The strongest god in the city

Chapter 338 This woman is violent

Chapter 338 This woman is violent
"No, I want to play a piece of the sky."

Ye Beichen grinned, leaving Wei Feng dumbfounded.

Could it be a fool?Well, he actually mocked a fool, and he was also brain-dead.

However, just as Ye Beichen said the words, a strange voice suddenly came out.

"Is it up to you to make a piece of the sky?"

Hearing this voice, Ye Beichen's pupils shrank, and when he looked back, he couldn't help but smile.

This is a man in his early fifties with a mustache and extremely gloomy eyes.

Qin Feng, a well-known figure in Yulan City, who has become famous in the past two years, is known as Lord Qin.

Not long ago, the Sun family asked Wang Cuiqin for a debt, and it was Qin Feng's horse boy they were looking for.

However, Ye Beichen guessed that they were not looking for Qin Feng, but Qin Feng's subordinates.

Otherwise, they wouldn't just send out a few people.

Seeing Master Qin appearing, Wei Feng shrank his head in fright and stood up with a smile on his face: "Hello, Master Qin."

Although Liu Mengxin was not as unbearable as Wei Feng, it was not much better either.

He glanced at Ye Beichen nervously, then secretly kicked Ye Beichen.It seems to be reminding Ye Beichen that Wei Feng can be messed with, but Master Qin, please don't make a mockery.

It is said that this cloud club is a cloud club where people from the upper class come and go, but they all have Master Qin's shares.

Qin Feng didn't seem to hear Wei Feng's words, he just looked Ye Beichen up and down, and said with a sneer, "Ye Beichen, my Young Master Ye, I seem to have heard that you called me a dog in front of my subordinates?"

Qin Feng's voice was so loud that almost half of the banquet hall could hear it.

Almost everyone looked at Ye Beichen as if they were fools.

Where does this young man who has never seen before have the courage?

Did you borrow the heart of the bear and the courage of the leopard?
Brother dei, even if you borrowed the bear heart and leopard gall, you must know that it was borrowed and you have to pay it back!
Can't you have the consciousness of a little person?

The second-generation circles are emerging endlessly. Ye Beichen hasn't emerged in the past few years. Even a few years ago, he was not very arrogant. It's normal not to know him.

Ye Beichen smiled slightly, and was about to answer when a cold voice suddenly appeared.

"Ye Beichen, come here."

It was a pensive voice.

Ye Beichen raised his eyes and couldn't help but see a bright light.

On such an occasion, it is obviously not suitable for Shen Siwei to wear a traffic police uniform.

At this time, she was wearing a dark red tube top dress, which was not long and just covered her knees.Ye Beichen couldn't help but smile.

"Come here." Ye Beichen smiled lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the guests at the banquet frowned bitterly.

You deserve to be single for the rest of your life for being so rude to a beautiful woman whom I feel pity for!


Shen Si gave Ye Beichen a slight look, clenched his fists and rattled.It seemed to be threatening Ye Beichen, if you dare not come, the old lady's fist will teach you to be a man.

However, Ye Beichen still didn't intend to take the initiative to go over. Instead, he picked up the goblet and took another sip.

Contemplating slightly.

She happened to see that scene just now.

Ye Beichen actually said that Qin Feng is a dog?Moreover, he said it in front of Qin Feng's subordinates?
I don't know what this bastard is thinking.Even if you drive for rich people, you can't offend people casually.What's more, Ye Beichen's move is a slap in the face of Qin Feng!

She had also heard of Qin Feng's name, and was very disdainful of his actions.But she also had to admit that Qin Feng was a ruthless character.

Offending Qin Feng, if he does not have a strong background, he is doomed to end badly.

And she called Ye Beichen over because she wanted Ye Beichen to get out of the vortex temporarily.

But Ye Beichen not only refused, but also sat there calmly, treating Qin Feng as nothing!

Could it be that Ye Beichen didn't see that Qin Feng's face had turned into a pig's liver?
This bastard!

Shen Siwei scolded Ye Beichen inwardly, but had no choice but to go forward.

Ye Beichen was invited by her, and she couldn't just watch Ye Beichen go into danger.

Shen Siwei stepped forward in high heels, annoyed, and seemed to step on the ground like Ye Beichen.

It seems that because she is too hard, it seems that because she rarely wears high heels.

Shen Siwei suddenly twisted his foot and exclaimed.


Everyone was startled and quickly looked closely.

Hmm... people are fine, the heel of the high-heeled shoe is broken.

Shen Si looked down slightly, and was even more annoyed.

Meeting Ye Beichen, sure enough, nothing good happened!
Seeing this, Ye Beichen burst out laughing, and was about to get up and go forward.However, Shen Siwei stomped his feet suddenly under the eyes of many people.

With a "click", the heel of the other high-heeled shoe broke... broke...

Everyone in the audience was either in a cold sweat, or had a chill in their hearts.

This woman is violent!

However, Shen Siwei snorted indifferently, regardless of the two broken roots, and stepped forward again, walking extremely briskly.

When he came to Ye Beichen, Shen Siwei gave Ye Beichen a vicious look, then looked at Qin Feng, and said, "Master Qin, Ye Beichen is my friend."


Ye Beichen just called out, but was stared back by Shen Siwei: "Shut up."

Ye Beichen shut up embarrassingly, he wanted to say that he didn't need a woman to intercede.

Besides, there is nothing to ask for.

"Who are you?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and asked lightly.

Those who can participate in tonight's banquet must have some status, otherwise they will not be able to get the invitation letter.

Qin Feng acted cautiously, because he didn't want to offend big shots.

Hearing the other party's question, Shen Si frowned slightly, and said, "My father is Shen Chengyu."

"Shen Chengyu?"

Qin Feng thought blankly for a moment, then turned his head to look at the little brother behind him inquiringly.

The younger brothers all thought hard for a while, and only one person's eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted: "Master Qin, I remembered, Shen Chengyu is from the provincial department."

"People from the provincial department?" Qin Feng was startled, with a more cautious expression.

The provincial department mentioned by the younger brother must be the department related to the police, and it is also the profession they fear the most.

Just as Qin Feng wanted to say to Shen Siwei to save face, the younger brother quickly added: "It's a staff member of the archives office of the provincial department. I worked for you last time, and I seem to have seen this name. My memory is absolutely correct. !"


Qin Feng wished he could slap his younger brother to death.

If he apologized just now, it would be a real hit!

Provincial departments, archives offices, staff?This is the cold bench among the cold benches!

Is such a position worth Qin Feng's fear?

"Hehe, Ms. Shen's ability to pull a tiger's skin to make a banner is admirable. However, if even a little guy wants me to save face, where should I put my Master Qin's face?" Qin Feng asked with a sneer .

Shen Siwei's face darkened, Qin Feng actually called her father a young man, what an insult!
If it was normal, she would have already kicked him, regardless of whether it was Master Qin or Master Li.

But when she thought of the trouble Ye Beichen caused, she could only swallow her anger.

She can swallow her anger, some people don't want to.

Swallow your breath?Have you asked Ye Beichen yet?

Shen Siwei only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a muffled groan came, and Qin Feng had already flown out...

(End of this chapter)

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