The strongest god in the city

Chapter 548 Why Don't You Leave

Chapter 548 Why Don't You Leave (Second)

"2000 million! Are you blind!"

Yun Fei couldn't believe it, and stared at the phone screen with wide eyes.

See today's box office column, the number is 231064100, more than 3000 million!
And more than half an hour ago, he clearly remembered that today's box office has reached 5000 million!

After more than half an hour, 2000 million box office was inexplicably evaporated?

Why is this situation so familiar?
"Impossible, it must be Ye Beichen's conspiracy! No, there must be an error in the background data. Yes, that's it! Wait, wait for 10 minutes to refresh the time, let's see!"

Yun Feiqian muttered to himself nervously, the knuckles of his fingers holding the goblet turned white.

Before the box office fell by 500 million and 1000 million, he once again invested 1000 million in publicity fees, which boosted the box office and even increased.

But how long has it been?The box office has dropped back again!

At this time, the publicity war is still in full swing, and there are still new audiences joining!
"Qian Shao, I see..."

"Look at the fart!"

As soon as Zhao Zhaohui opened his mouth, Yun Feiqian stopped him angrily.

Yun Feiqian stared round his eyes and roared angrily: "I said it! Wait for the next refresh!"

Zhao Zhaohui lowered his head resentfully, the dissatisfaction in his eyes was not seen by Yun Feiqian.

He, Zhao Zhaohui, is a respectable young man after all, if Yun Feiqian reprimanded him like this, what face does he have?
In the private room, there was a dead silence, and the sound of Yun Feiqian's heavy breathing was especially ear-piercing.

10 minutes is not a long time, but to the few people in the private room, including Yun Feiqian, it seems particularly long.

Finally, 10 minutes passed, Lu Hezhong was about to refresh the background with trembling hands, but the phone was snatched by Yunfei Qian.

He stared at his eyes and refreshed vigorously. Suddenly his face darkened and he refreshed again.

He took a closer look, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Impossible! It's fake, it must be fake!"

Hearing this, everyone knew that the box office had dropped again.

But how much fell did Yun Feiqian panic?
They just wanted to go up to take a look, but they saw Yun Feiqian raised his mobile phone and slammed it to the ground.

With a crisp sound of "pa", Lu Hezhong's mobile phone was smashed to pieces.

Zhao Zhaohui and others were dumbfounded. They just wanted to see the box office, so why bother?
No one dared to ask questions, no one was willing to touch Yunfei's head.

After a long while, Yun Feiqian said softly: "Lao Lu, let me know that there will be an additional 2000 million publicity fee."

Hearing this, Lu Hezhong smiled wryly and said, "Young Master Qian, it is already the top-level publicity model, if we continue to do so, it will only be..."

"Add! Add! The box office dropped another 10 million in 500 minutes! Don't add, do you want me to lose money? Give me more publicity! I want our advertisements to be overwhelming, and I want others to no matter where they are, Everyone must see our advertisement! We cannot lose!"

Lu Hezhong wanted to persuade him again, but was held back by Zhao Zhaohui.

Zhao Zhaohui shook his head slightly, sighed softly, and said, "Add it, according to Qian Shao's intention, add it."

They really can't lose.

The meaning of this movie is no longer a movie, but the only thing they rely on to slap Ye Beichen in the face and turn defeat into victory!

Plus, is it useful?
In Xian'er's villa, Ye Beichen had just finished taking a shower and was lying on the bed enjoying Xian'er's massage.

On the side, Rong Mengya acted as the secretary, answering the box office call for Ye Beichen tonight.

Just now, she just finished answering the call from Yuan Hesan.

"Haohuang, we have released five shows, and the box office has exceeded 1.5 million. In addition, all the pre-sales for today's last show are sold out. Today's box office totals 2.2 million."


Ye Beichen closed his eyes slightly, and hummed lightly. It seemed that the box office of more than 2 million a day was not worth getting excited about.

"How about Shengshi Entertainment?"

"Mr. Yuan said that Shengshi Entertainment has been stepping up publicity efforts in an attempt to boost the box office. But the results seem to be unsatisfactory. The attendance rate of their fifth game just started was less than [-]%."

"So fast, can't you sit still?"

Ye Beichen smiled sarcastically, and sighed softly: "Oh, Yun Feiqian is really unlucky, he never even enjoyed a happy day. His enjoyment, it seems, is all in fantasy?"

When Xian'er and Rong Mengya heard this, they all smiled sweetly.

Isn't it?

