The strongest god in the city

Chapter 502 I Swallow This Teapot...

Chapter 502 I Swallow This Teapot...

"Hello, Uncle Zhao, are you here? Okay, I'll pick you up. You're already up? Okay, then I'll wait for you at the door of the private room."

Listening to the content of Ye Beichen's phone call, Zhou Qiwei and Xu Dongyang looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and sat down in a tacit understanding.

don't go.

"Ye Beichen, did you find someone else to intervene? Hehehe, I didn't expect that you, a foreigner, would be extra prepared. Good means, good means, I, Zhou Qiwei, are convinced!"

Zhou Qiwei clapped his hands, eyes full of disdain.

Don't trust him Zhou Qiwei?Don't believe he can handle things well?
Ha ha, let's see, who else did Ye Beichen find!

"Haha, Young Master Zhou, you are worrying too much."

Just as Hu Shuo was about to explain something, Xu Dongyang laughed out loud: "Originally, Young Master Zhou came forward to intercede. I see Young Master Zhou's face. Even if the matter is difficult, I have to find a way to solve it when I go back. But there are people, just I like to play tricks on two sides and three swords, have you never heard of self-defeating? Okay, I will go back later, and I have to review your film again!"

Xu Dongyang's words immediately made Hu Hua panic.

"Xu Ke, Zhou Shao, our Ye Shao didn't mean that..."

"Okay, no need to explain."

Zhou Qiwei interrupted the nonsense coldly: "I don't care what you mean, I just want to see what kind of guy you are hiring. Compare with Zhou Qiwei? Hehe..."

"That's right, you don't know Taishan with your eyes, and you actually play double-faced three swords. Don't worry, Zhou Shao, no matter who they are looking for, I will stop talking today. No matter who comes, their film, within three months, don't even think about it. !"

While speaking righteously, Xu Dongyang was so happy in his heart.

Originally, he and Zhou Qiwei also had some friendship.Zhou Qiwei interceded, although the ending was doomed to fail, but he was also a little apologetic.

But now, there is no need for an apology at all. Instead, he and Zhou Qiwei share the same hatred, and even sold Zhou Qiwei's half-favor.

Yun Feiqian completed the task assigned by him, and sold Zhou Qiwei half of his favor, and pretended to be a wave of B by the way.

Kill three birds with one stone, why not do it?
Hearing Xu Dongyang's firm words, Hu Shuo was so anxious that sweat dripped from his forehead.

He kept casting glances at Ye Beichen, hoping that Ye Beichen would say a few soft words to calm him down.

But Ye Beichen didn't intend to speak at all.

No, Ye Beichen spoke up.

"Director Hu, come with me to pick him up at the door."

"Ah? Okay, Young Master Ye."

Hu Shuo was stunned for a moment, then responded helplessly, and walked towards the door of the private room together with Ye Beichen.

Looking at the backs of the two, Zhou Qiwei and Xu Dongyang shrank their pupils at the same time.

When they came just now, Ye Beichen was not so solemn!
At this moment, the two had already made up their minds, and when Ye Beichen's guests arrived, they would save each other's face.

Outside the private room, Hu Shuo was full of bitterness: "Young Master Ye, if you do this, our film will be really difficult..."

Nonsense complained to Ye Beichen in his heart.He has found someone, even if the other party is making things difficult, there may be hope if he tries to coax him well.

But Ye Beichen didn't even want to try, and even made the other party angry. How could there be any hope?
Isn't this intentional to make things difficult for yourself?

"Don't worry, the sky won't fall."

Ye Beichen said something softly, looked up at the stairs, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

Noticing Ye Beichen's abnormality, Hu Shuo followed Ye Beichen's gaze and was stunned.

What appeared in his eyes were two people, or rather, a group of people.

Walking ahead are a man and a woman.

The man is about 50 years old and has a heroic appearance.

Beside the man was a middle-aged woman with a faint smile on her face.

Hu Hua had never seen that middle-aged man before, but he knew that his status was definitely not low.The four people following the man can explain everything.

As for that woman, nonsense seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Uncle Zhao."

Ye Beichen hurried up to greet him, and shouted politely.

"Haha, Xiaochen, Uncle Luo already told me about what happened last month. If it wasn't for the fact that the capital couldn't get away, I would have gone back to the Devil City to find you."

The middle-aged man who spoke was none other than Mr. Zhao's eldest son, Zhao Wuxing.

Zhao Wuxing's place of work is in the capital, so Ye Beichen had to "go to the pier" when he came to the capital.

"Uncle Zhao, the specific details are not yet finished. Once it is completed, if you don't look for me, I will look for you."

The two answered one-on-one, and outsiders couldn't tell they were talking about Dali Wan.

Zhao Wuxing nodded, and introduced to Ye Beichen: "Yesterday, Xiaorui told me that you encountered some trouble in the film review process. It just so happened that I brought you this one acquaintance. Xiaochen, call Aunt Li."

Upon hearing this, Ye Beichen called out politely: "Hello, Aunt Li, I'm Ye Beichen."

"Xiaochen, hello."

Aunt Li smiled and nodded, and joked again: "Brother Zhao, you are only my acquaintance, should I be honored?"


Zhao Wuxing smiled heartily.

Ye Beichen didn't think for a while, how to introduce Zhao Wuxing and Aunt Li to Hu Shuo, so he skipped it.

"Uncle Zhao, Aunt Li, please."

When Zhao Wuxing and Aunt Li passed by Hu Hua, their brains suddenly jumped and they almost screamed.

He finally remembered who the Aunt Li Ye Beichen was talking about!
Once upon a time, as one of the many directors, he came to Beijing to attend a high-level meeting.And this Aunt Li is on the list!

Nonsense's heart was beating violently.But when he thought that Aunt Li was not an enemy, but a friend, Hu Hua was so excited that he almost yelled, wanting to vent the depression of the past few days.

At this moment, when he looked at Ye Beichen again, his eyes were full of resentment.

Why did he have to be so angry when he moved the backstage out a long time ago?

Thinking of the two people in the private room, especially Xu Dongyang, who was arrogant and determined not to pass the trial, he was curious about how he would swallow the words later.


Nonsense shuddered again.

It was Zhao Wuxing who flashed through his mind.

this is not……

What is Ye Beichen's background, even a big shot like Zhao Wuxing can be invited here!
In the private room, Xu Dongyang was pouring tea for Zhou Qiwei, and said with a gleeful smile: "Young Master Zhou, what is he, Ye Beichen? It's just that he came from Shanghai, so he might not be able to get along in Shanghai. He If I can invite a big shot, I will swallow this teapot..."

At this moment, the door of the private room was opened, and Ye Beichen and the others entered in a file.

Xu Dongyang glanced at it casually, suddenly his hand trembled, the teapot fell directly in his hand, and the hot tea rushed out, splashing all over his hands, but he didn't seem to notice it at all...

(End of this chapter)

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