The strongest god in the city

Chapter 494: Pressing Step by Step

Chapter 494 Pressing every step of the way (third update)
When everyone's eyes focused on Ye Beichen, a burst of whispering sounded in the banquet hall.

How could they forget Ye Beichen?

Tonight, Ye Beichen stole the show.In terms of the person who stands out the most, Ye Beichen is still above Mr. Luo, the birthday star!
As soon as Ye Beichen came, he got into trouble with Luo Shao, Luo Chengbin, and even ran into Luo Chuyun, the owner of Chuyun Club in public.

As a result, Luo Chuyun was slapped by Mr. Luo and kicked out of the Chuyun Club, while Ye Beichen ate at the same table with Mr. Luo in peace.

How could Ye Beichen, who is so beautiful, not give gifts?
Moreover, it cannot be an ordinary gift.Otherwise, how could he be worthy of Mr. Luo's attention?

"Ah, yes, Xiaoye, where is your gift?"

Mr. Luo is also a good person. When he sensed that the atmosphere was not right, he rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I can tell you, the old man, if you compare with them in terms of price, the old man will despise you."

These words can be regarded as a relief for Ye Beichen.

In the front there is Luo Chengbin's seal worth more than 200 million yuan, and later Luo Yuan's inkstone worth more than 400 million yuan.If you compare the price with them, Ye Beichen seems to lose.

That's why Mr. Luo saved Ye Beichen from the dispute with his words.As long as there is something new, Mr. Luo will definitely protect Ye Beichen.

However, he didn't know that Ye Beichen was indeed very innovative, and he had a new idea - he didn't prepare a birthday gift.

Mr. Luo didn't know, and brothers Luo Yuan and Luo Chengbin didn't know either.

Therefore, after Mr. Luo seemed to be begging for a gift, but actually handed over the steps, Luo Yuan quickly smiled and said: "Grandpa, you can't make things difficult for Young Master Ye. Young Master Ye's family is well-off, what if you happen to buy something?" Hundreds of millions of valuables. How can you take them out after you say so?"

"That's right, Grandpa. If his items are of high value, it's not easy to take them out after you say so. Do you want Young Master Ye to come empty-handed?" Luo Chengbin took the conversation and said immediately.

Hearing this, Mr. Luo glanced at Ye Beichen, and was not sure about Ye Beichen's idea for a moment.

What if Ye Beichen really prepared a more expensive gift as the two grandsons said?
Suddenly, Luo Laozi frowned, as if thinking of something wrong.

Yes, there is indeed something wrong!
Ye Beichen came empty-handed!

Other guests who are going to present gifts in person, which one is not holding something in their hands.

But what about Ye Beichen?With empty hands, could it still be in your pocket?

Thinking of this, Mr. Luo quickly said: "I see, Xiaoye didn't know the rules, and put the birthday gift first along with other guests."

Put it in front?

Luo Yuan and Luo Chengbin looked at each other, and they both saw excitement in each other's eyes.

If it's left behind, doesn't that mean that Ye Beichen's gift is not expensive at all?

With excitement, Luo Yuan hurriedly said: "Grandpa, it may indeed be that Young Master Ye is not very clear about the rules. In my opinion, why don't I go get it?"

"I'll go, I'll go. I have good eyesight and can find things quickly." Luo Chengbin said hastily.

"Okay, then you go."

The two answered one-on-one, and they settled the matter.

Seeing that Luo Chengbin was really going to pick it up, Mr. Luo opened his mouth to stop him.

However, before he could speak, Ye Beichen stood up suddenly: "No need, when I came, there was no one at the front desk to accept the gift."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall suddenly stagnated.

Everyone unconsciously scanned Ye Beichen up and down, but couldn't find a bulging spot. Does it mean that Ye Beichen didn't intend to give Mr. Luo a gift at all?
This is... embarrassing.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan felt complacent, and asked pretending not to know: "Oh, it turns out that Young Master Ye brought the gift with him, it seems that I was worrying too much. Young Master Ye, I'm missing you."

"Really?" Ye Beichen looked around suspiciously.

What responded to him was the silent nodding of many guests and the silent sneer of Luo Yuan and Luo Chengbin.

Of course it is!

It's embarrassing to send you out!

Indeed, Ye Beichen was ashamed.Mr. Luo's birthday banquet was named by Mr. Luo, and carried out by three generations of Luo family brothers, but... no gift was prepared!

Do you want to be so shameless?

Is it just that you don't give Mr. Luo face?

Gao Mengyu frowned slightly, feeling very depressed in her heart, and even blamed Ye Beichen a little.

If Ye Beichen took her gift to the stage, at least he wouldn't receive weird looks from the audience, right?
It's really embarrassing for Ye Beichen to make it like this.

Zhao Rui's eyes were a little confused. Ye Beichen came with her, so why should he give another gift?

That's right, Zhao Rui didn't associate Ye Beichen's limelight with giving gifts alone.

Thinking of this, Zhao Rui stood up and said calmly, "Ye Beichen, you came with me..."

"I came with you, but the gift must be given separately."

Ye Beichen took over the conversation, left his seat, and walked towards Mr. Luo.


Just now, Mr. Luo, who was still thinking about how to rescue Ye Beichen, frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

Could it be that he guessed wrong again?

Luo Yuan and Luo Chengbin looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Is Ye Beichen real or fake?
"Ye Beichen, don't take out anything to fool the old man."

"Yes, Young Master Ye, this is the old man's birthday banquet, you can't be joking."

Luo Yuan and Luo Chengbin said one after the other, as if they had guessed Ye Beichen's plan and wanted to block Ye Beichen's retreat.

"Hehe, I'm different from you, we're different."

Ye Beichen shook his head with a look of disdain.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Yuan asked unhappily: "What's the difference?"

"The difference things can't be bought with money."

"Bullshit! In this world, is there anything that money can't buy?"

"Young Master Ye, don't say it, it's your wish. Indeed, you can't buy it with money."


Finally, Mr. Luo couldn't stand the noise of his two grandsons. He scolded him lightly, then looked at Ye Beichen, and said, "Xiaoye, what did you prepare for the old man? The old man is so itchy right now."

"It's something the old man mentioned just now." Ye Beichen laughed.

"Did I mention that?"

Mr. Luo frowned and thought for a while, then smiled wryly and shook his head: "I have finished talking for a year today, how can I remember what I mentioned?"

Seeing Ye Beichen smiling and silent, everyone's curiosity was aroused.

What birthday gift did Ye Beichen plan to give the old man?Mysterious, is it useful?
Mr. Luo was also curious, but Ye Beichen just didn't reveal the answer, which made him very uncomfortable.

His face darkened, pretending to be sullen: "Xiaoye, you've done a good job, take it out quickly! If you don't satisfy the old man, the old man wants you to be punished!"

Seeing this, Ye Beichen smiled.

He took a step forward and spread his palms: "Old man, what do you think this is?"

(End of this chapter)

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