The strongest god in the city

Chapter 541 The Movie Is Finally Released

Chapter 541 The Movie Is Finally Released
"Qian Shao, Hui Shao, Luo Shao, why are you here?"

At this time, it was 11:30 a.m. on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Lu and Zhong were sitting behind their desks, enjoying their lunch bite by bite.

Why is it so detailed?
Because, he didn't make his own lunch, but served by the female secretary who straddled his lap.

During the Chinese New Year, it is a great blessing in life for Lu Hezhong to be able to get rid of the yellow-faced woman at home in the name of working overtime and spend time with the female secretary in the office.

However, the sudden appearance of several young and old disturbed his little thoughts.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Luo couldn't help but mocked: "Hey, Manager Lu, you changed your secretary again? Is it the third one this month?"

"Hehe, Young Master Luo has good eyesight, so he is indeed the third one."

Lu Hezhong was also a bachelor, so he didn't hide anything.

He responded, waved his hand to let the beautiful female secretary leave, and then asked again: "Everyone, why are you so laborious?"

"Let's just take a look." Zhao Zhaohui smiled casually.

However, Yun Feiqian frowned and said in a solemn voice: "In this battle, we can only win and not lose! How is the situation now?"

Yun Feiqian's serious expression made Lu He tremble in fright.

He thought of the report he saw in the morning that the stock of Hukou TV fell to the bottom overnight and then pulled back to its original position.Reminiscent of the Yun family's investment in Hukou TV, and seeing Yun Feiqian's expression now, he understood that Yunfeiqian suffered a loss in the battle last night.

At this time, he must not touch Yunfei's head.

"Wait a minute, Qian Shao."

Lu Hezhong quickly clicked twice on the computer, and said: "Qian Shao, as of 11:30, our pre-sale box office today is 1.6 million, and the total pre-sale box office in 30 days is 16 billion!"

Yun Feiqian looked slightly happy, and asked again: "According to your estimate, how much will the total box office be?"


Lu Hezhong just wanted to say that he didn't dare to make random predictions, but seeing Yun Feiqian's face, he quickly said: "According to my estimate, the 30-day pre-sale box office can reach 30 billion to 35 billion. If the secret key can be delayed, it will be released for another 30 days. , the box office may reach... 45 billion!"

"Are you sure?" Yun Feiqian narrowed his eyes and asked.

Lu Hezhong gritted his teeth: "Sure."

After receiving this answer, Yun Feiqian stared at Lu Hezhong for a long time, and then said coldly: "I don't need 45 billion, 40 billion is enough. You try everything to reach 40 billion! Otherwise, you guys , wait to bear my wrath!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Hezhong broke into a cold sweat with fright.

"Don't worry, Qian Shao, we will definitely finish it. I will ask the boss now to increase publicity!"

Yun Feiqian nodded, if there were 40 billion, he would be able to remove the pressure.

Before coming, he received a call from his family, which was from his uncle, conveying the meaning of the old man - all losses will be borne by Yun Feiqian.Otherwise, don't blame the old man for being rude.

Let Yun Feiqian bear the burden, not for him to pay, but for him to earn the money back.

The Yun family doesn't need trash that only loses money.

If the box office can reach 40 billion this time, the box office share will exceed 13 billion, plus Ye Beichen lost [-] million to him in a bet, it will be enough to make up for all the holes.

At that time, he, Yun Feiqian, was still Yunfeiqian, the pride of the third generation of the Yun family!
"Ye Beichen, the last one to laugh is definitely me, Yun Feiqian, not you, Ye Beichen!"

When Yun Feiqian was secretly ruthless, Ye Beichen, Xian'er and others had already arrived at the Future Cinema where the premiere was held last time.

There are no crowds, but there are quite a few customers.

But after Yuan Hesan's report, Ye Beichen knew that he was overthinking.

Most of these "customers" are here to join in the fun, some are looking for a place to rest, some are posting on Weibo, and some are waiting for other customers to come out to ask about the situation, but few buy tickets.

"Young Master Ye, for the first show at 12 o'clock, [-] movie tickets were sold across the country..."

Yuan Hesan's voice was somewhat helpless.

In the future cinema chain, there are 3000 cinemas and more than [-] theaters across the country, and only [-] movie tickets were sold.On average, there are less than two people in one theater.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, a movie ticket is reserved, which is really enjoyable!

"How's the situation over there?" Ye Beichen asked casually.

"Glory World Entertainment, the pre-sale has reached nearly 1.7 million, and the first three games are sold out. Tomorrow's pre-sale has exceeded 1.5 million..."


Ye Beichen nodded. Seeing Yuan Hesan's expression was gloomy, he smiled and said, "Why don't we make a bet?"

"A bet?" Yuan Hesan was puzzled.

"Yes, make a bet."

Ye Beichen smiled and said, "Bet on when there will be a large-scale refund of his "Star List"."


Hearing Ye Beichen's gambling method, everyone became interested.

"I guess a week later." Xian'er said.

Zhang Zhenfa shook his head: "I think it's a bit difficult..."

"will not."

Yuan Hesan also shook his head, but rejected Zhang Zhenfa's opinion: "If there is a big difference in word-of-mouth after the two movies are released, there will be small-scale refunds. But now, it's not just the big difference in word-of-mouth. I guess five days later, That's the sixth day of the lunar new year, and there will be large-scale refunds!"

Hu Hua also joined in: "According to my estimation, it will take a week anyway."

After everyone guessed, they all turned their attention to Ye Beichen.

"Tomorrow, I guess! Don't underestimate the exploding Internet!"

Ye Beichen said firmly.

Seeing that everyone was surprised, he smiled and shook his head: "The game is set, the bet is, whoever guesses the best will be the treat."

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "The movie is about to start, please enter the movie ticket customers."

Everyone followed the voice and saw five or six young men and women running towards the ticket office excitedly.

Behind several people, dozens of "customers" raised their mobile phones to take pictures.

The next moment, they posted on Weibo at the same time and posted the photos.

"The first show of "The Song of the Immortals" was dismal. There were only six guests in six theaters in a movie theater. What else can I say besides calling 666?"

""The Song of the Immortals" will undoubtedly fail, and the dismal ending of Xianchen Film and Television has long been doomed."

"Young Master Ye came back victorious in the stock market, and fell into the film and television circle!"

"Hahaha, there are really fools watching it. 200 yuan? I don't even have that much money for New Year's Eve!"

"It's fun to be rich. I don't feel sorry for paying 200 yuan to watch a trash movie. I'm envious."

On Weibo, almost at 12 o'clock, there appeared a series of news about the future theaters, about "The Song of Immortals", and about Ye Beichen.

There is envy, jealousy and hatred, and more, it is gloating and ridiculing.

As for the "Star List", Weibo news is only divided into two types——

""Star List" broke out in the first show, and the pre-sales are hot, and it will definitely win the top three in domestic film history."

"My girlfriend didn't get a ticket for the afternoon show, but only for the midnight show. I'm so annoying! I have to go home to sleep at night!!! What should I do? Wait online, I'm in a hurry!"

Below the first type of news, many people touted it.

And the second type of news, such as the girlfriend did not buy a ticket, the reply is only four words - deserved to be green!
(End of this chapter)

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