The strongest god in the city

Chapter 537 Exceeding the task

Chapter 537 Exceeding the task
With Yun Feiqian's arrogant order, tens of billions of capital to bet, and extra rewards, how can traders not try their best?

Under the frantic selling by traders, the stock of Hukou TV plummeted.


Although it jumped up occasionally, it could not restore the decline at all.

Finally, in less than an hour, 48 minutes after Yunfeiqian announced the extra reward, Hukou TV's share price finally fell below 3.5 amidst cheers.


Yun Feiqian smiled as he got his wish.

Fall, fall, the more you fall, the more his Yun family will earn!

Star Fund.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, which means 11 o'clock at night, Ye Beichen put down his phone, stood up and stretched his muscles, before asking, "How is it?"

"According to Young Master Ye's request, we only bought 30% of the sold shares. At present, the Yun family should have sold nearly 20 billion shares, and we bought less than [-] billion shares, with a net loss of [-]..."

"Don't worry about the loss, it's all about the profit."

Ye Beichen interrupted Zhang Fanhu's words with a wave of his hand, thought for a while, shook his head again, and said, "This downward trend is a bit slow. If that's the case, let's reduce it by another [-]%. No matter how many shares his Yun family sells, we will They only eat [-]%!"

Zhang Fanhu was a little puzzled. According to the current purchase ratio, the stock price can be guaranteed to decline steadily, so why bother?

But when he saw a sinister smile on Ye Beichen's face, he suddenly reacted.

This is an illusion for the Yun family.

In other words, let the Yun family have a good time first, and then give them a fatal blow.

Looking at it this way, Ye Beichen is much more "kind" than Yun Feiqian.

From the beginning to the end, Yun Feiqian "pressed" Ye Beichen and tried to trample Ye Beichen to death step by step.

And what about Ye Beichen?However, he generously sent the Yun family a happy event, will eventually prove that it is all a falsehood.


Ye Beichen waved his hand, Zhang Fanhu quickly nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Just as Ye Beichen was about to go back to his original seat, his cell phone rang suddenly. It was a call from his mother, Wang Cuiqin.

"Xiaochen, the stock price of Hukou TV has plummeted, is there any problem?"

"Mom, don't worry, it will go up in a few days."

"Ah That's good."

"By the way, Mom, if the Ye family has sufficient funds, after two or three hours, just buy some stocks. Keep them in your hands for a few days and then sell them, and you can make a little money."


Wang Cuiqin on the other end of the phone was slightly taken aback, and then responded: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right now. When it's sold, just let me know."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Beichen was bored for a while, so he flipped through his phone and dialed out one by one.

"Xiaoqi, you should have made some money recently, right? Go buy some Hukou TV stocks now, sell them in a few days, and earn you some money for the branches."

"Fifth, what are you doing? What? You're still writing novels? What a ghost! Is that little money enough for you to buy steamed buns? Now go and put all your money into the stock market and sell it in a few days!"

After making several phone calls in a row, Ye Beichen still felt that it was not enough.

Turning on the phone, he saw that the group of classmates were giving out red envelopes lively. He thought for a while, and sent a sentence in each of the two groups: "Let me tell you a way to get rich. Now go buy the shares of Hukou TV. After a few days God, there will be surprises."

After saying this, Ye Beichen stared at the screen jokingly.

He knew that since his identity was exposed, the two groups often talked about the stock of Hukou TV.

A few days ago, the stock price of Hukou TV fell for the first time, and some people asked what happened.

Later, no one discussed it in the group.

When Ye Beichen released the news, did he really reveal it?Of course not, he just wanted to tease them.

Of course, if someone trusts him and actually buys stocks and makes money, he deserves it.

In the two groups, the students were chatting vigorously, when Ye Beichen popped out abruptly, causing the update of news to stop suddenly.

Both groups are cold.

It took a full half a minute before a classmate came forward: "Haha, for things like stocks, Young Master Ye should keep them for himself, we can't afford them."

"Yeah, we don't dare to play. Besides..."

"Hehe, let's work and earn money with peace of mind. I don't want those. But thank you Young Master Ye for your kindness."

Ye Beichen chuckled, opened the university group, and found that the reply was exactly the same—do not trust Ye Beichen.

"The news has been disclosed to you, don't regret it then."

Ye Beichen mocked, and stopped sending messages, put away his phone, and planned to lean back on the chair and squint for a while...

To Ye Beichen, this night was normal, and he could sleep peacefully.

But for Yun Feiqian, Zhao Zhaohui, Chen Luo and others, it was an exciting night.

Seeing that the stock price continued to fall under his violent selling, and was about to fall below $3 a share, Yun Feiqian and the others clenched their fists and jumped up excitedly.

They all participated in short selling and betting.

Finally, the stock price fell to 3 US dollars, a 15% drop, and they will earn back 7500 million US dollars, nearly [-] million Huaxia coins.All losses, all earned back!
"It's broken! It's broken below 3!"

Chen Luo suddenly screamed and danced in front of everyone.

Yun Feiqian held back his excitement and glanced at the time, it was not yet three o'clock in the morning.

According to the time of Mixiu City, it was 4:30 am in Huaxia, and there was still more than an hour left.

In the end, it is likely to fall below 2.8!

[-] million US dollars doubled!
"How many stocks do we have?" Yun Feiqian asked loudly.

"Thousands, less than one billion."

Hearing Huang Jiuchun's answer, Yun Feiqian's expression froze.Less than a billion?In other words, even if it is dropped, it will eventually fall to 2.8.

At this moment, Yunfei hated himself why he didn't buy more stocks and come back.

"Smash it down! Smash it all down!"

Yun Feiqian shouted angrily, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and commanded in a deep voice: "Create momentum for me in the United States, saying that the major shareholder of Hukou TV is selling stocks, immediately!"

Since there are no stocks to smash, then use public opinion to attack!

Yun Feiqian has many ways to make money!
Half an hour later, the traders of Sheng Ye Fund suddenly stopped at the same time.

Stocks sold out!
And the current stock price has also met Yunfeiqian's requirement - 2.79, which is overfulfilled!
Soon, Huang Jiuchun compiled the statistics of the sell-off.

"Qian Shao, this sale is worth 100 billion shares in total, with a net loss of 3000 million."

A loss of 3000 million [-] million?Trivial.

Yun Feiqian waved his hand, exhaled lightly, and murmured softly: "The drop exceeds 20.00% of the short selling price, Zhaohui, Chen Luo, we can wait for the money to be distributed."

Zhao Zhaohui and Chen Luo looked happy, and quickly thanked: "Thank you, Qian Shao."

At this moment, a trader called softly: "Huh? Why is the stock price rising again?"

(End of this chapter)

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