The strongest god in the city

Chapter 480 I am a Gentleman

Chapter 480 I am an honest gentleman (third update)

"Brother, this one."

In Juyuzhai, seeing Yuxin pointing to an enamel brush washer, Mr. He smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

Ye Beichen reached out to pick up the brush washer, looked carefully, but didn't see anything special at all, so he asked, "What's the price of this one?"

"Young Master Ye, this enamel brush washer was imitated during the Republic of China. Although the color is mediocre, it is better preserved. The price in the store is 12. Of course, if you want, you can give it at [-]." Mr. He replied with a smile .

Before Ye Beichen made a decision, Yuxin couldn't wait to say: "Brother, that's all, you pay quickly."

"Pay? Didn't you pay for me?" Ye Beichen asked half-jokingly.

But Yuxin blinked her eyes and said in a low voice: "Brother, buy it quickly, this one is very cost-effective."

Although Yuxin lowered her voice, Elder He was right beside her, and her words were heard in Elder He's ears without any omission.


He Lao frowned, could he be wrong?

Mr. He expressed his disbelief.

"Okay, let's take this one. Siwei, give this to uncle, okay?"

When Ye Beichen asked, Shen Si pondered for a while, and said, "There shouldn't be any problem, right? Are you begging my dad to do something? What's the big deal?"

Ye Beichen raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said with a playful smile, "Why don't I ask your father to do something?"

"My dad is now a cold bench, what do you have..."

Shen Si was puzzled, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Ye Beichen's weird smile, and finally understood: "Fuck you, you're not serious at all!"

"Hahaha... Then this one, wrap it up."

A few minutes later, Mr. He sent Ye Beichen and the others out the door.

Looking at the backs of several people, thinking about Yuxin's expression just now, the more Mr. He thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He turned around and went back to the backstage, took out a manual account book from the safe, walked around to the front desk, and asked, "Do you remember the price quoted by the eldest lady just now?"

"Mr. He, I remember." The young clerk replied respectfully.

He Lao nodded and said, "Show me."

"Yes, Mr. He."

The young clerk responded, walked to the shelf that Yuxin passed by just now, and said: "Miss Yuxin said that the price of this porcelain bottle is 200 yuan. This ink painting, Miss Yuxin said that it was 3000 yuan. Also, this colored glaze For the bowl, Miss Yuxin quoted a price of [-]."

Listening to the young clerk's introduction, Mr. He quickly searched the account books.

A thing worth 200 yuan will definitely not be included in a separate account book.

Mr. He found a 3000 yuan ink painting, and the purchase price was [-] yuan.

The glazed bowl was also found, and the purchase price was [-]!
One has a difference of 30.00% and the other has a difference of [-]%. For antiques, the difference in valuation is extremely accurate.

After all, many antiques are purchased at the same price, and it may be doubled after a few days.

"He Lao, what happened?" the young clerk asked cautiously.

He Lao shook his head and said nothing.

But in his heart, it was difficult to calm down.

Could it be that Miss Yuxin can really tell the price of an antique at a glance?
Then Miss Yuxin said it was a good deal just now, is the actual value much higher?

This is nothing, after all, the purchase price is [-], and the sale is [-], which is regarded as a capital preservation.

But what about the inkstone bought by Luo Yuan?
The transaction was 420 million, but Miss Ke Yuxin's estimate was 15!

He Lao was worried.

The inkstone was Luo Yuan's birthday gift to Mr. Luo, if Miss Yuxin really guessed it right, and someone exposed it at the birthday banquet, what should I do?
Ignoring He Lao's anxiety, Ye Beichen brought Shen Siwei and Yu Xin to the pedestrian street, shopping all the way there.

It's still the same sentence, Shen Siwei rarely comes to the magic city once, so she must be asked to bring something back, right?
Not easy to bring?Consignment chant.After buying, send someone to the airport directly!
Not bad money, just such a little benefit.

The whole day, the three of them were like a small train, not dirty, but shopping and eating.

After spending the day in this way, I didn't return to Villa No. [-] until I had a delicious meal at the Shanghai Pearl Revolving Restaurant in the evening.

Under Yu Xin's envious eyes, Ye Beichen and Shen Siwei walked into the room, and... never came out again.

If she hadn't heard Shen Siwei's voice, Yuxin would have thought that the two of them had left her and jumped out the window to play.

"No wonder I bought so many delicious food, so I hid in my room and ate it by myself." Sitting on her bed, Yuxin complained vaguely while chewing octopus balls.

"No, my sweet-scented osmanthus cake!"

Yuxin suddenly woke up, jumped off the bed, and walked outside Ye Beichen's door with her slippers on.

"Brother, my sweet-scented osmanthus cake, return my sweet-scented osmanthus cake to me."

"Gui... a piece of wool, finished eating..." Ye Beichen's voice came out from the crack of the door.

It wasn't until the next night that Ye Beichen's room door finally opened.

Early tomorrow morning, Shen Siwei has to go to work, Ye Beichen should send Shen Siwei back by plane.

Airport, waiting room.

Ye Beichen and Shen Siwei stood up from their seats at the same time amid Yueer's radio broadcast.

Just as Ye Beichen stretched out his hand, he jumped away like a reflex, glaring at Ye Beichen angrily.

"Don't even try to spank me again!"


Ye Beichen smiled awkwardly, pointed to Shen Siwei's newly bought suitcase, and said, "I'll take the suitcase."

Shen Siwei's eyes narrowed for a moment, and there seemed to be sarcasm in his eyes.

According to the trajectory of Ye Beichen's reaching out just now, he didn't think he was holding a suitcase!
Glancing at Ye Beichen, Shen Si took a few steps back, and said in a cold voice, "Be honest. Yuxin is simple, don't mess around! Otherwise, don't blame me for cutting you!"

"Are you willing?" Ye Beichen asked jokingly.

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Beichen immediately regretted it.

"Oh? Ye Beichen, so you really plan to mess around?"

"No, nothing, don't think too much about it. I am a gentleman, and everyone on the earth knows it." Ye Beichen explained quickly.

Hearing this, Shen Siwei didn't know what to think of, her cheeks flushed, she snorted softly, and suddenly threw herself into Ye Beichen's arms.

Before Ye Beichen could hug her, she kissed Ye Beichen on the cheek, and quickly jumped away.

"Be honest with me."

After leaving this sentence, Shen Siwei walked towards the boarding gate quickly.

Looking at Shen Siwei's back, Ye Beichen touched his cheek, a little bit reluctant, and a little...

unknown feeling.

But before he could figure out the unknown feeling, the phone rang suddenly.

It's Zhao Rui.

"Ye Beichen, the day after tomorrow is Grandpa Luo's birthday. Grandpa asked you and me to celebrate his birthday instead of him."

Grandpa Luo?Big birthday?

This world is too small, right?
 Today's goal is five changes, only three changes.Woke up early, had a headache all day, and now I am still in a daze.The plot might not be great either, sorry.

  0 point V group red envelopes...

  Tomorrow's goal is 6 chapters, if you can't finish it, you will get a red envelope...

(End of this chapter)

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