Chapter 496

"Grandpa, don't..."

After Luo Yuan came to his senses, he hurried forward, trying to stop Mr. Luo.

But Ye Beichen laughed and said, "Luo Yuan, your inkstone is much harder than Qingtian stone, and it's just a good test of the old man's strength. Don't worry, the inkstone is as solid as a rock and won't break."

"Yes, not waiting for the inkstone, it is as solid as a rock, even after thousands of years, it can still be used as a test stone."

Mr. Luo responded to Ye Beichen's words, grabbed the inkstone with one hand, and said, "If I can squeeze out a stone chip with one hand, that would be really amazing..."


There was a crisp sound in his hand, which made Mr. Luo dumbfounded.

Not only Mr. Luo, but also the other Luo family members and guests present, even Ye Beichen was dumbfounded.

What he and Mr. Luo said just now are correct, the strength of the inkstone is beyond comparison with ordinary stones.

Ye Beichen asked Mr. Luo to try with the inkstone, just to frighten Luo Yuan.

But now, under Mr. Luo's hands, the inkstone was really pinched and cracked.If you look carefully, there are still many cracks.

This is so much fun!

Ye Beichen even suspected that what he bought from the points mall was not the Dali pill he had eaten, but... the super version of Dali pill!
Of course, Ye Beichen has never seen the super powerful version of Dali Pill, so he is just guessing.

At this time, Luo Yuan's face was extremely exciting.

More than 400 million inkstones were actually crushed by the old man.Then his more than 400 million is in vain?

The only one who was a little happy after he realized it was his cousin Luo Chengbin.

Don't crush Luo Chengbin's seal, his heart is broken.But seeing the inkstone that my cousin gave me was also crushed, I felt extremely relieved.

"I... I didn't contribute much."

Just when everyone recovered from the shock, Mr. Luo muttered to himself, causing everyone to fall into shock again.

Didn't work hard?

The inkstone was crushed without much effort, so what if I did it?

Isn't it kneaded into powder?
Ye Beichen was puzzled for a moment, and hurried forward to take the inkstone from Mr. Luo's hand, and squeezed it a little...


In Ye Beichen's hands, the inkstone was cracked inch by inch, and pieces of small gravel fell to the ground, which stunned everyone.

Really, it was broken.

Looking at the broken stones on the ground, Mr. Luo was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly sank: "Xiaoyuan, is this the inkstone you bought?"

Hearing Mr. Luo's question, Luo Yuan immediately woke up from the shock, his heart trembled, and he quickly replied: "Yes, Grandpa, it is true that I spent more than 400 million from..."

"Shut up! You idiot!"

Mr. Luo's sudden curse made Luo Yuan puzzled for a while: "Grandpa, you are amazing..."

"I owe you your size!"

Mr. Luo slapped the armrest angrily, pointed at Luo Yuan and cursed: "You idiot, you can't even tell the truth from the fake, you are blind!"


Luo Yuan was taken aback, and didn't care about being scolded, so he hurriedly asked, "Grandpa, do you think this inkstone is fake? But it's my expense..."

"Enough! More than 400 million, more than 400 million, more than 400 million when you open your mouth and shut your mouth, don't you think it's shameful enough? How come my Luo family has more idiots like you!"

Mr. Luo is so angry, can the inkstone that can be crushed by him be genuine?

"Grandpa, calm down."

Seeing that old man Luo was blushing with anger and his neck was thick, Ye Beichen quickly comforted him.

Hearing Ye Beichen's words, Mr. Luo's complexion improved a bit.

He snorted coldly, and told Luo Chufeng who was on the side: "Go ahead, leave the birthday banquet as it is, and take good care of the guests. Xiaoye, Yifei, come with me."

After saying this, he stood up and walked towards the door, and Zhou Yifei hurriedly followed.

Ye Beichen looked at Gao Mengyu, and seeing that the other party was making a phone call, he nodded and followed.

Looking at Ye Beichen's leaving back, Gao Mengyu's eyes flickered, full of curiosity.

This man, from beginning to end, was so mysterious.Even, it made her feel less and less clear.

In the banquet hall, after being stunned, the guests talked about the scene just now.

The most critical point is what kind of medicine Ye Beichen gave Mr. Luo.

In addition, there are also rumors that more than 200 million Qingtian stone seals have been crushed, and more than 400 million inkstones are actually fakes.

There are regrets and sympathy in this discussion, but more of it is gloating.

It's not every day that you see millions of things being thrown in your hands.

Luo Yuan was about to cry, it's fine that the birthday gifts bought for more than 400 million yuan were crushed, as long as the old man is happy.But in the end, the crushed ones were still fakes!

He has already made up his mind that he must go to Juyu Zhai tomorrow and settle accounts with Lao He!

Leaving aside the situation of the banquet hall, there were only Ye Beichen, Mr. Luo, and Zhou Yifei in a private room not far from the banquet hall.

At this time, Ye Beichen and Mr. Luo were sitting opposite each other, and Zhou Yifei was making tea.

Ye Beichen pondered something, it seemed that Mr. Luo trusted Zhou Yifei more than his children.

Seeing Ye Beichen's thoughts, Mr. Luo smiled and said, "Yifei is doing scientific research in the Academy of Sciences. It's rare for him to come out once, and his tone is more serious than my two sons and daughters."

"Oh? Mr. Zhou is doing scientific research?"

Ye Beichen was a little surprised. Seeing Zhou Yifei's gentle appearance and being a door-to-door son-in-law, he thought Zhou Yifei was a teacher.

"Yes, Young Master Ye, I work in the Academy of Sciences and focus on the development of emerging technologies." Zhou Yifei explained casually while pouring tea.

Ye Beichen's heart moved, and he asked, "Which aspect?"

Zhou Yifei did not answer immediately, but looked at Mr. Luo asking for instructions.

Mr. Luo waved his hand and said, "Xiaoye is not an outsider, it's okay."

Hearing this, Zhou Yifei nodded and said, "It's mainly three-dimensional simulation, the direction of human perception, and the direction of artificial intelligence."

Ye Beichen nodded secretly when he heard the words, but did not continue the topic.

Mr. Luo and Zhou Yifei also didn't take it seriously. Mr. Luo waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this. Xiaoye, what you gave me just now is the pill you told the old chief last time, which can increase strength?"


After receiving Ye Beichen's definite answer, Mr. Luo was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "So it's finished?"

Ye Beichen knew that there would be such a question, so he smiled coyly: "Well...Actually, this is just a test product, and the specific product may take a while."

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Luo and Zhou Yifei were stunned.

After a long time, old man Luo pointed at Ye Beichen and scolded with a smile: "Good you Ye Beichen! You actually use me as a test sample! I'm not afraid to eat the old man to death, let's see how you end up!"

"Don't worry, old man, there was a phased experiment before, but the result of the practice test was lacking. After all, you can't find a big shot like you who has practiced martial arts for many years."

After being praised by Ye Beichen, Mr. Luo gave up and asked about Ye Beichen's plan...

(End of this chapter)

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