The strongest god in the city

Chapter 543 Too Exaggerated

Chapter 543 Too Exaggerated
"I see!"

Just when everyone was confused, Chen Luo shouted loudly, which startled everyone.

They looked at Chen Luo at the same time, and they saw Chen Luo squinting at Ye Beichen, smiled and said, "Ye Beichen, Ye Beichen, it seems that we really overestimated you. It's fine if there are only a few thousand people in the first match. You still look for trustees. What's even more insane is that there are only a few people in your theater, and they are all trustees! Ye Beichen, you are too shameless!"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the reporters immediately lit up.

No matter how they thought about it just now, they couldn't figure out why the audience didn't come out for a long time, and after they came out, they bought tickets and rushed in like crazy.

It turned out to be Tuo!

If it is Tuo, all mysteries can be solved.

Thousands of people in Yunfei also reacted immediately, and they all looked at Ye Beichen in astonishment.

At this moment, there are only two thoughts in their minds: disappointment and pride.

Disappointed that Ye Beichen was so unbearable, the whole audience was entrusted.

Proud, of course, Ye Beichen is so unbearable.

Disappointment is false, but pride is true.

"Hahaha, Ye Beichen, Ye Beichen, I think you look pretty good at pretending! It's a pity, a pity, it's a pity that your acting skills are not as good as yours."

Hearing this, everyone reacted.

The reaction of those people just now was too abnormal, what would a normal customer do when watching a movie?

Acting, too hard!

"Trust? You say that it's just a trust, right?"

Ye Beichen shrugged casually, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile, "Why don't we make a bet and see if these entrustments end in the next game, will we call more people?"

"Calling people? Calling people again, it's just a group of trustees." Yun Fei mocked with a thousand disdains.

Ye Beichen smiled slightly and asked, "What if it's your audience?"

"Our audience?"

Yun Feiqian was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood: "Ye Beichen, you mean, your support can pull away the audience of our "Star List"? How is it possible!"

"If possible?" Ye Beichen asked again.

Ye Beichen pressed on every step of the way, and Yun Feiqian was furious and shouted, "If you come, I'll give you 1 yuan!"

"Okay, deal! There are so many reporters present, I'm sure you won't renege on your debt, right?"

Yun Feiqian smiled coldly, very disdainful: "Of course I won't renege on my debt. But what if no one comes?"

"No one is no one."

Ye Beichen's answer stunned Yun Feiqian.

No one is no one?
The person who came, he Yunfei, had to pay for it?

Is there such an unfair gamble?
Yun Feiqian just wanted to point it out, but Chen Luo laughed and stopped him: "Hahaha, Ye Beichen, you think too much. How could our audience be attracted by your promise? 1 yuan, we bet Already!"

Since Chen Luo agreed, Yun Feiqian didn't bother to care about it.

How many people can be called by a group of trustees?five?eight?Or ten?

Ye Beichen smiled: "Okay, since we're willing to gamble, let's wait until the game is over. Manager Yuan, let someone make tea. If you have money, you're welcome."

Ye Beichen, Yun Feiqian and others, including a group of journalists who joined in the fun, sat down at the nearby teahouse, waiting for the scene to end.

Without interviewing the audience at this theater, you cannot have a first-hand account.

Unwilling, the reporters quickly opened Weibo to check the reactions of other theaters in the future theater chain.

However, they searched around, but they couldn't find any news from their peers, and no audience posted ticket stubs or film reviews.

What's happening here?
"There is it!"

One of the reporters yelled, and everyone rushed over to see a colleague's Weibo.

"I was at the Future Cinema Magnolia Pedestrian Street store, and a weird scene happened here just now. A dozen customers didn't come out for several minutes after the movie ended. After the staff reminded them, the customers actually rushed out to buy tickets, and then rushed in impatiently. I want to say, Young Master Ye, if you want to find a trustee, you can't find such an unprofessional one, right?"

The reporter just replied, "The same is true in our magical capital", but after refreshing, he found that there were more than a dozen comments below, all of which were exactly the same.

"The same is true for our Jianghan Future Studios."

"The same goes for our Rongcheng Future Studios."

"Our Yangcheng..."

The same situation actually happened in every city in the country, in theaters of every future theater chain!
The reporters couldn't help sighing, Young Master Ye is indeed Young Master Ye, and they are so generous in finding support, this is the rhythm of the layout of the whole country!

"Hahaha... Ye Beichen, you really want to save face. You have spent a lot of money looking for trustees all over the country, right? Hahaha..."

Yun Feiqian was overjoyed when he saw the news.

For Ye Beichen's [-] million, Yun Feiqian is sure of it!

Ye Beichen smiled calmly and ignored Yun Feiqian.

Seeing this, Yun Feiqian was even more proud. He laughed, tapped the phone a few times at random, and handed it to Ye Beichen.

