clinical trials, they did not let go of eating like this, but only provided the necessary diet for the fat people participating in the trials.

But now, the anchors are almost overeating. It's too exaggerated to eat as much as others for a week, right?

"Is it really okay to do this?"

Hearing what his mother Wang Cuiqin said, Ye Beichen smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, Mom, you can go to the company without worry. I'll take care of it here. Just be prepared, how will you deal with the hot scene in a few days!"

Just kidding, can the prescription provided by the system be wrong?
He, Ye Beichen, personally participated in bringing a dying Yan Zhonghe back from the brink of death.

The dead can be revived, let alone the fat man who is not dead?

Wang Cuiqin hesitated for a moment, then sighed: "Okay then, I'll go to the company first and arrange for them to produce all the medicinal materials."

"OK, all right."

Ye Beichen nodded, and asked again: "By the way, Mom, what's going on with Auntie and Uncle?"

"The pharmaceutical chain has been registered, and your uncle has also sent people to plan a specialty store. For the store in Yulan City, your uncle will go into battle by himself. Hearing from him, you can sign the contract today and start decorating."

"Well, that's fine."

Ye Beichen nodded with a smile.

To gain fame, this is a must.

But if there is no window to the outside world, no matter how famous the Ye Group is, it is useless.Could it be that you want to sell through the Internet?
That's too low-grade, right?

Moreover, if it is sold online, all kinds of fake medicines will definitely appear on the Internet.

What kind of fairy shaping pills, what kind of fairy shaping pills, only you can't think of it, and they can't do it without them.

Even if it is sold in all offline specialty stores, there will be many counterfeit medicines in the future.

However, Ye Beichen has already made up his mind that in future advertisements, it will be marked "Look for a specialty store" for sale.At least, this is the case in Hui Province.

If someone who sells counterfeit medicine dares to open a specialty store and pretend to be it, then you have to ask Ye Beichen whether he agrees with Dao Tong.

After Wang Cuiqin left, Ye Beichen watched the live broadcast with Wu Qinxue and Miao Miao.

After watching for a while, Miao Miao was already yawning, and Wu Qinxue was drowsy.

These fat anchors have almost no talent, only a few can sing and dance?That was too hard for them.

Even if I sing a few lines, I still have to breathe heavily.

"It's boring!"

Wu Qinxue complained in a low voice, and said to herself: "I always thought the live broadcast was very interesting. But today... why does it feel boring."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen frowned.

Because, not only Wu Qinxue was complaining, but also many people were complaining on the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Indeed, when they came to see the fat anchor, it was a novelty for a while.After the freshness has passed, they feel very boring.

Ye Beichen picked up the phone and dialed Qian Shaocheng's number.

"Hey, Shaocheng, how popular is the platform now?"

"Mr. Ye, the popularity of the platform is steadily rising."

Qian Shaocheng answered first, hesitated for a moment, and said, "However...the popularity of the [-] anchors is not ideal. According to our estimation, the popularity will show explosive growth. But now the live broadcast has passed for an hour, and the [-] anchors There hasn't been much growth in popularity. Even..."

"Is there even a decline?" Ye Beichen asked with a frown.

"Yes, Mr. Ye. Some anchors may not be very good at dealing with people, and the live broadcast is even more boring. Compared with when the broadcast started, the current popularity has declined." Qian Shaocheng replied.

After thinking about it, Ye Beichen understood the meaning of Qian Shaocheng's words.

This time, the popularity of the entire platform has indeed reached a new high.Most of the newly increased popularity is attracted by hundreds of anchors and advertisements.

But after they took a picture of the freshness of the hundred anchors, they all left the live broadcast room of the hundred fat anchors, and went to watch more interesting and exciting live broadcasts.

The platform is not lost, but the attention of hundreds of anchors has decreased.

"It can't go on like this."

Ye Beichen said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Qian Shaocheng quickly asked: "Mr. Ye, then, why don't I ask them to release another full-platform broadcast to attract popularity?"

Hearing this suggestion, Ye Beichen thought about it, but finally rejected it.

"No need, everything that should go has gone, and even if there is a broadcast, it won't attract too many people's attention. Leave it to me."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Beichen saw that "Master Yulan Sun" was still firing rockets on the public screen, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thinking about it.

How does live streaming attract people?
There is something to watch, and there is excitement.

If there is nothing to watch now, then Ye Beichen will create excitement.

To put it simply, it is hype, to stir up popularity!

"Sun Kunpeng, don't blame me for taking the knife on you, you asked for it yourself."

While speaking, Ye Beichen clicked on the link of the live broadcast room on the public screen...

On the other side, Sun Kunpeng was having a great time.

5000 yuan, to him, Sun Kunpeng, is a small amount of money.What's more, he still spends money according to the order?
Being able to create huge troubles for Ye Beichen and the Ye Group, even his father Sun Tianyu is extremely supportive.

For 5000 yuan, it doesn't matter if you let others eat ten bowls of rice, the important thing is that it can smash Ye Beichen's reputation!
In a short period of time, he has already distributed hundreds of thousands, but he still has more to say.

"Hahaha... Ye Beichen, I will let you know what despair is!"

Sun Kunpeng was laughing wildly when he suddenly stopped...

 First more.

  Thanks to Akoans for the reward of 200, and thanks to Huiyao Xingkong for the reward of 100.

(End of this chapter)

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