The strongest god in the city

Chapter 323 Sensation!

Chapter 323 Sensation! (Second more)
This night is destined to be a restless night for many people across the country.

The anchors who participated in the live broadcast were so excited that they couldn't sleep all night.

After a day of binge eating and drinking, he could still lose a dozen or twenty catties. If he ate and drank normally, wouldn't he be able to bear dozens of catties?

More importantly, after losing more than ten or twenty catties of meat, their bodies did not experience the slightest adverse reaction.

You know, they have tried almost all weight-loss drugs on the market in order to lose the fat on their bodies.

Vomiting, diarrhea, these are common things, and sometimes, even dizziness and fainting, so troublesome that I have to go to the hospital.

When will it be as easy as this time?After eating and eating, after a day, I actually lost weight!
I don't feel anything at all!
Those who are equally excited with them are the fat people scattered all over the country, and... the girls who often faint from starvation in order to become bone spirits.

Did you make a mistake!
You can lose weight even if you overeat, so those who support a cucumber for a meal, do they have any reason to be fat?

Obviously not!

At the moment when the result was obtained, many people across the country couldn't help searching the Internet, searching for where to buy Xianzi Shaping Pills.

However, to their disappointment, the news about Xianzi Shaping Pills was all related to the live broadcast!

That is, they couldn't find where to sell it!

No place to sell it?impossible!
They immediately pointed the finger at the anchors, and many viewers swiped their screens one after another, begging for a way to buy medicine.

There are even some people frantically swiping super rockets and other gifts just for a way to buy medicine.

How do the anchors know how to answer?

The members of the filming team did not receive the order from above, and they all remained silent.

What they didn't know was that none of the higher-ups expected that the Xianzi Shaping Pill would become popular one day, and they didn't even think about how to deal with it.

The viewers who couldn't get the answer involuntarily picked up their mobile phones and dialed the customer service number of Hukou TV.

Do you know how to buy the products live on Hukou TV?
Do not make jokes!
That night, the customer service department of Hukou TV was captured, and dozens of phones were blown up by aggressive viewers.

The viewers who still couldn't find any results after searching hard, used almost all methods to find the place where Xianzi Shaping Pills can be sold.

On Weibo, a single news about "Where can I buy Xianzi Shaping Pills" made it to the Weibo hot search list—the number one!
Even on Weibo, there are various groups trying their best to find Xianzi Shaping Pills.

That night, hundreds of scammers also appeared, claiming to be able to buy Xianzi Shaping Pills.As a result, of course, after receiving 880, it was gone forever.

After being cheated and suffering, someone finally discovered the clues——Yip's Group!
But they searched the Ye Group on the Internet, and there was only news about a collapsed Ye Group several years ago.

It's completely irrelevant now!
One night of suffering, fortunately, it was only one night.

Early the next morning, after staring at the live broadcast anchors with envy and hatred all night, countless people prepared to go to work with panda eyes.

However, even more violent news appeared!

At seven o'clock, weigh yourself!

The weight of hundreds of shooting assistants fluctuated very little, rising and falling, but those hundred anchors lost weight again!

What the hell!

After a night of sleep, you can actually lose a dozen or twenty catties!
Are they crazy, or is this world crazy!

"Go to the damn class, I want to lose weight! I want Xianzi shaping pills!"

When the first viewer sent out such a barrage in a live broadcast room, countless people responded one after another, spreading directly to hundreds of live broadcast rooms.

Tens of millions of people decided at the same time - not to go to work today!If you don't get Xianzi Shaping Pills, you will never give up!
Gifts were offered again, but they could no longer stimulate the anchors. They were immersed in the joy of losing dozens of catties in a day and night, and couldn't extricate themselves.

Even, they already felt the effect of losing weight.

The whole person is relaxed!

Witnessing the one-night madness in the live broadcast room, the most exciting thing is the drug dealers all over the country.

Their access is wider, their insight is stronger.

Such a magic medicine, if the agency right is won, it will undoubtedly raise a hen that lays golden eggs!

What are they waiting for!
After inquiring and learning that the Ye Group was located in Yulan City, pharmaceutical distributors from all over the country rushed to Yulan City by plane overnight.

What Ye Beichen's family didn't know was that their Ye Group was surrounded while they were sleeping.

Hmm... These dealers from all over the country agreed to stay in the hotels around Ye's Group, and almost all the nearby hotels were full.

Just wait until the next morning to besiege...ah no, visit Ye's senior management and discuss distribution rights!
The citizens of Yulan, who had been bombarded by Weibo news all night, were bombed again the next morning.

On the front page of the Yulan Daily, there was news about Ye's Group Xianzi Sculpting Pills!
At this time, the citizens of Yulan suddenly realized that the manufacturer of Xianzi Shaping Pills is in Yulan City!

So what are you waiting for, of course... instead of posting on Weibo, hurry to Ye's Group!

However, on the way to Ye's Group, you can post a Weibo by the way.

If only one person does it, it's fine.The problem is that the entire Yulan City has a population of tens of millions, and one in a thousand people posting on Weibo is enough to attract attention.

The Ye Group is in Yulan City?

I go!

I'll go now!
"Didn't Xiaoli think I'm fat and won't agree to be my girlfriend? I'll lose weight right now and let her see it!"

"Didn't my classmates laugh at me that one meal is worth the whole class's day? I want to lose it too!"

"Every time my colleagues see me taking the elevator, don't they want to come up? I'm going to be thinner than you!"

"Why did the boss fall in love with that little bitch? Isn't he [-] catties thinner than me? What's the big deal? I want to show you how skinny I am! Boss, wait for me!"

In short, air tickets and train tickets for planes flying to Yulan City and bullet trains bound for Yulan City from all over the country are unexpectedly tense today.

Yulan City, overnight, has become a battleground for military strategists!

However, Ye Beichen knew nothing about it.

With countless people rushing to Yulan City and many dealers staring at them, Ye Beichen's family drove to the Ye Group...

Originally, Ye Beichen planned to stay at home for a few more days and pay more attention to the live broadcast.

But judging from last night's situation, Ye's Group must have many guests today.Ye Beichen had to personally control the field before he could rest assured.

However, just as Ye Beichen came downstairs, he was surrounded by several reporters.

"Mr. Ye, is your Ye Group related to the Ye Group from a few years ago?"

"A few years ago, Ye's Group's weight-loss medicine became popular all over the province, but in the end there was a big problem with the medicine. May I ask, will your current medicine be like this?"

"Mr. Ye, is the prescription of Xianzi Shaping Pill the same as Ye's Diet Pill? Do they both eat dead people?"

(End of this chapter)

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