"Ye Beichen, look, the first episode of "Star List" has only been over for more than ten minutes, and it has already received rave reviews. Look, these people are worth doing twice or three times. Look, the plot is powerful, the special effects are gorgeous, Are you greedy for these comments? Hahaha..."

Ye Beichen finally put down his teacup, glanced at his phone casually, and said lightly, "Yun Feiqian, I advise you to take it easy, don't accidentally slap yourself in the face."

"Slap yourself in the face, I, Yun Feiqian, will never hit myself in my life..."

"What about the stock market that has been in trouble all night? I remember, you gave me a big gift."

Hearing this, Yun Feiqian was furious. He gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Ye Beichen, you won't be arrogant for long! Just wait!"

"I am waiting."

Ye Beichen spoke casually, and leaning back, Xian'er sat behind Ye Beichen and held his shoulders for him.

Yun Feiqian snorted coldly, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with Ye Beichen anymore.

What's the use of nonsense?

After waiting for more than an hour, Ye Beichen slapped himself in the face, which was the right way!
Time flies by, and the reporters are not anxious to wait.

On the Internet, "Star List" has already received many positive reviews, pushing the film's reputation to a peak.

There are even professional film critics involved, and the evaluations given are also not low.

These professionals even boldly predicted that "Star List" will become the most dazzling movie this year!

The time passed while everyone swiped Weibo news.

Just when the second movie screening was over, and everyone thought that the previous scene would be repeated, several figures suddenly rushed out.

It was the customer just now.

Huh?It's mission accomplished, ready for get off work?
Just as everyone was ridiculing secretly, several of them made the same action in unison——take out their mobile phones and make a call.

"Hey, Xiaoli, come quickly! Come here! Future Cinema Feng'an Store! Hurry up! The next show will start soon, I invite you to watch the movie!"

"Brother, come to the future theater quickly, hurry up, and call your parents. What? Of course it's a movie! It's...too...too exaggerated! Come here!"

"Fatty, come to Future Studios quickly, hurry up, my brother brought you an eye-opener! What? You bought a ticket for "Star List", and you're about to enter? Watch the ghostly "Star List", watch "The Immortal" Song" ah! It's too exaggerated!"

"Exaggerated, miss, I've never seen such an exaggerated thing. Come quickly, I want to prove that I'm not dreaming! Quick! I was mentioned in the garbage "Star List"!"

"What? Are you watching "Star List"? Come here quickly! What rubbish, you can watch it, you don't even deserve to lift shoes for "The Song of the Immortals"! Plot? Uh... I forgot. But, that's not important! You Come quickly!"

Under everyone's dumbfounded, the eight of them, without exception, were calling for friends.

After making the phone call, they rushed to the ticket office at the same time, eager to buy tickets, as if someone was robbing them.

And one of the little fat guys was running around in a hurry.

He looked at the time, wandered around a few more times, and took out his mobile phone to make a call: "Dad, are you here? Coming soon? Hurry up, I don't have money to buy a ticket! Hurry up!"

Seeing several people who bought tickets and waited for the opening, the little fat man was so anxious that he wanted to cry.

At this time, a reporter came up and asked cautiously: "Sir, can I ask you, did you have any comments after watching the movie just now?"

The little fat man seemed to have just noticed someone coming by his side. He frowned and thought for a long time before uttering a few words: "Exaggeration! Yes, it's exaggeration! It's too exaggerated! I'm not watching a movie, I'm time-traveling! It's too exaggerated I'm so happy, woo woo woo..."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the little fat man started to cry while talking.

At this moment, the little fat man's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

He looked down, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

It was his father who transferred the money first.

"I want three tickets, scan the QR code to pay. Keep two tickets here, my parents are here, you give them."

Before the conductor could speak, the little fat man grabbed a ticket and rushed into the theater.

The conductor was confused.

Your parents are here?
Who knows who your parents are!
She was about to stop the little fat man, but she heard several other people throw the tickets in their hands at the front desk at the same time.

"I went in first, my brother and the others are here, remember to give them."

"mine too."

"Me too."

"And I."

With the conductor stunned, several people all rushed into the theater, leaving only the conductor with a bewildered expression.

The front is okay, at least "Parents" have characteristics, even "Your Brother" knows he is a man.

"Me too", do you know what the hell it is?
The conductor is going crazy.

How come there are so many wonderful things.

At this time, the reporter who had just asked the question thought for a while and shouted: "Give me one too, I want to see what exaggeration is!"

The other reporters also stood up when they heard the words.

"Give me one too. Time travel? Hehehe."

"I won't even say it in the advertisement, I'll show you the fake one!"

"That's right, I don't believe it anymore, what an exaggeration!"

With a bang, all the reporters entered the arena.

A few minutes later, people arrived one after another, and the conductor was overwhelmed.

How to tell the difference?
 Three thousand words chapter.

  I want to write once to hit my face ah ah ah ah

(End of this chapter)

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