The strongest god in the city

Chapter 326 Still Keeping People Alive

Chapter 326 Still Keeping People Alive (Part [-])
Ye Beichen's answer made the dealers in Huizhou furious, while the medicinal material suppliers were all sweating.

Fortunately, Ye Beichen didn't treat them the same way.Otherwise, they can only watch a lot of money slip away from their hands, and they can't give their intestines to regret?
"Hmph! Don't rely on us, let me see if you can do it!"

"That is, Huizhou University Hospital, without us, can your medicine go in?"

"Here's my words, Fu City First Hospital, if I can have your medicine, I will write it backwards!"

"The same goes for Anshi, the No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] hospitals, you don't even want to enter any of them!"

"Wushi is also..."

A group of distributors in Huizhou Province hurriedly uttered harsh words, trying to force Ye Beichen to submit.

Indeed, they have confidence. Without them, the local big hospitals would not be able to enter if they want to.

However, Ye Beichen didn't care about these.

"Okay, you win."

Ye Beichen's words made everyone look happy, and just when they thought Ye Beichen gave in, they heard Ye Beichen continue to say: "I have written down what hospitals you are talking about. In these hospitals, our shaping pills are not sold. Come in, okay?"


Not sold into the hospital?how so?
Ye Group doesn't want to maximize profits?

Just when they were surprised, Ye Beichen gave them a sarcasm, turned and walked into the conference room.

Threatening Ye Beichen?


Even if he didn't make a strategy of building his own specialty store, he wouldn't consider cooperating with anyone who dared to threaten him.

Eat soft but not hard, the harder you are, the less he, Ye Beichen, will like you!
"Everyone, please come back."

Wu Siyuan sneered and dismissed it.

If one of these dozens of people had stood by the Ye Group back then, none of them would have become what they are today.

The more unified the resistance, the more fighting spirit Ye Beichen can be aroused.

Seeing Wu Siyuan's expression, the dealers who originally wanted to persuade him snorted coldly and walked away, leaving only two people still.

These two people are old acquaintances of Wu Siyuan - his former boss and immediate leader.

As mentioned earlier, Wu Siyuan used to be the vice president of the Ye Group, but the Ye Group collapsed, and he lost his job, so he had to find another job.

Also to the two men.

Wu Siyuan still remembers that when he resigned, the two of them still mocked him, saying that he was overthinking his abilities and acting out of his imagination.

Compared with the flattering smiles on the faces of the two of them now, it is really a world of difference.

Even when Wu Siyuan called them two days ago, they were very indifferent, with sarcasm in their words.

"Mr. He, Manager Zhu, please go back too."

Hearing this, the expressions of both of them froze, Mr. He hurriedly said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, congratulations, success and fame."

"Don't dare to do it." Wu Siyuan responded lukewarmly.

Mr. He smiled embarrassingly, and said: "Mr. Wu, you called me the day before yesterday, and I happened to be busy. You also know that there are too many trivial matters in a small company. Ashamed, ashamed."

This is a forced explanation of why the negotiated cooperation was suddenly delayed.

"It's okay."

After finishing speaking, Wu Siyuan was about to walk into the meeting room.

Then I saw the squinting fat man next to Mr. He shouting: "Mr. Wu, you said that you are also a part of the company. Now that you are developed, have you forgotten how the company cultivated you?"


Wu Siyuan, who had already planned to ignore him, suddenly turned his head, stared at the fat manager Zhu, and said with a sneer, "Cultivation? With your little ability, you can't even speak, so you deserve to cultivate me?"

After saying this, he ignored the blushing Manager Zhu, looked at Mr. He again, and said, "Mr. He, I have already given you the opportunity before, and you gave it up yourself. There is only one chance, and you If you don't catch it, that's your problem."

Watching Wu Siyuan walk into the meeting room, Mr. He didn't have the nerve to start.Seeing that Manager Zhu next to him opened his mouth to say something else, Mr. He snorted coldly: "Little Zhu, did you hear that? There is only one chance, and you have already given up my chance. Then I can only give up on you."

"What? Mr. He, what do you mean?" Manager Zhu hurriedly asked, with an ominous premonition rising in his heart.

Then Mr. He said quietly: "What do you mean? If you hadn't made things difficult for Wu Siyuan before, this would have happened? If you hadn't said that Ye's group couldn't get up and asked me to hold on to the big boat of the Sun family, I would have missed this time." Opportunity? Go to the company to collect this month's salary by yourself, get out!"

After saying this, Mr. He got into the elevator without looking back, leaving Manager Zhu standing alone on the spot, wanting to cry without tears...

In the conference room, more than 20 medicinal material suppliers from all over the province were present, looking forward to Ye Beichen who was sitting under Wang Cuiqin.

Originally, Wang Cuiqin wanted Ye Beichen to take the main seat, but Ye Beichen refused.

He only took care of the Ye Group's affairs for the time being, and his mother, Wang Cuiqin, would be the one to make the decision in the future.

Ye Beichen leaned back on the chair, glanced at everyone, and said, "Everyone must know the cause and effect of the past and what happened."

Hearing this, everyone's heart trembled. Could it be that they still have to settle accounts?
Ye Beichen chuckled: "You don't need to panic, just know what's in your mind. I just want to remind everyone that you are just like the dealers outside, and you only have one chance. But I think it's troublesome, so I'll give you one more chance."

"Thank you Young Master Ye."

"Young Master Ye has a lot of air."

"From now on, I will only go with Young Master Ye."

"Yes, we will fight wherever Ye Shao points out in the future."

Hearing the flattery from everyone in his ears, Ye Beichen waved his hands, lowered his voice, and continued, "I don't need you to cut off business with so-and-so. Everyone is in business, and harmony makes money. To cut off anger Cooperation, would rather not make money, that's what a fool would do."

As soon as this remark came out, even the thick-skinned suppliers present couldn't help but blush.

Where did they dislike making too much money before?That's because they didn't see Ye's potential.

If they had known that the Ye Group's shaping pills were so against the sky, how could they have left the Ye Group because of Sun Tianyu's banning order?

However, compared with the grandeur of the Ye Group, Sun Tianyu is indeed too stingy.


They soon knew that Ye Beichen was really out of breath.

Taking everyone's expressions into his eyes, Ye Beichen sneered in his heart, and then said: "Since we cooperate, we must have the sincerity to cooperate. Our Ye Group is not a novice, so let me set a price first. If you can accept it, then continue Talk. If you can’t accept it, then leave on your own.”

The critical moment has arrived!

Everyone sat up straight involuntarily, waiting for Ye Beichen to speak.

"The purchase price of more than a dozen herbs that our Ye Group needs must be [-]% of what you provide to Tianyu Group! You don't have to worry, it's very simple to know their prices."


Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Sun Tianyu has always been known for his strength, and has kept the price of medicinal materials very low.Ye's Group bought it at a [-]% discount price from Tianyu Group, which is outrageously low!

And let no one live?
 first change

(End of this chapter)

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