The strongest god in the city

Chapter 546 Have You Really Read It?

Chapter 546 Have You Really Read It?

When Yun Feiqian and the others had to leave their car and take another taxi to leave, the suppressed excitement of everyone around Ye Beichen in the future theater was finally released.

"Haohuang, we won."

"Young Master Ye, we succeeded."

"Huh, finally someone is here."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing waves of audiences suddenly appearing in the theater, blocking up the ticket counters.

Even though they firmly believed that the popularity would rise, they were still worried that the spread would be too slow.

But who would have thought that only two shows had ended, and the third show was only halfway through, and the number of viewers in a theater went from eight to over 2000.

And, new audiences keep coming.

What's interesting is that some viewers really don't want to wait for the next show, and insist on watching the show now.

What's more interesting is that none of the spectators who entered had ever left—the eight people from the first scene were still watching the third scene!
At this moment, Yuan Hesan's mobile phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at the number and pressed the speakerphone.

"Mr. Yuan, it's a blast! The previous audience called many relatives and friends, and these relatives and friends called relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, aunts and so on. The six theaters in this show are all full. !"

Hearing this, everyone smiled knowingly.

Sure enough, it's not just their theater.

Yuan Hesan confessed a few words to pay attention to maintaining order, and just hung up, the phone rang again.

It was a call from another provincial manager.

This time, the phone rang endlessly, without exception, all for the good news.

In the first scene, there was almost a theater, one or two people, and a good one or ten people.

In the second round, they all grew to tens of people or even over a million.

The third round was almost completely full, except for a few remote areas, which were not yet full.

Soon, the specific data was sent to Ye Beichen.

In the first show, 5200 movie tickets were sold, with a total box office of 104 million.

In the second show, 82000 movie tickets were sold, with a total box office of 1640 million!
In the third show, 28 movie tickets were sold, with a total box office of 5600 million!
The total box office of the three games was 7344 million!
When Yuan Hesan reported the data, his voice trembled a little.

Too exaggerated, right?
The box office of just three games has reached more than 7000 million!

When Yuan Hesan reported the figure of 7344 million, almost everyone except Ye Beichen gasped.

Exaggeration, really exaggeration.

Besides hyperbole, is there another word to describe it?

At this time, Yuan Hesan took another deep breath and said, "Young Master Ye, the pre-sale box office for the remaining shows is also out..."

"How much?" Ye Beichen raised his eyebrows and asked softly.

"As of 07:30 on the 12th, there are three remaining shows, 400 movie tickets have been pre-sold, and the pre-sale box office is [-] million!"

"That is, it hasn't broken [-] million yet?"

Ye Beichen shook his head, as if a little lost.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

Breaking [-] million?

Is it that easy?

Don't even think about it, "Star List" has tens of thousands of theaters in thousands of theaters across the country, accounting for more than half of the lineup, and it only has a box office of more than 2 million.

"The Song of Immortals" is worthy of 3000 theaters, and it doesn't even get one-twentieth of the seats for others.If it weren't for the price of movie tickets being three or four times that of theirs, let alone breaking through [-] million, [-] million would be a problem.

Yuan Hesan shook his head and sighed again: "Young Master Ye, we don't have access to the online ticketing system, we can only sell tickets offline, and the effect is definitely not as good as others. Young Master Ye, have you considered connecting to the online ticketing system?"

"Not urgent."

Ye Beichen shook his head and said with a chuckle, "We'll talk about it when they stretch their faces over."

Hearing this, everyone smiled knowingly.

Don't those online ticketing apps refuse to access theaters in the future?
One of the reasons why they did this was the tripartite pressure from Yun Feiqian, Zhao Zhaohui, and Shengshi Entertainment, but the more important reason was that they judged that under the suppression, "The Song of the Immortals" would not make money.

Not being able to make money is the root cause of their refusal to access.

Once the potential of "The Song of the Immortals" exploded and they were blinded, wouldn't they come to ask for cooperation like a dog?
Yuan Hesan was very curious about how Ye Beichen would choose.

Ye Beichen glanced at the crowd and said, "Okay, now that the situation is clear, you can eat with peace of mind. Let's go, fulfill the promise."

After a moment of confusion, everyone realized that Ye Beichen was referring to the promise of winning the bet.

Today alone, there has already been a large number of cancellations of pre-sale tickets in "Star List", so wouldn't it explode tomorrow?

Thinking of Yun Feiqian's crazy appearance, everyone was very proud.

When Ye Beichen fulfilled his promise and invited everyone to dinner, there was a wave of completely opposite to the actual situation on the Internet.

I have to admit that the influence of Shengshi Entertainment and Zhao Zhaohui is quite large.

After Yunfei Qian desperately asked for more publicity, on the Internet, many first-line stars put up advertisements for "Star List", calling on fans to support "Star List".

Big Vs, professional film critics, no matter whether they have seen it or not, they all gave "Star List" an extremely excellent evaluation, and they almost praised "Star List" as a blockbuster that crushed the world.

Not to mention, under such indiscriminate bombardment, the box office of "Star List" has stabilized.

Corresponding to this is the mockery of "The Song of Banishing Immortals".

It seems inappropriate to say ridicule, it may be more of doubt.

"It's weird, although few people read "The Song of Immortals", but it doesn't mean that there is no discussion at all, right?"

"I'm curious, what kind of plot is it that made thousands of people shut up in the first scene?"

"Based on visual inspection, "The Song of the Immortals" can't be turned into a wave. It's almost six o'clock, and the three screenings are about to end, and there is not even a discussion. Ye Shao really stumbled this time."

It's rare that someone came out to support Ye Beichen.

"Young Master Ye's vision is not something you can guess. Think about the stock price of Hukou TV a few days ago, and then look at the current stock price. I guess, Young Master Ye is planning a big plan."

As soon as this Weibo was posted, the comment area was immediately occupied by trolls.

"Big plan? Lose more?"

"Are you kneeling and licking capitalists?"

"You support Ye Beichen so much, why don't you go to the movies?"

"Kneeling and licking the dog, a trash movie with a big plan? If he has the ability, he can blow up the box office to see? Is there a tenth of the "Star List"?"

"That's right, rubbish "The Song of Immortals", I've seen it, it's completely rubbish, the plot, acting skills, special effects, it's all rubbish!"

The previous comments seemed to be ignored.But just half a minute after the last comment appeared, thousands of replies popped up, which made the abusive netizen a little dazed.

"Have you watched "The Song of Immortals"?"

"Have you really seen it?"

"Are you sure you've seen it?"

"Are you sure you've seen "The Song of Immortals"?"

"Do you know what exaggeration is?"

"No exaggeration? Then you are black?"

"I suggest you go to the movies and then go black, I... I don't know either. Exaggeration..."

"Exaggerated exaggeration..."

"It's too exaggerated, no, after eating this bowl of instant noodles, I have to read it again. Exaggeration."

These replies come from different accounts, and none of them are small accounts.

At this time, the time was exactly three minutes past six in the evening.

It seems that with the reply to this comment, tens of thousands or even more after-views of "The Song of the Immortals" suddenly appeared on the Internet.

There is no afterthought, only exaggeration.

The horn of public opinion's counterattack was finally sounded...

 In a few words, these two chapters are very disappointing.

  The plot was originally designed, but today I didn't write the feeling I wanted at all, and I am very disappointed with myself.

  That's all for today, I'll rationalize my thoughts and redesign the following plots.Tomorrow's five chapters must be full of climaxes.


(End of this chapter)

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