The strongest god in the city

Chapter 333 What Benefits Do You Want

Chapter 333 What Benefits Do You Want (Fourth Change)
Ye Beichen has five grandparents, siblings and siblings.

Coincidentally, each of the five brothers and sisters has only one pair of children.

Ye Beichen's grandfather was like this, and so were his second, third, fourth, and aunts.

This resulted in Ye Beichen having three uncles, three aunts, one uncle, and one aunt.

It can be regarded as a prosperous family, but it is not a big family.

Without the support of a strong background, being called a family is already a shame.

It wasn't until Ye Tianming established Ye's Pharmaceuticals and developed Ye's Pharmaceuticals into Ye's Group in one fell swoop that the Ye family was considered a serious family.

Ye Tianming is a bold person, and he treats his family members the same way. With one brain, he arranged all his cousins ​​and cousins ​​into the Ye Group, and each of them holds a lot of power.

At that time, it was the most beautiful time for the entire Ye family.

However, the good times didn't last long, and the Ye Group collapsed.

Ye Tianming's brothers and sisters, except for his own sister Ye Shan who stayed by Ye Tianming's side, the others wanted to hide in the sky.

Actually, Wang Cuiqin didn't say it, but she knew it.If the rest of the Ye family were willing to take out some of the money they had been greedy for when the Ye family group collapsed, Ye Tianming would not be helpless and commit suicide in frustration.

Ye Beichen always believed that the direct murderer of his father's death was Sun Tianyu, and the indirect murderer was Ye Tianming's "cute" younger brothers and sisters.

It was their indifference that indirectly killed Ye Tianming!
Under such circumstances, what kind of uncle of his has the nerve to come to the door?It's still midnight!

Just so impatient?
If they said they had no plot, they wouldn't believe it even if they killed Ye Beichen!
Ye Beichen secretly hated, and came to the living room with contempt.

At a glance, Ye Beichen sneered.

It was them.

Sitang uncle Ye Tianxing and Sitang aunt Yuan Xiaoxia.

Ye Tianxing, the youngest of his father's generation, is a famous playboy.

Not to mention the unspoken rules of his female subordinates in the group after the establishment of the Ye Group.Just before the establishment of Ye's Group, as the youngest one, he also received all kinds of favors, and used this to run amok.

Loving leisure and loathing work is the best evaluation of Ye Tianxing.

As for Yuan Xiaoxia and Ye Tianxing, it can be said that they are not in the same family, and they do not enter the family.

Yuan Xiaoxia is even better than Ye Tianxing when it comes to being lazy and seeking pleasure.

At this time, Wang Cuiqin was sitting on the side of the sofa, looking at the two with a very flat face.

Ye Tianxing and Yuan Xiaoxia sat across from her, with flattering smiles all over their faces.

When Ye Beichen appeared, Yuan Xiaoxia looked up, and immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Ah, Xiaochen, I haven't seen you in a few years, how old are you?"

"Well, it's true that I haven't seen you for a few years. I haven't seen you since the collapse of my Ye Group."

Ye Beichen's bland answer made both Yuan Xiaoxia and Ye Tianxing's expressions froze.

These words have a meaning.

Ye Tianxing reacted very quickly, immediately yelled, and then said: "Xiaochen, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have grown taller. Come on, let uncle see. We are all a family, and we can't get along because we don't see each other less. gone."

"Seldom see each other? Didn't you plan to disappear after Ye's bankruptcy?"

Anyone could hear the sarcasm in Ye Beichen's tone.

Mother Wang Cuiqin thought that the other party was Ye Tianming's cousin, so it was not easy to tear her face. Ye Beichen didn't have so many scruples.

For the white-eyed wolf, it is necessary to hold the stick in your hand and hit it at any time.

Ye Tianxing looked embarrassed, but Wang Cuiqin frowned and said, "Xiaochen, don't talk to elders like that."

"Haha, it's okay, I watched Xiaochen grow up, and I just like Xiaochen's personality."

But Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "Coincidentally, I also like my personality very much. However, I don't like yours, do you think so?"

"Xiaochen, why are you talking? You still don't call me!"

Wang Cuiqin blamed her, but there was no trace of blame on her face.

She has already seen through these so-called family members.

"Okay, Mom, they don't care if you call or not?" Ye Beichen asked jokingly.

Ye Tianxing nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, we don't care if we call you or not, we..."

"What you care about is, is there any benefit?"

Ye Beichen directly interrupted Ye Tianxing and asked unceremoniously.

Before Ye Tianxing could answer, Ye Beichen sat down next to Wang Cuiqin and asked casually, "Tell me, what benefits do you want this time?"


Just as Ye Tianxing was about to speak, Yuan Xiaoxia pulled her away.

Yuan Xiaoxia smiled and said: "Hey, we are all in the same family, so what is good or bad? We just heard that my sister-in-law has moved, so we hurried over to identify the door, so as not to know each other in the future."

"Oh, now that we know each other, can we go? We're going to bed."

Ye Beichen responded, and really yawned.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tianxing hurriedly looked at Yuan Xiaoxia for help.

Then Yuan Xiaoxia smiled embarrassedly, and said casually: "Actually, it's not all right for us to come. No, your uncle has nothing to do at home, and he is almost abolished. I just thought about it, give him Find something serious to do. We just heard that the Ye Group was rebuilt, so we came here. After all, we used to be part of the Ye Group."


Ye Beichen responded lightly, looked at Wang Cuiqin, and said, "Mom, I heard that the old man in the factory can't do it alone? What do you think of finding him a companion?"

"Old man? What old man?"

An ominous premonition rose in Ye Tianxing's heart, and he asked quickly.

Ye Beichen smiled and said, "The old man who watches the gate. There are too many people coming and going in and out of the factory every day, and an old man must be too busy. If there is a cousin to help watch the gate, it will definitely be safe."

"What! You let me see the gate!"

Ye Tianxing stood up abruptly, suddenly thought of something, smiled mischievously, and sat down.

"Xiaochen, I'm really not good at things like looking at the gate."

"Then tell me what you are good at. Our group is indeed short of talents everywhere. If you tell me what you are good at, I promise to arrange you to the most suitable position."

Ye Beichen's attitude changed sharply, which made Ye Tianxing and Yuan Xiaoxia unable to react, and even Wang Cuiqin who was beside him was a little confused.

How come it's fine, you have to arrange it again?

Could it be that Ye Beichen, like his father, wants to lose face?

Seeing that Ye Tianxing was in a daze, Yuan Xiaoxia quickly poked him.

After Ye Tianxing came to his senses, he chuckled and said, "I was pretty good in the purchasing department before, and I'm better at purchasing."

"Oh? It turns out that uncle is good at purchasing."

Ye Beichen smiled sarcastically, and said, "Then tell me, what should I pay attention to in purchasing? Don't be too serious, just say two or three points at will, and I will consider you a pass. Why not give you the position of purchasing manager?"

Good at purchasing?

You don't even know where the purchasing department is going, how dare you tell me that you are good at purchasing?

(End of this chapter)

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