The strongest god in the city

Chapter 341 Too Nauseous to Eat

Chapter 341 Too Nauseous to Eat (Part [-])
"That's my mother..."

Shen Siwei sighed softly when she saw the middle-aged woman pointing at herself.

It's time to come, it's coming.


Ye Beichen also noticed that the middle-aged woman was pointing this way, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

After thinking about the cause and effect, it is roughly clear—how do you look at it, how does it look like being pulled by Shen Siwei as a shield.

Squinting his eyes to look at Shen Siwei, he saw Shen Siwei smiled coyly, and cast his eyes on the person who came - Yun Feiqian and Shen Siwei's mother Fang Zishan.

"Qian Shao, this is my daughter, Shen Siwei."

When she came to Shen Siwei, Fang Zishan didn't look at Ye Beichen. After introducing Ye Beichen with a smile, she frowned and blamed, "Siwei, why are you still sitting? Are you polite? Say hello to Qian Shao."


Shen Si responded slightly, but didn't mean to say hello at all.

Seeing this, Fang Zishan's face darkened, and she said angrily: "Siwei, Qianshao is the young master of the Yun family in Beijing. It is Qianshao's self-cultivation to take the initiative to greet you. What about your self-cultivation? That's what Shen Chengyu taught you?"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen pondered something different again.

Shen Si was slightly angry and wanted to argue, but Yun Fei waved his hand generously and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Mr. Fang, Ling Ai is just a little shy, it's not polite or impolite, so don't blame her. "

If it wasn't for the coldness in his eyes, Shen Siwei and Ye Beichen would have almost thought that what he said was sincere!
Shen Siwei and Ye Beichen didn't take it seriously, but Fang Zishan did.

In other words, Fang Zishan didn't need to care about what Yun Feiqian said, as long as she agreed, there would be nothing wrong.

"Young Master Qian is right. Siwei was indeed a bit shy since she was a child. Of course, she may also be overwhelmed by Young Master Qian's demeanor and feel embarrassed to speak up. Girls are always a bit reserved."

"Hahaha... It's good to be reserved, good to be reserved, I, Yun Feiqian, like reserved girls."

Yun Feiqian's voice was not low, not to mention that everyone was paying attention to his movements.

Therefore, his words were clearly heard by many people.

There was a burst of regret and sighs in the banquet hall.These voices all came from the woman who winked at Yunfei just now.

If he had known that Yun Feiqian liked reserved girls, he just pretended to blush and turned his head away.

They won't do difficult moves.They still have this bit of acting skills.

Sensing many envious and jealous eyes, Shen Si pouted slightly, and turned to look at Ye Beichen.

Fang Zishan seemed to have only discovered Ye Beichen until now, and hurriedly asked: "Siwei, did you meet this just now? I told you earlier, and asked you to come with me. Look, who can come with..."

"Mom, this is my boyfriend..."

Shen Siwei impatiently wanted to interrupt Fang Zishan's words, but Fang Zishan hurriedly interrupted her before she finished speaking.

"Friend? Oh, since we are friends, I don't want to say anything more. Siwei, you are not young anymore, don't blame mom for not reminding you. To make friends, it is better to find out the other person's family background first. Let's go, let's Accompany Qian Shao to the seat over there."

Fang Zishan nonchalantly "reminded" Shen Siwei a few words, then pointed to the most conspicuous position in the banquet hall, even the spotlight highlighted the position.

Just now, a round table was set up there, and all the delicacies and wines were put on it, and the grades were much higher than Ye Beichen's current position.

Obviously, those who can sit at that table are all important people invited tonight.

As for the others, just go to the buffet obediently.

At this moment, Yun Zhaoqing was standing by the table, waiting for Yun Feiqian to pass by.And the so-called Master Qin, Qin Feng, didn't even have a chance to wait, and he didn't know where he was driven to maintain order.

"I'm not going, I'm just sitting here."

Shen Si said slightly displeased, as if in retaliation for Fang Zishan's words just now, she raised her goblet and asked pitifully, "Honey, I want to have another glass of red wine, okay?"

Ye Beichen almost sprayed.

The style of painting changes too fast, is it too exciting?

No, it's not exciting, it's a little fake.

Not only did he see it, but Fang Zishan saw it too, and Yun Feiqian saw it too!


Would you rather find a little boy to act in a play than have a relationship with Yun Feiqian?
Some people's brain circuits are so peculiar, and Yun Feiqian is obviously such a person.

Fang Zishan was full of anger, and was about to speak, but Yun Feiqian spoke first, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Since you're Miss Shen's friend, why don't we go over and sit down together?"

As he said that, he looked at Ye Beichen and chuckled, "This gentleman won't dare to go there, will he?"

Even a fool could hear the words, but how could Ye Beichen not hear them.

If you go there, then obediently wait to take the blow.

You don't dare to don't dare to sit together in the past, and you still fight?Do you deserve it?Wait for the audience to laugh.

Yun Feiqian had a smile on his face, as if he had the winning ticket in his hands.

The next moment, it froze instantly.

"Don't dare."

This is Ye Beichen's answer, straightforward.

Sure enough, as soon as these two simple words were uttered, they immediately attracted the attention of the audience, full of ridicule.

They seem to be saying, aren't you pretty awesome?Don't you even dare to dump the face of Master Qin and Yun Zhaoqing?

Why, as soon as you met Yun Feiqian, a young master, you fell in love with B?
Just when everyone was gloating and mocking, Ye Beichen said again: "Your table is too ugly, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat because of nausea."

Everyone's sneering eyes changed in an instant, there were surprise, shock, and... how can there be so many adjectives, tired or not!
All in all, shocking.

Another slap in the face!

Ye Beichen actually slapped the face again, and it was the protagonist of tonight's banquet, Yun Feiqian, the young master of the Yun family in Beijing!
Now, let's see how you step down.

Seeing that Ye Beichen didn't even give Yun Feiqian face, Yun Zhaoqing's anger had reached its peak.And Qin Feng in a certain corner almost laughed out loud.

Did he know that Yun Zhaoqing had prepared for tonight's banquet for three full days!

If Ye Beichen messed it up, Yun Zhaoqing might hack Ye Beichen in public!
Shen Siwei had already buried her head deeply.

Is this guy trying to offend everyone?

"Hehehe... my friend, your jokes are not funny at all, and your reasons are not convincing at all. If you don't dare, you don't dare. Since you don't even have the courage to sit at the same table with me, Yun Feiqian, then I am Gao It's up to you. Mr. Fang, bring your daughter here."

Yun Feiqian didn't bother to pay attention to the stubborn Ye Beichen, turned around and walked towards Yun Zhaoqing.

At this moment, Shen Siwei gritted his teeth and stood up: "Who said Big Brother Ye wouldn't dare? Let's sit there right now!"

After saying this, she lowered her head and glared at Ye Beichen angrily, lowered her voice, and said, "Ye Beichen, come with me, be quiet later and stop talking nonsense, I dare you not to leave Magnolia tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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