The strongest god in the city

Chapter 478 Can I Take the Zhang Family

Chapter 478 Can I Take It Home (Part [-])
The inkstone was broken?
It fell, but it didn't break.

The shop is covered with a thick layer of carpet, just to prevent fools like Luo Yuan from appearing.

Luo Yuan was lucky, at least he paid for it.

If you have no money in your pocket and accidentally drop your valuables in the store, is the store still waiting for the other party to raise money?

You have to pay attention to antique shops in the downtown area.


Frightened, Luo Yuan picked up the inkstone, held it in his hands and looked it up and down carefully, and heaved a long sigh of relief after confirming that it was intact.

More than 400 million, if he smashed it like this, he would have to smash it for himself.

"Luo Yuan, put away your things." Ling Shao frowned.


Luo Yuan nodded, handed the inkstone to the young clerk who had just come out to wrap it up, and held it in his hands solemnly.

At this time, he looked at Yuxin and smiled lightly: "Although the money is not mine, but being able to borrow money proves that I have the value of borrowing money."

With these words, the others nodded unconsciously.

Indeed, if you are worthless, or if you can't pay back the loan, no matter how good the relationship is, you have to weigh it, right?

If you can borrow money, it means you have the value of borrowing money.

Yuxin curled her lips in disdain, shook Ye Beichen's arm, and asked coquettishly, "Brother, is Yuxin valuable to you?"

This question made Ye Beichen break out in a cold sweat. What do you mean by "Is it valuable to you?"
Isn't this forcing him into a corner?

Shen Siwei is still watching!
Looking at Yuxin's teary eyes, Ye Beichen immediately said with a dry smile, "Of course you are valuable."

"Oh, that brother lent me 1000 million." Yu Xin stretched out her hand.


Both the old man and Luo Yuan were startled, could it be that this young man is still a young man?
Ye Beichen shook his head helplessly, took out his mobile phone and was about to transfer money, but was stopped by Yuxin.

"Hee hee, brother, I'm kidding you, I have a solution."

Seeing this, the eyes of the old man and Luo Yuan narrowed, and there was a trace of disdain in the narrowed eyes.


Pretending to be rich?

However, just when the two were disdainful, Yuxin took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Grandpa Zhao, I saw a lot of things in Juyu Zhai in the Town God's Temple, can I take them back?"

After saying this, Yuxin waited for two seconds, and then showed a sweet smile.

"Oh, I know."

After agreeing, Yuxin hung up the phone, so that no one else knew why.

Fancy a lot of things?Planning to take it home?

Is this asking the parents?
Tsk tsk, the little girl now has a big tone.

They didn't hear the response on the phone, but Ye Beichen heard it clearly.

It was the voice of an old man, which seemed somewhat familiar: "Okay, miss, I'll call Lao He right away."

Ye Beichen's heart moved, Lao He, isn't he the old man in front of him?

Could it be that Yuxin has something to do with this antique shop?
Ye Beichen just thought of this, but Luo Yuan laughed first and said, "Okay, little sister, don't look for a family. Although your brother has no money and can't afford what you want, but brother, I can do it. Within 20, You can pick whatever you want. Brother, I am generous."

As soon as this remark came out, the young clerk was overjoyed immediately, and immediately thought in his heart, 20, what low-end goods should be stuffed for Yuxin.

Luo Yuan's complacent generosity did not get Yu Xin's gratitude.Instead, Yuxin curled her lips and said, "20? Brother, you are so poor."

Hearing this, Luo Yuan was furious: "I'm poor? You didn't see someone pretending that he might not even be able to pay 1000 yuan. 1000 million? Hehe. 20, enough for his annual salary, right? "

As he spoke, he glanced at Ye Beichen with disdain, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

As Ye Beichen who was surrounded by two beauties, it was too easy to draw hatred.

"Luo Yuan."

Ling Shao pulled Luoyuan, frowned and shook his head, signaling him to be careful when speaking.

Luo Yuan didn't appreciate it: "Hey, what's the matter, Shaolong? Do you think I shouldn't mock them? Shaolong, you have a gentle personality and don't care about them. But I, Luo Yuan, have never been insulted like this before. , I can’t swallow it!”

As he said that, he glanced coldly at Ye Beichen: "If you have the ability, you can also take out 20 and let her choose whatever you like? Oh no, you should pay 40. After all, you can't neglect the two beauties, right?"

Inadvertently, Luo Yuan came to sow discord.

"Hundreds of thousands of open mouths, old hats."

Yuxin smiled indifferently, took Ye Beichen with one hand, and Shen Siwei with the other, and said in a tired voice, "Brother and sister, whatever you like, take whatever you like, and I'll give it to you."

Hearing this, Shen Siwei pulled La Yuxin and signaled her not to play too much.

Ye Beichen was just the opposite.

"Can you really take it casually?"

Ye Beichen exclaimed, "Then I won't be polite. I saw that snuff bottle just now, and I don't know the price."

Ye Beichen said, pointing to an ink snuff bottle on the shelf.

The young clerk frowned, and said the price unhappily: "12."


Yu Xin stepped forward, only glanced at the snuff bottle, and then shouted: "This is obviously worth 12, how can it be sold for [-]? Are you crazy about money!"

"You're talking nonsense! The minimum price for this one is [-]! [-], you can get it back." The young clerk immediately shouted angrily.

Elder He on the side frowned, looking a little puzzled.

This snuff bottle was collected by him. At that time, he lowered the price and got [-] yuan.

Yu Xin quoted [-], which was only [-] different from his purchase price!
Is it a coincidence?
Just when the old man was in doubt, Luo Yuan laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, I finally figured out your routine. One is looking at something, and the other is saying that the price is wrong, so don't. In the end, you don't have to pay a dime, and you can Show that you are well-educated, right? But don’t forget, where is Lao He! Lao He is a leading figure in the collection circle, and he still can’t figure out the price?”

When he said this, Old He's face turned green and pale.

However, without any response from He Lao, Luo Yuan asked persistently: "Old He, what do you think?"


Just as He Lao opened his mouth, a series of monotonous cell phone ringtones suddenly rang.

It's He Lao's elderly machine.

Mr. He took out his mobile phone in doubt, and when he saw the number, his face suddenly became very solemn.

He took a deep breath before picking up the phone, and said respectfully, "Steward Zhao, I'm Lao He."

The voice of Mr. He's elderly machine was very loud, and the voice that Ye Beichen had heard just now came from the elderly machine: "Old He, the eldest lady is gathering in the rain at the Town God's Temple. Go and accompany the eldest lady to pick out a few things. Remember, don't Make Missy unhappy. Otherwise, I'll take your skin off!"

 Well... everyone can wait for the red envelope in the V group

(End of this chapter)

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