The strongest god in the city

Chapter 498 Do You Want To Be So Cruel

Chapter 498 Do You Want To Be So Cruel

Zijing Yufu, Villa No. [-].

Uh... That's the fact, Ye Beichen returned to Villa No. [-] of Amethyst Yufu indignantly.

When he got out of the car, he was still muttering something over and over again.

"Is that how you treat me?"

Thinking of the scene in the car just now, Ye Beichen had only one mood!
Just now, when the Aston Martin entered, Ye Beichen waited for Gao Mengyu to say yes, and then he took down Gao Mengyu tonight.

Unexpectedly, before he did anything, Gao Mengyu said shyly, "I'm...inconvenient these few days."

Ye Beichen soon understood what was inconvenient.

Besides telling Gao Mengyu to drink more hot water, what else could Ye Beichen say?
"There may be a conspiracy! Gao Mengyu must not want to pay Jade, so he wants to take me down! Yes, it must be like this!" Ye Beichen thought maliciously.

Of course, that's just wishful thinking.

"Brother, are you back? I cooked takeaway for you."

As soon as Ye Beichen entered the house, Yuxin greeted her with joy.

"I don't want to eat takeout."

Ye Beichen replied while closing the door.

Yuxin took another step closer and looked at Ye Beichen expectantly: "Then...what do you want brother to eat?"


Ye Beichen was about to say that he was full, but when he looked down, he suddenly got stuck.

Only then did he notice that Yuxin was wearing a white silk nightdress tonight, which made Ye Beichen feel an impulse.

"Brother, you haven't said what you want to eat yet?"

Seeing Ye Beichen staring blankly, Yuxin pursed her mouth and protested dissatisfied.

"I think……"

The word "eat you" almost blurted out, but Ye Beichen, who came to his senses, stopped him in time.

He waved his hand and said, "I just finished eating, so I'm not hungry."

"Oh, okay……"

Yuxin's expression was a little unwilling, she thought that if Ye Beichen planned to eat something delicious, she could follow along with it.

Seeing Yuxin's unwilling expression, Ye Beichen also felt a little unwilling.

Tonight, Gao Mengyu had aroused his evil fire.

The evil fire hadn't completely dissipated yet, but it was stirred up by Yuxin again.

It is really a fire that has not been extinguished and a fire has started again.

Unwilling, Ye Beichen asked casually, "By the way, Yuxin, how old are you?"

Hearing this, Yuxin blinked her big eyes and looked at Ye Beichen in surprise.

Ye Beichen was a little confused, he just asked how old he is, is it necessary?

Before he could complain, Yuxin blushed, lowered her head, and said in a low voice, "Brother, I..."


Ye Beichen was puzzled for a moment, then suddenly sprayed.


He finally understood why Yuxin was shocked, why her cheeks flushed, and why she was shy!

What he asked was age, but Yuxin thought it was...

Do you want to be so spoof.

Ye Beichen glanced greedily at Yuxin, feeling his throat dry.

Isn't this hooking him into a crime?

Bah, bah, what is he thinking!

But... I really can't help it!

Ye Beichen only felt that there was a demon in his heart, constantly agitating him, urging him to rush forward.

Hmm... It's okay to blame the devil if there is a problem.

Seeing that Yuxin was still shy and timid, Ye Beichen took a deep breath, collected himself, and pretended to smile calmly, "That... I'm asking about your age."


Yuxin asked suspiciously, her face flushed immediately, "Hmph! Bad brother! You bully!"

Ye Beichen was dumbfounded.

He just asked about his age, Yuxin was the one who was dirty, so why did he blame him again?
Ye Beichen's injustice!Worse than Dou E!

If he hadn't had family members, he still had a lover, he might have killed him head-on to prove his innocence.

Ye Beichen thought so, and looked up, Yuxin was pouted, with a look of displeasure.

He smiled shyly, and said, "Okay, okay, Yuxin, it's my brother who made a mistake. My brother's way of asking questions is wrong. My brother apologizes to you."

Hearing this, Yuxin smiled: "It's not too bad. Brother, I'm this year."

Ye Beichen seemed to have heard of this stalk somewhere, so he couldn't help but doubt it.

Seeing Yuxin's calm appearance, Ye Beichen narrowed his eyes and asked lightly, "Yuxin, are you sure?? You didn't lie to me?"

When Ye Beichen looked at her like this, a flustered look appeared on Yuxin's face.


Ye Beichen smiled complacently, and said calmly, "Tell me, how old are you? No, how old are you?"

Yuxin pursed her lips and replied displeasedly: "He is eighteen, he is eighteen years old."


"Sure! Hmph!" Yu Xin was very displeased with Ye Beichen's way of questioning.

Seeing Ye Beichen nodded, "Oh, goodbye."

After saying this, Ye Beichen didn't bother to say another word, and walked upstairs quickly.

Ye Beichen's heart was broken!

He didn't want to get too close to Gao Mengyu, because Gao Mengyu was backed by Gao's family and had a strong background, so it wasn't like he used to be able to mess around.

Now that his status is rising, the Gao family is in chaos because of the death of Mr. Gao, so he dares to further develop with Gao Mengyu.

As for Yuxin, she came from a Yu family he had never heard of, which made him feel even more mysterious.If it was before, even a few hours ago, Ye Beichen would not have acted recklessly.

But now, after being provoked by the evil fire twice, Ye Beichen is already planning to take a risk.

But reality hit him right away.

Just when Ye Beichen was angry and was about to take a bath and be self-sufficient, Yuxin's voice suddenly sounded, making his feet unsteady and almost fell down the stairs.

"Brother, wait for me. I'll sleep with you tonight. I'm afraid of the dark."

While speaking, Ye Beichen heard Yuxin's footsteps chasing after her.

Ye Beichen wanted to vomit blood.

Do you want to be so cruel!
Ye Beichen almost refused.

In the end, of course, there was no rejection.

Well, actually, I can’t eat it, but take a’s okay, right?
Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night!

(End of this chapter)

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