Before, Yun Feiqian had been planning for a long time, and launched a war against Hukou TV on the night of the New Year's Eve.Thinking of bringing Hukou TV's stock price down to the bottom, Yun Feiqian was excited for several days.

But the result?

As a result, on the night of the New Year's Eve, Yun Feiqian worked all night, not only did not bring Ye Beichen any losses, but also made Ye Beichen a small profit of several billion.And he himself lost more than one billion!

Today, it was also Yun Feiqian's long-awaited battle. He wanted to crush Ye Beichen strongly at the movie box office.

But what about the final result?

In the end, in less than a day, not only was Ye Beichen not crushed, but he himself withered.

Constantly increasing publicity expenses, but the box office just can't pull up, isn't it just a waste of time?

Not only was the tens of millions of publicity expenses in vain, but the film production expenses he invested, etc., have reached 13 million in total.If you want to earn back [-] million, you need at least [-] billion at the box office to keep your breakeven!Is it possible?
Moreover, there is still a [-] million bet waiting for Yun Feiqian!
At this time, Ye Beichen thought of something, slowly opened his eyes, and said, "After a month of release, the popularity of this movie will be almost gone. We must change to another movie to keep the audience fresh about virtual technology."

Speaking of this, he looked up at Rong Mengya and asked, "Mengya, do you plan to have another celebrity addiction?"

Hearing this, Rong Mengya shook her head without the slightest hesitation: "No, filming is not fun at all, I have to work every day, and I have to stay up late, my skin has gotten worse recently."

"You don't like working, do you?" Ye Beichen couldn't help joking.

But Rong Mengya pouted her lips and said in a low voice, "I really don't like working."

Seeing this, Ye Beichen shook his head helplessly: "It's up to you. If you don't work, don't work. I can still support you. But... it's okay if you don't work, but you have to be good, otherwise you won't be allowed to eat."

"Is there anything wrong with him?" Rong Mengya was not happy.

But seeing Ye Beichen look Rong Mengya up and down, he squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "That's what you said."

From Ye Beichen's smile, Rong Mengya instinctively sensed danger, but she didn't know what danger would happen next...

For Ye Beichen and Rong Mengya, tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

For many viewers, tonight is a night of constantly spending money to experience the sense of time travel.

But for Yun Feiqian and the others...

Tonight, I am destined to not be able to sleep.

Because they refresh the background data every 10 minutes, the pre-sale box office is getting less and less.

What?The last pre-sale of 3000 million?That was two hours ago, now, there are only 1000 million!
What? Nearly 30 billion pre-sales in 20 days?
No, it fell below 18 billion half an hour ago.

And now, it is less than 16 billion!
Similarly, the box office of "The Song of Immortals" also spread to Yunfei Qian's ears.

2.2 million, the venue is full!

"Increase investment! Publicity! Give me a hard publicity!"

Yun Feiqian was still roaring, but what responded to him was silence.

After a long time, Zhao Zhaohui sighed softly: "Qian Shao, give up, we lost."

"Impossible! I, Yunfeiqian, will not lose!"

Yun Feiqian glared at Zhao Zhaohui viciously, and shouted hysterically: "I pay, I invest! I want all stars, all media, to promote our movie! Ten million is not enough, 1000 million to 3000 million! Don't you dare, I'll pay for it!"

He thought that this would arouse Zhao Zhaohui's anger.

However, he thought too much.

Zhao Zhaohui nodded lightly, and said, "Well, okay, I'll quit. The box office share may be tens of millions, just to make up for the bet I participated in."

After saying this, Zhao Zhaohui left without looking back.

Looking at Zhao Zhaohui's leaving figure, Yun Feiqian yelled again: "Get out! Get away! Coward! Who else wants to go? Go now! I, Yun Feiqian, will not lose!"

"That... Qian Shao, I'm leaving too. You still have to give up."

Chen Luo said bitterly, got up and left.Behind him, Lin Ruoyuan quickly followed without saying anything.

The moment the private room door was closed, Yun Feiqian collapsed on the sofa, his lips were still trembling.

Could it be that Yun Feiqian is really going to lose?

In just a few minutes, only Yun Feiqian and Lu Hezhong were left in the private room.

After a long time, Yun Feiqian raised his eyes to look at Lu Hezhong, and asked lightly, "Why don't you leave?"

Lu Hezhong's face was full of bitterness.

He also wanted to leave, and he didn't want to continue to fight with Yun Feiqian, but who made him represent Shengshi Entertainment and the producer, so he couldn't quit?

 These two chapters are 5000 words together, the extra words count as compensation...

  three more chapters
(End of this chapter)

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